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The Personality Cupcakes!

CheeryMango February 24th, 2021

Welcome everyone!

Please take a seat in our virtual lounge. Tea and coffee will be served to all ☕️

For our very first activity, we will be getting to know one another by making our own cupcakes!

To make cupcake:

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

We look forward to learning more about you!

Click here to join our taglist!

@11820Read @adventurousOrange5285 @alexisinthehouse @ambitiousVase1322 @blitheEmbrace27 @BlueberryMiilk @brightsugar1923 @cafedaydreams @celticbard1018 @communicativeYard2325 @conscientiousPeach2999 @considerateParadise6717 @crystalvalley @cyanCup5451 @DeeGold @doeji @DonaldDraper @eaudevie @electricbird @emotionalBanana1111 @enchantedlove @fairmindedWisteria3450 @Fakekiwi003 @Feelings10010 @galaxyGirl299 @genuineGabby97 @goldenHouse4808 @greenSailboat3491 @hopedreamlove @Katbtrying552 @LilacKalypso9 @lilme @lusanda @lyricalAngel70 @MishiS @musicalHarmony @mystrawberrykitty @NellaNutella @NoneTheWiser @nordurnStar @oel @Onlyonefollower @pamharley003 @Parvlakin @PeaceLoveandPaws @PhaedrusMaynard @placidAvocado2692 @purpleTree4652 @QuietLotus @Raiyan03 @RedMouse @Rynn @SallyMa3893 @scarletOrange1520 @SilentSerenityy @Skyglider @SlipperySlope0 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SunnyLexi @Tazzie @thoughtfulmomma @u1146 @uzumaki6 @Yashoda108

SunnyLexi February 24th, 2021






Favorite colors



My cupcake's name is bear! She is nice and loves to be active! She loves to be friends with everyone as well!

February 25th, 2021

@SunnyLexi coincidentally this cupcake is cyan and pink too 🧁 Grinning

mystrawberrykitty February 24th, 2021

oooo yummy cupcake !!! ♡^▽^♡ 🧁 ~ i am bubbly , compassionate , and accepting !! 🧁 ~ pink and blue !!! 🧁 ~ i just ate breakfast !!! nom nom nommm time to eat cupcakeeee hehehe

mystrawberrykitty February 24th, 2021

also my cupcake’s name is kittycake! ♡^▽^♡

LilacKalypso9 February 24th, 2021

1. Considerate, confident, caring 2. Purple & fuschia 3. Psychology degree Name: Chroma cupcake🦄

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 24th, 2021


This is fun haha ! Me loves cupcakesssss😊❤

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

Why is talking about our own selves so difficult lol , *thinks*

hmm, maybe ... 1. Observant

2. Ambivert (sometimes helps me jell easily in different situations and with different people)

3. Self reliant

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

Sky blue and Nature Greeen

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Finally Did something I was procrastinating on .

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

Name - "Only for You"

Only for you, is a cupcake just like it's name, catered as per your preference and to be loved and accepted by all ! The blue colour representing the sky tells you that hey boo, sky's the limit...just go for it ; the green colour inspired by Nature is here to remind you to aim for the sky but don't forget to stay grounded to your roots too, self reliance is virtue-be you ,for you, by you and with you ; being an ambivert helps in adapting to different situations, and being observant- it's sometimes all about those little moments ,nobody else is watching, but you are , just like how your eyes lit up when you see, something you admire ! ❤

Be YOU, Only for you !! ❤

February 25th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🧁Only for you Red heart

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2021


Haha, Donziee 🤗❤ * Keeps it simple and shares cupcakesssss * wink

positiveRiver9935 February 25th, 2021

1 kind understanding helpful 2yellow and orange Following through on a very needed Appointment

fairmindedWisteria3450 February 24th, 2021

1) Resilience 2) Adventurous 3) Kindness 1) Aquamarine blue 2) Yellow Topping: I learned to play the guitar 🎸!! 😃 Name: The positive cupcake 🎂 My cupcake is made of all the things that keep me going and help me feel better about myself. ☺

conscientiousPeach2999 February 24th, 2021

Elements: good listener, compassionate, polite Colors: orange, turquoise Achievement: passing my last exam of school My cupcake’s name is Faithful Blend, because recently I started having and believing in more faith, and I’ve always thought I have a mix of different personalities and a variety of interests. 🧁

melloohi February 24th, 2021

🧁 Elements 🧁 ♡Kindness ♡Happiness ♡Love for animals 🧁 Colors 🧁 💛 Yellow 💙 Blue 🧁 Toppings 🧁 ♡ I made my first completed painting and I helped "grounding" a friendd 🧁 Name of cupcake! 🧁 My cupcakes name is Violet : D

electricbird February 24th, 2021

Hello everybody heart I hope you're doing wonderful! This activity is so fun laugh

3 elements of my personality would be that I'm patient, I'm kind and empathetic

The 2 colors I'm picking are lilac and baby blue (gotta love pastels haha)

My topping is that I recently graduated from a masters' program, and I can't even begin to think in everything that happened in these two years, I'm a completely different person thanks to all the growing enlightened

I'd like to name this cupcake "Fly high, birdie", and knowing me, it would probably have a surprise filling in the middle, like jam or nutella cheeky

Katbtrying552 February 24th, 2021

Ingredients for a Kat Kupcake:

Curious, loyal, wierd

Purple and magenta

Produced and distributed minutes from the last board meeting within an hour

pamharley003 February 24th, 2021


To make cupcake:

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special




🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

white and red

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

helping new listeners with coaching skills or answering their questions

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

My cupcakes name is yummy

thoughtfulmomma February 25th, 2021


🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

supportive, helpful, caring

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

purple and pink

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

I stayed strong today in the midst of adversity

My cupcake name shall be Fluffy Bunny, because it's all about being soft and kind.

Fakekiwi003 February 25th, 2021

~Elements: 1. Ambitious 2. Loyal 3. Leadership ~Colours: Green and White ~Recent achievement It just gave the exam for her brown belt.... This cupcake’s name is Deborah. She strives to be perfect and the best in whatever she does. She loves the movie ‘The Fault in our Stars’ and will chose a good book anyday over an illogical movie of video games.

February 25th, 2021

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

Creative, compassionate, and a lover of all things cozy and soft! :P

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

Red, because it's my favorite color, and it reminds me of Christmas, candy canes and red and green, and some shades are so cozy. And gold, because it reminds me of sun, and the sky at sunset, and warm lamps in the evening!

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Well, I got my exam done today, and did pretty well on it :-) What kind of topping would that even be? Sprinkles that look like shredded up paper?

I call this cupcake Raspberry Leaf! I imagine there is gold frosting smoothed over the top of the cupcake as a background, and roses of different sizes piped on top :-) And maybe some chocolate pearls decorated around the cupcake, or maybe something fun, like a bunch of colorful sprinkles or little gemstones.

QuietLotus February 25th, 2021


🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special: kind, compassionate, silly

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy: blue and yellow

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping: reaching out to others and trying to bring change into my life

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses! My cupcake name is Brie, and it is slowly beginning to know itself and discover it's own worth

February 25th, 2021

@CheeryMango Amazing idea Grinning

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special
Passionate, Thinker and Laidback

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy
Orange and Blue maybe

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping
Completing 50 blogs

I would call the cupcake 'Keep It Simple'

February 25th, 2021


Add 3 elements of your personality that make you special
- Perfectionism
- Bold
- Opionionative

Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy
- Aqua
- Royal Blue

Add your most recent achievement as the topping
- Most recent achievement...I was about to drop 12th grade as I was homeschooling and was in depression I had assumed I will fail still I managed to score 75% despite the fact that I studied only for a month.

Yougotmyback February 25th, 2021

@MishiS Proud of you!! heart

February 25th, 2021

@Yougotmyback Thank you heart

lyricalAngel70 February 25th, 2021


Proud of your achievement. Never underestimate yourself. ❤

February 25th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 Thank you smiley

SilentSerenityy February 25th, 2021


- Conscientious

- Kind

- Considerate



My most recent achievement has been getting a distinction in a recent assignment. :)

lexington5525 February 25th, 2021


🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

I can be a very loud person in real life

Im very humorus, i think

Yet i think i can be really gentle when i need to be

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy



🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

I finsihed my first realism drawing (:

lexington5525 February 25th, 2021


I named my cupcake cherry because i really like cherrys, and i imagine them being sweet, like a cherry

Yougotmyback February 25th, 2021


Making my cupcake!!

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

- Caring

- Honest

- Protective

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

- Yellow

- Orange

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

Just finished a semester I thought I wouldn't be able to. :)

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

My cupcake's name is pinkhugs!

*Sending free hugs along with my pinkhugs cupcake*

Would you like to have this cupcakeee? :D

February 25th, 2021

@Yougotmyback seems too sweet. I hope it's sugarfree 😜

Yougotmyback February 25th, 2021

@DonaldDraper You never know. :P

February 25th, 2021

@Yougotmyback I'll have a taste then
Muffin Lick GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY​​​​​​​

Yougotmyback February 25th, 2021

@DonaldDraper Haha suree

lyricalAngel70 February 25th, 2021


🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality that make you special




🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

-Blue: Because I find this color calm & soothing. I am the happiest when I am at peace! ❤

-Green: I feel that the green color is royal & elegant. Besides, it's my fav color too.

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

I achieved grade 6 in my first semester. I am extremely happy as I worked hard for it as working & simultaneously studying isn't an easy job.

Please be sure to give your cupcake a name and tell us about your cupcake in your responses!

Angel's Cupcake🧁

This cupcake is delicious, mouthwatering & impossible to resist! 😍🍨

basilbae February 25th, 2021


1) Kind

2) Smart

3) Funny

Favorite colors

1) Pink

2) Pastel Blue

Recent achevement

1) I helped 8 people in one day!

My cupcake's name is kat! She loves to help other people,her friends,and food.lots of food.

shypanda331 February 25th, 2021

Hi I'm new here 😊 Elements - loyal, understanding, and caring Colors - purple and white Purple is my favorite color and I love to knit with purple and it's also my boyfriend's favorite color too. White is a color I associate with peace and positive energy. Topping - started looking for a new job that will be a better fit for me and set up an interview with a job I would enjoy. Cupcake name - Purple Panda Bear

nordurnStar February 25th, 2021

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

I am analytical when my job or situation calls for it but through the influence of my family lines I am creative and intuitive. Together, these three qualities mean I can promote meaningful social change.

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

Clear blue and pale gray!

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

I got into a PhD program!

galaxyGirl299 February 25th, 2021

🧁 Add 3 elements of your personality which make you special

logical, curious, friendly

🧁 Add two colors you associate with things that bring you joy

violet, yellow

🧁 Add your most recent achievement as the topping

helped a friend finish a school project.

My cupcakes name is Sunnycake because she always smiles and sparks joy 🌞

galaxyGirl299 February 25th, 2021


I've got no clue what happened here, but I did not want to write the download stuff XD

SirenSymphony21 February 25th, 2021


1)Elements: Smart, kind and sweet

2) Colour:Pink and Blue.

3) I will call her caramel.