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Building Self-esteem Series: It is a Wrap!

Hope March 7th

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey towards building self-esteem. This kind of work on growth and development is challenging but incredibly rewarding. I am glad to walk this path with you. I believe we have covered the foundations of building self-esteem and some effective techniques were introduced that make a big difference. I do not want to overwhelm you with more and more information as that can end up in you not being able to apply what we have learned. So it's much better for you to master all that is covered and explore more techniques on your own at your own pace. The end of this series is not the end of your journey, this is just the start. Together we have laid the foundation and now it is time for you to design and execute the details. 

I am summarizing all the actionable items from the various posts of this series. 

  • Identify Your Core Values: These are your maps, you can not reach the right destination if you don’t know where you should go and you can’t tell where you should go if you don’t know what you stand for in life. 
  • Practice Making Decisions Aligned with Your Values: When faced with choices, use the FAST method, Fair: Be fair to yourself and others. Consider everyone's needs, Authentic: Act in accordance with who you are, with consideration but without apology. Stick to Your Values: Don't compromise your beliefs to please others. Truthful: Be honest and avoid making excuses. 
  • Develop a growth mindset: Learn to accept failure and setbacks as inevitable and guaranteed part of life. Making a mistake is not the real mistake, its not learning from it that gets us. Same goes for failing. You must fail in order to succeed. It is the only way!
  • Reflect on Your Accomplishments: Take time to acknowledge your achievements, big or small. This helps you recognize your progress and builds confidence.
  • Set SMART Goals for Self-Esteem: Create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for improving your self-esteem. These will give you direction and a sense of accomplishment as you reach them.
  • Track Your Progress to remain accountable: Monitor your progress towards your self-esteem goals. This helps you stay accountable and celebrate your wins along the way. 
  • Spend time supporting and helping others: Consistently do acts of service in alignment with your core values. Feed your neighbors, donate to a cause you care about etc
  • Write self-love letters: Write to yourself like you are someone you care about, someone you respect, someone you love, someone you are responsible for. Email those to yourself. Read these letters when the going gets tough. 

Ultimately through all these actions what you are doing is building respect for yourself, giving yourself reasons to respect yourself and in doing so, you are setting the standards for others to do the same. Once these foundations are strengthened, you can move to exercises that can keep you on track. 

Further Resources

Question for you

What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

Attention everyone! To earn the badge associated with the series. You are expected to have partaken in all activities/prompt of each self esteem series post except the announcement post (New Series: Building Self-esteem) and submit the attached Google form. 

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The braving self badge is available until March 31. Anyone can avail of the badge as long as they complete all replies and submit the form above on or before March 31, 2024. I will be checking the posts till that date. After the day, it will exist as a resource. 

In April there will be a launch of a new series, you can make recommendations for it in the same form above. If you wish to lead a series like this, please reach out to me in PMs. 

A special thank you to @LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS for contributing a post in the series on the fear of failure along with supporting the participants and to @Pandanfe and @Kristynsmama for contributing to and supporting the Learning from others post of the series. 

Hope OP March 7th

Thank you for joining us on this journey! 

@Proudme @YourCaringConfidant @SleepyPersonForever @Aputik @Suen00 @exuberantBlackberry9105 @koko263 @LoveMyMoonflowers @theboymoana @gettingbettertoday @KateDoskocilova @mytwistedsoul @Ania @Kristynsmama @tidyHickory3283 @orangish @Zeraphim @pandanfe @Wayward7Good7Intentions @Fuechsin @proudme @Clarisse29 @Rui00 @communicativePond1728  @cautiousVixen @HealingGriz @keeperofhearts @CordialDancer @NaomiF08 @unassumingEyes @SmartCat007@randomperson1010 @Bubbles0909 @bravelion5342 @WeEarth @PrincessAz17 @Maggie032021 @Unknowncloud4321 @fuzzyclamp @communicativePond1728 @Bubbles0909 @HouseErin @Aguanector6700 @FleurdeNeige @Ubebe @aaislyndunn @mindfuloflove @IchooseLife79 @midnightg0spel

Kristynsmama March 7th

Hi @Hope! I just wanted to thank you for this series. I really enjoyed participating and sharing some of my experience with improving self esteem. And I would like to open myself up for any continued conversations to anyone who participated in this series and would like support in improving their self esteem. I hope some other listeners will follow my lead and be open to supporting others that have participated in this series.


@Hope Just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this for us. You are greatly appreciated. 

WeEarth March 7th


The FAST method, emphasizing fairness, authenticity, sticking to values, and truthfulness, has been incredibly impactful in guiding my decisions and interactions.

WeEarth March 7th


Thank you Hope for this wonderful and informative series 


CordialDancer March 7th


What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

The most effective and helpful concept for me (and they are all incredible) is Practice Making Decisions Aligned with Your Values. I have been doing that more and more and I can see the shift toward confidence within me. I can respectfully let people know how I am feeling and my thoughts without worrying about being too much. I am acting more aligned with my values. Thank you so much for this series! It certainly has changed me!

Ubebe March 8th


What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series? 

- It would be building self-esteem by uplifting others. Spending time supporting and helping others gave me self-awareness in social setting. It was more on experience than just retaining information. It was put into action.

mytwistedsoul March 8th

Thank you for the time and effort you and everyone else put into doing this!

While every concept was helpful and beneficial - for me it was making decisions aligned with my values. Being fair and considering my needs. Being authentic about them. Sticking to my decision rather than people pleasing and being truthful without making excuses (FAST) :


cautiousVixen March 8th


What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

If I have to pick one, and only one, it's the part about developing a growth mindset. While I'm trying to do the other concepts mentioned in the series occasionally or at least have tried them once, the growth mindset is the one that's most difficult for me to implement. And I feel like that goes to show that this might have the biggest positive impact if I should one day succeed in that. Therefore, I think that's probably the concept that will accompany me the most going forward for now.

But I've already set some reminder events in my calendar to go over all the other concepts as well and try to implement them when I see fit. Thank you so much for this series in general!


@Hope - We hope to see many more of these from you as they are informative and so interesting!

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Zeraphim March 12th

What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

The values clarification helped me get a better sense of myself, which helps me know if I'm living up to my own understanding of what matters most.

IchooseLife79 March 14th

What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

Identifying my core values. I only have so much I can do. Knowing them will help me be most productive in what matters the most to me.
Harmony8682 March 31st


Thank you for this series as I have found it very useful and informative. The methods which I have found the most effective is developing a growth mindset for self esteem and using the FAST method. 

orangish March 31st

i think the fast method was the most helpful concept to me. i always struggled in making decisions and it helped me simplify the process and prevented me from making decisions where i would feel guilty and resentment later on. developing a growth mindset was another method that was quite helpful. i struggle with perfectionism and reframing my thoughts that my setbacks are stepping stones of my journey was also very helpful. actually, all the concepts introduced here were quite helpful and i am excited about implementing them in the future.

SilverSeastar March 31st

What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

I struggle a lot with fear of failure, so the fourth post really resonated with me. Getting into a growth mindset is helpful to bring me some comfort and to get me to unfreeze and move forward.


What has been the most effective/helpful concept taught in this series?

For me, it's been uplifting others. Even before this series, I've kinda felt that helping others makes me feel better about myself and makes me feel like I have some use in this world. But I had never really realised that it can actually build self esteem. Knowing this, I can try to do it more, as much as I can. Accountability and setting SMART goals too has been helpful, that sense of accomplishment actually makes me feel better.

Thank you so much for this series, Hope. I really appreciate all the efforts you've taken for this.

peacefulpeach283 April 1st

@Hope Sounds amazing! Thanks ☺️