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The Community Guideline Series part 3

AnnaSilverberg December 18th, 2023
Hay everyone✨!

Welcome to our third post in the Guideline Series💙 

Today we will talk about how we can make sure that our members are safe.

If you haven’t checked out the Guidelines yet, you can do so here

And if you haven’t seen part 1 or part two, you can do so here & here!

Psst! In part two you can take a fun quiz to brush up on your knowledge😃! 

Here you can see the guidelines that are about how we can take part in ensuring that Cups remains a safe space for both listeners and members💙

We need to do our absolute best to make sure that we do our part in keeping Cups safe,
so please read this post (and all the others) carefully.

In part 4, we’ll definitely get another wonderful quiz to test our knowledge

One User, One Account Policy

We can’t be creating one account after another, to make sure that Cups is a safe place we are only allowed to have one member account and one listener account.
That goes for everyone, without any exceptions.
If you are found to have more than one member or listener account on the site, both or all the accounts will be immediately suspended.

Protect your log-in information to all accounts on 7 Cups and not allow anyone else to use it besides the person whose name is in our system.

We can’t share our accounts, no matter if it’s a member or a listener account.
This is for everyone’s safety, as chats can have sensitive information and you,
as the owner of the account, have to take responsibility for what is done on your account.

So, one account, one user!
If it comes to our attention that another person has accessed your account, we will need to immediately close your account for security reasons.
This includes log-in details for 7 Cups Admin accounts.

Maintain a confidential atmosphere.

Listeners: This means that you need to keep confidentiality between you and members & other listeners.
Keeping confidentiality is very important, even though we are anonymous here, we can’t share stories that aren’t our own. It can cause harm that no one should have to endure.
We can’t share chat details with anyone else, nor write about them anywhere.
This also goes for when you seek support in the Listener Support Room,
we can’t share this information, which includes the usernames of our members.

We don’t want listeners that aren’t in the room to be discussed, since that can cause triangulation, that’s a big no no. 

Be in a healthy state of mind.

If you are feeling suicidal, actively or having a suicidal ideation, homicidal, or abusing anyone or anything (animals are included in this).
We can’t support you. The reason for this is because 7Cups is an international support site, that means that we don’t have the resources that crisis hotlines have access to make sure that you are safe no matter how your situation is. Our listeners are not trained to take on crisis chats of any nature. 

Please review the community’s guidelines on Crisis here!

Guidelines on being sober

Listener Account: We are providing support to members who are sharing with us their most sensitive challenges.
So, we can’t be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to any degree, we must be completely sober at all times.
If you are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to any degree we will suspend your account immediately for two weeks. In order to listen to another user, you must be sober.

Member Account: As members don’t have the same responsibilities as listeners do, they are allowed to be under the influence as long as they demonstrate they can participate in keeping the environment supportive and be respectful in their communication.

Here are some fun questions for you.

🔹How can you make sure that our community is safe?
🔹Have you done some self-care today?
🔹What is your favorite self-care activity?

Feel free to tag a friend, lets hear your amazing answers! 

Psst! See part 4 here

We wish you a wonderful rest of your day

Jenna December 18th, 2023


Wonderful post! I appreciate the effort and time you put into these.

🔹How can you make sure that our community is safe?
I can do my part in following the community guidelines, sharing the guidelines page with new listeners or when someone may need a reminder about them, and making reports when necessary when certain guidelines are broken.

🔹Have you done some self-care today?
I haven't done any yet, but my day is still young.

🔹What is your favorite self-care activity?
Lately, it's been drawing and watching movies.

AnnaSilverberg OP December 18th, 2023
🚀@Jenna 🚀

I'm so glad that you're liking the series
I absolutely love your self care activities, 
do you have a movie that you like the most
 of all the movies you've seen so far?
Jenna December 18th, 2023


I am not really sure if I do. I've never thought about it. But right now I am on a comedy kick heehee.

AnnaSilverberg OP December 18th, 2023
🚀 @Jenna 🚀

I love comedy movies! 
My favorite comedic actor is Ryan Reynolds for sure. 
Have you seen the movie Free guy? 


Jenna December 18th, 2023


No, but I will today haha.

Heather225 December 18th, 2023


AnnaSilverberg OP December 18th, 2023

Thank you, H! 
I am glad you like the series
Fuechsin January 9th


I'm a bit late to this party. Still, I love the series as these are quite important aspects of being a part of this community to remember. Having rules set up to keep everyone participating safe is crucial, especially for a platform where people share vulnerable information about themselves.

How can you make sure that our community is safe?

Being mindful of the community guidelines myself to adhere to them is a first step. Asking people with the right training to come help in a situation (like asking for mods to join group rooms) can be important as well. As a last resort, I use the reporting options to keep the community safe when guidelines are broken. Or I share those tools with other listeners and members asking for help.

Have you done some self-care today?

Not yet. But I'm planning to make a delicious yogurt with blended bananas, mangos and blueberries. And I need to add another entry to my journal.

What is your favorite self-care activity?

What always works for me is to sing (badly) to songs I love. Taking a long walk is always wonderful as well, though. Hmm ... but yoga can work wonders for relaxation and mindfulness as well. As you can see, I can't decide on a single favorite one. I feel like they are all great, depending on the situation and what I need.