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User systematically circumventing ban

GoingSafari August 18th, 2019

I don't know if this is the correct board to post in, but I'm trying to understand the process here.

There's this user in one of the group chat rooms that I've spotted having 5 different user accounts the past 2 days. I sent an email to about it a couple of days ago, and kept them updated as they spotted the new accounts. He's also been abusive in the chat rooms. When he gets really triggered, he tells people awful things, and he picks fights with those he don't like.

All in all, he's just a really bad influence on the room with such a big amount of self-entitlement. He obviously doesn't care about neither 7 Cups rules or other people when they come in his way.

So my questions would be these:

- Do 7 Cups have any way of banning people by IP so they can't register new accounts?
- If the user is circumventing the IP block, can they start kicking the user immediately as he's recognized by a mod in the room?
- Is the whole situation and attitude of a user considered when blocking people? Because if that's the case, this guy should be a good contender. I've been on this particular room for a long time, and this is the worst abuser of the system I've seen so far. He acts innocent talking about animals, then suddenly he can say the worst things.

I just hope something can be done about it. I've messaged mods about it, but they don't do much about it, so it seems these things are treated kind of random?

AbbyHarris1976 August 19th, 2019


Is this person whos doing this a listener also? If so, thats an even bigger problem because theres a (faux) listener who (wrongly) blocked me so I couldnt give him an honest review and then I turned around and blocked him because I found out this guy has been (1) logging on with fake handles (sometimes at the SAME TIME) and (2) possibly doing so to falsely overrate himself as a listener.

That can result in vulnerable members being misled and even hurt by him ... instead of helped đź‘Ž

GoingSafari OP August 19th, 2019


No, this guy is just a member.

I completely agree with you about listeners. Just because of this being a big community of especially vulnerable people, 7 Cups should be even stricter on banning on such.

I've tried recently to be better at reporting, screenshotting, calling mod and emailing to do my part.

GoingSafari OP August 18th, 2019

I realize now after posting this that I might be identifying the situation a bit too much. Just delete it if it's more information than should be described in the forum.

RarelyCharlie August 18th, 2019

@GoingSafari An IP address does not identify a person, therefore 7 Cups does not have a way to ban a person.

I agree with you that it would be good if something could be done about the kind of user you describe, but I don't think anyone knows how to go about it, and 7 Cups is not the kind of place where new ways of doing things get invented.


GoingSafari OP August 18th, 2019


Thanks for your answer. That's unfortunately my impression too. I called in a mod both when I discovered the 4th and the 5th account, both times giving the two different mods a detailed account of the problem with screenshots and exact usernames so they could check.

The first time, the mod asked how I was doing, and just told me to mute and didn't really address the situation at all. I found that peculiar. I've been here for quite some time, and usually all mods have been very clear about such obvious rule-breaking, confirming that it's a breaking of the rules and that it will be handled.

The second time, the mod answered very shortly and just said "thank you, I will investigate further". It didn't give me the impression it would be actually followed up seriously.

However, I've noticed at least two of the accounts are gone now, so he's definitely been silently banned or he's deleted the other accounts himself, for some reason (although that would make no sense). It's hard to tell how an eventual ban has happened, because the mods in the room have been very passive and mild, not much warnings towards him at all.

Anyway, I get the impression he will get banned in the end, albeit rather slowly. He will probably return sometimes, but give up in the end, since the room becomes less and less welcoming towards him. (Nobody has been rude, for the record, he's digging his own grave.)

It would be nice to hear from the community email if they have some more details on how such things are handled. All in all, the room is doing very well these days, and I'm really glad. That's why it would be so nice to eliminate the last few strands of dirt in the room. It would strengthen the room a lot, since everybody would feel safe all the time.

mytwistedsoul August 19th, 2019

@GoingSafari This is probably the same person causing problems in the forums too. I honestly wouldn't be surpised if they were going around as a listener. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.