Where did you come across them? There are different forms for the chatroom (it's accessible under the chatroom rules), forums - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jKnWGFcIHuId4uUGVnQOj4-2HT1tiSfUh81mc-qaYWU/viewform?fbzx=8371765868971938256
and 1-1 chat - by giving a review or blocking.
You can also submit a support ticket - report inappropriate behaviour is an option there or send an email to the community team - community@7cups.com
@AffyAvo thanks it was in a private chat
I'm sorry that you had a crappy chat :/
I'm angry and I want to report a listener. I told this listener that I received a speeding ticket within the last two years and I was worried this would prevent me from getting a good job. They immediately told me that there are children and dogs walking around and I could have hurt them. They then said they could not support me on this and I needed to find another listener. They didn't know about any of the details of my speeding ticket, they just immediately judged me for having a speeding ticket?! So, this active listener cannot listen to someone who has received a single speeding ticket? What has happened to this site?
For your information, I was caught in a speed trap coming back from the beach. I wasn't driving recklessly and there were no children or dogs around. I just want to say that.