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For All Victims of Bullying ❤

221Skye November 18th, 2015

Bullying is aggressive hurtful behaviour against someone, involving a complete imbalance of power.

It is terrifying.

It makes victims crumble, and cry and collapse. Its even debilitating. Its completely despicable, and no one deserves it. Not a single person.

It kills nearly 13 million kids each year. It is serious.

How to identify bullying?

✑ It is when someone or a group of people TARGET you and make you feel bad about yourself or hurt.
✑ It is NOT just physical.
Other types of bullying:
Verbal bullying such as name-calling and homophobic remarks
Psychological/Covet bullying such as rumour spreading, social aggression and unkind mimicry
Cyber bullying such as imitating someone online/deliberate mocking texts etc.
ANYONE can bully, and ANYONE can be bullied.
✑ "The bully is bigger" is a myth. Physical size is inconsequential when it comes to bullying. ANYONE can bully, its highly psychological and the bully doesnt need to be physically intimidating/bigger

10 Things to Remember When Youre Being Bullied

REGAIN CONTROL, by recognising that you ARE being bullied.

BREAK THE SILENCE. Dont lock it all up, talk about it with someone, let people know youre being bullied. Bullies thrive off control~ take that away.

DONT ISOLATE yourself, as much as you want to and even if its the natural response of most. Surround yourself with your friends, people you trust, people whove got your back.

DONT REACT OR RETALIATE. This is important, bullies do their thang to get a reaction, to see you rise to the occasion, and thrive off the power. Dont show that they're affecting you.

GET HELP. You dont have to do it alone, tell an adult~ Its not tattling. Its telling, its standing up for yourself.
If not someone you know, then a helpline (hotline 1 / hotline 2)
However strong you are as a person, you are not immune to mental health issues. Excessive stress and pent up anger from bullying can lead to depression etc. So, there is NOTHING wrong with seeking help.

LET IT GO. Bottling up anger, frustration and guilt will come back to bite you in the long run. Scream out your lungs, Punch a pillow, throw your stuff around (err safely.) or tear up some paper. Whichever way works for you <3

Find some ZEN ~ write, draw, sing or talk to the birds (err, I mean walk into the forest and chill. But go right ahead if youre Snow White xD)

DOCUMENT everything. Make a log of all bullying activity, where, when why… 5W1H it ;) It will come in handy later.

Understand that allegations, accusations and insults do not reflect who you are. If anything, they reflect the bullys own misgivings and insecurities. YOU ARE NOT WHO THEY SAY YOU ARE.

Remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It is a common, and widespread problem. Millions like you are suffering under it. You dont deserve this. No one does.

If your friend/loved one is being bullied

BREAK THE SILENCE ~ ask how theyre doing with the bullying, give them a space to talk.

RESPECT THEIR SPACE. Understand that they might not want to talk about it sometimes.

Accompany your friend as they travel, if you can. Stick with them, show them they are not alone.

☂ Remind them they do not deserve it and it is nothing to be ashamed of.
☂ TELL THEM THEY ARE AWESOME AND WORTH IT. Counter the bullys words with your own <3

If you have been bullied, share with us how you got through it If youre being bullied, how do you cope with it? If your friend is being bullied, how do you help?

Remember, you are not alone, and we are always here for you.

This week is Anti-Bullying Week, and 7cups has many coolio activities for it. Check em out here! :D

Tagging humans (cos I can. and cos I want to hear what you guys have to say ^-^ ) ~ @Alicattt @MelAllyouneedislove @amazingrea @NewRomantic677 @YayyySphere @MidniteAngel

Tag anyone else you think might be interested in le new sub-forum too! <3

calmMango9611 September 18th, 2022

@exuberantBeach7070 Thank you for your support.

January 13th, 2017

Wonderful post. I have been a victim of bullying, and have engaged in various coping mechanisms. First, I have told supportive people, whom I can trust, about my struggles. I am fortunate to have supportive family members and friends in my life, who have been there for me, throughout enduring the challenging process of being bullied. I also engage in productive activities like exercising regularly, and engaging in creative activities (music, arts), and they are helpful. Finally, I created a blog in order to speak about my negative experiences -- writing is a great, helpful tool, I find.

July 20th, 2017


Heather225 October 10th, 2018

Wonderful post!!

theriverissinging September 10th, 2022


calmMango9611 September 16th, 2022

@221Skye Thanks for writing this.

Very educational.

I really enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for sharing.

WellnessWarriorx November 5th, 2023

@221Skye This information is extremely helpful for those learning about bullying, and also for current bullies to understand the affects bullying has on victims.

ThoughtLight November 28th, 2023

@221Skye if I handle a member who's being bully I tell them they really aren't personally the target. It could be anyone. And that bullies are weak and often have bad home lives where they have to control of anything. Bullying is there way of being in control. The fact that ignoring them or appearing not bothered shows it's not personal. I used the be bullied pretty bad.