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Forum mentor support (short term)

Arora35 September 20th, 2019


I am new to posting in the forum threads. I like to respond to fellow members with my views on their current situation and offer support. However I don't know if I'm doing this right? If there is something i should follow? I feel like i need some reassurance from someone who knows what their doing so they can point me in the right direction? The last thing I want to do is mess up and make someone feel worse!

Is there any guidance out there?

AudreyBlueGreen September 20th, 2019

@Arora35 I'm also new here and trying to figure this out. Just wanted you to know I hear you. 😊

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


How are you finding exploring the site? I hope your doing better than me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Erato September 20th, 2019

@Arora35 Hello there, arora! Thank you so much for showing interest in offering support to fellow members in the forum area. It's so nice of you to do this knowing that you're on a member account.

There are following forum guidelines when posting in the forums. You can view these whenever you type in your post beside the "Add Post" button as well as in this page.

The detailed explanation of each forum guideline is found here in this forum thread.

I hope this reply helps!

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


Thank you for your reply, it's most helpful, I've read these guidelines and will endeavor to adhere to them. However, I am my own worst critic, and when I have posted a response and notice a spelling error, I am unable to correct this? Why can I not correct my own mistakes? Is this function available? It makes me so nervous when posting.

MonBon September 20th, 2019


The ability to edit your own post is currently tied to the forum supporter program in an effort to facilitate their ability to support. This is still limited to the areas that you are a forum supporter for, though. We can talk about that in a bit more depth if you'd like to pm me ^^

Otherwise, all users are allowed to request a forum mentor to edit or delete their posts at any time. Keep in mind this is generally limited to the areas that they are a forum mentor for. We have a few global forum mentors that you can find here. A good global forum mentor to contact is @7CupsCommunity or myself. The community account will not be able to reply to your pm but they can still edit or delete your post. Alternatively, you can email and they can edit or delete it for you.

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


Thank you, this is helpful to know. I'm knew to the site so I'm still trying to navigate around the features and find my own answer before asking the questions, I'll be honest tho, its proving a little difficult, theres so much to take in.

MonBon September 20th, 2019


You don't need to be afraid to ask questions. We are here to help <3

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


That's kind to say, thanks, I'll bare that in mind😊

Erato September 20th, 2019

@MonBon oops, didn't see your post (my internet is being yucky right now xD) Thanks for responding as well ❀

MonBon September 20th, 2019


No worries! Thank you for helping out :D

Erato September 20th, 2019

@Arora35 I'm happy to hear that you find my reply helpful! ❀ As for the editing access and tools, they're only available for forum leaders and forum key holders (if you want to know the details about them, click here). I understand that it must be frustrating not to be able to edit your own posts, however, the main reason why the editing is only exclusive to forum leaders to maintain moderation in the forums and not to be abused by just any users. These forum leaders have also undergone specific training to have the eligibility to have forum tools and the editings made are being tracked by the forum ambassadors (@Mel and @Anomalia) as well to ensure that these leaders are using the tools appropriately and only if necessary. I hope this clear things up for you.

After all, you can reach out to any forum mentors listed in the subcommunity's leaderboard or to any global forum mentors listed here, if you want your posts to be edited or to be deleted.

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


Thanks for your detailed reply, this makes much more sense to me now, and I completely agree we can not all have the same privileges due to them being mis-used. I just need to be super careful with my responses and take time, because when I see my own errors, I get into a right state.

Erato September 20th, 2019

@Arora35 You're welcome. Glad to be of help. And hey, you can always take time with your responses. One of the advantages of the forums is that there's no time limit nor deadlines for posting your replies or creating new threads. Even as a forum mentor myself I also make a draft of my responses/threads before publishing them so I can do proofreading as well.

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


That's is a great tip, ahhh wait, maybe can draft on word, and paste it over😁 excellent! Why didnt I think of that πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

See, its good to talk and resolve issuesπŸ‘Œ

Erato September 20th, 2019

@Arora35 Yay! That sounds like a good idea. 7cups has also notes where you can save all your notes, too c: I hope it helps you! Looking forward to seeing you around in the forums. πŸ•

Arora35 OP September 20th, 2019


Notes, another function discovered. Thanks, hope to see you too, thanks for you help 😁