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How do I report an active listener?
Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups / by Menoeceus
Last post
October 17th, 2023
...See more I'm angry and I want to report a listener. I told this listener that I received a speeding ticket within the last two years and I was worried this would prevent me from getting a good job. They immediately told me that there are children and dogs walking around and I could have hurt them. They then said they could not support me on this and I needed to find another listener. They didn't know about any of the details of my speeding ticket, they just immediately judged me for having a speeding ticket?! So, this active listener cannot listen to someone who has received a single speeding ticket? What has happened to this site? For your information, I was caught in a speed trap coming back from the beach. I wasn't driving recklessly and there were no children or dogs around. I just want to say that.
I had gastric bypass three weeks ago and it's going well so far.
Healthy Living / by Menoeceus
Last post
May 8th, 2023
...See more I had gastric bypass surgery three weeks ago, on January 10th. So far, everything is going well. I still can't eat normal food again, but I am slowly starting to introduce solid foods into my diet again. It's going slowly and I have to be careful. My weight had gotten out of control, and it started to get hard to get around. I was worried about my health, and I wanted to feel good again. My weight has been limiting my life for too long. I got up to a high weight of 375 pounds on December 21st of last year. I started watching my diet then and have been losing weight since then. Since 12/21, I have lost 42 pounds and I already feel better. I am looking forward to being able to buy clothes off the rack again. I am looking forward to being able to sit in a chair without worrying that I won't fit. At my heaviest weight, I couldn't fit into a chair if it had arm rests. I look forward to going to ball games again. I would like to share this journey with y'all, so I will make updates here. Wish me luck!
I can't stop gaining weight
Eating Disorder Support / by Menoeceus
Last post
January 1st, 2018
...See more I've had problems with overeating and weight gain my entire life. I have lost and gained large amounts of weight many times. A few years ago I lost 80 pounds, then I gained 140 pounds. Last year I lost 60 pounds, only to put it all back on again. My mother passed away three months ago, and since then I have gained 30 pounds. I'm single, I don't cook, so I'm always eating out. It's hard to find food that is decently healthy. Eating has become a coping mechanism for me, and when I am struggling I feel a very strong urge to eat food that I know I shouldn't. I'm new to this sub-community, and I wanted to introduce myself. I can't imagine that I could ever have a romantic relationship looking the way I do now, and I'm afraid I'll be alone forever. I'm 36 years old, and I'm worried I'll never find love, or start a family, because of my weight.
How to break up?
Relationship Stress / by Menoeceus
Last post
May 20th, 2017
...See more I've been dating this girl for a few months now, and I really want to break up with her, but I don't want to hurt her. Do y'all have any suggestions?
When it rains, it pours
Depression Support / by Menoeceus
Last post
March 26th, 2017
...See more My mother died of COPD two weeks ago, and I haven't taken it very well. Now, my grandmother has been diagnosed with COPD. I don't really know what to say, I just felt like I had to tell someone. I've been very depressed lately, and I've been crying a lot.
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