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Lost my bestfriend/requited crush(?)

forestfaoladh July 14th, 2019

Weve been great friends since we were about 13. We recently got kind of flirtatious, and it was obvious we both liked each other, but neither wanted to make the first move.

Earlier this year, we had a fight about something irrelevant, and we did the typical Im not talking to you for a couple days thing. I had always been the first to talk and fix it in our past fights, so I decided to let him make the first move. Two weeks went by, and no word from him. I got tired of waiting, and I texted him first... I told him I felt like I was putting more work and compromise in the relationship than he was, so he just replied with fine. I guess thats how you really feel.

After that, he started acting stand-offish, so I tried giving him some space. This went on for about a month. So, I tried fixing it AGAIN. I asked him if he was upset with me, as we werent as close as we used to be... he said no, I have no reason to be upset so I assumed he was being truthful. I tried texting him again, but all I got were likes or one word replies. If I got a genuine conversation it was a miracle. this went on for 2 more months. Last week I finally blew up at him and he just kept gaslighting me.

I found out from a friend that the reason for his new behavior was due to our original big argument, where I said I felt like I was putting more into our relationship. Apparently after that argument, he gave up on me.

We used to say I love you every night :(

kitkat34567 July 14th, 2019

@forestfaoladh Maybe give it more time I am sorry that this happened

inade July 7th

i’m sorry to hear that bro i kinda am going through the same thing

BlossomGirvan July 11th


I am so sorry to hear that. 🤗

BlossomGirvan July 11th


I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's incredibly tough to feel like you've lost a best friend and someone you cared about deeply. It's clear how much this friendship meant to you, and it's okay to feel hurt and disappointed by the way things have turned out.

Remember, you deserve relationships where both parties put in effort and respect each other's feelings. It sounds like you've tried your best to reach out and mend things, and that's commendable. Sometimes, despite our efforts, people change or misunderstandings happen.

As you navigate this difficult time, focus on surrounding yourself with supportive friends and activities that bring you joy. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to give yourself time to heal.

Sending you positive thoughts and strength as you move forward. You deserve happiness and genuine connections in your life.

Take care,🤗

Hermionetps July 14th

@forestfaoladh @forestfaoladh this must be really tough for you and I am sorry you are having to go through this but staying in a toxic relationship is also not good. Also a relationship is always between two or more people. If you are the only one putting effort then it will tend to get strained. The last opinion is always yours. As nobody can advice you better than you yourself. 

But the most important thing is to remain hale and hearty. I hope you the best for you future endeavors