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How do I report an inappropriate profile?

User Profile: tommy
tommy February 22nd

How do I report an inappropriate profile?
Please note: this is only when you notice a profile with an inappropriate username, profile picture or bio. For reports or sharing concerns on a users conduct or behaviour in PMs, chatrooms or forums, please utilise the help desk

When would I need to report an inappropriate profile?
• All profiles must abide by the community guidelines. The safety patrol team are on hand to deal with any profiles which need to be rectified.
• If you notice a profile picture is inappropriate (e.g. shirtless/sexual/graphic/triggering).
• If you notice a profile's username is graphic, sexual, offensive or otherwise inappropriate.
• If you notice a profile's bio is unprofessional, graphic/triggering, sharing personal information or otherwise inappropriate. 

If you are unsure about whether or not a profile is inappropriate, it is best to pass it over to a Safety Patrol member for them to review and check its appropriateness. Please note: the safety patrol team member will make an independent judgement and take appropriate action. If you feel the profile has not been effectively handled, you are free to reach out to a team leader (@tommy or @Rebekah). 

How do I report an inappropriate profile?
• Visit the Teen Listeners (Teens) or Listener Support Room (Adults) and ask for a member of Safety Patrol (commonly referred to as SP). Members, you may request support from someone within the Teen Community Room (Teens) or Member Community Room (Adults). Please do not share the username you are concerned about in the group chat room, instead PM the safety patroller once they have identified themselves to you. 
• Find an active safety patroller by visiting this link (please note that this is only a list of listener trained safety patrollers and does not include member SPs), you can then directly PM them and make them aware of the profile. 
• Contact an online ambassador or the on duty community moderator (the community moderator can be found in the group chat rooms or find their schedule here)
• Complete the non-safety patrol report form (this takes a little longer for us to action so preference goes to one of the above options if possible). 

I received a message or email from 7 Cups telling me my profile is inappropriate. Can you help?
We can definitely support you with correcting your profile so that it abides by the community guidelines! Please reach out to @tommy or @Rebekah for assistance. 

Additional Resources
• Safety at 7 Cups
7 Cups Safety Leaders

User Profile: Antonio7Cups
Antonio7Cups February 22nd


This post is so complete and well-explained. In adittion, I encourage the members/listeners to not to be afraid to report innapropiate profiles, the reports are confidential, and if you report, the reported person won't know you did report them! 

Thank you for making 7 Cups a better place, Tommy. 😄

1 reply
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers February 22nd


I agree, Regg (: 💖

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User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 February 22nd


thanks for this clear and well constructed post! much needed.

1 reply
User Profile: Antonio7Cups
Antonio7Cups February 22nd


Completely agree!

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers February 22nd


Thank you for this post, Tommy! 💖 This is so helpful and I really appreciate this! 💖

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 23rd

@tommy Awesome post with handy links! And good timing too!  I ran across a profile just the other day. Tbh I wasn't sure who to contact. So I just flagged the first post under other and left a comment to check the profile

Thank you! 

*Uh hate to say this but the mod schedule needs updated* 😅

1 reply
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers February 24th


Yeah I agree it does need to be updated. :') 

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User Profile: bouncyMusic133
bouncyMusic133 February 24th


Thank you for this. Will bookmark this

User Profile: Remina
Remina October 31st


This is a great thread!