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Letting things go

neonPear2303 January 9th

I’m honestly not sure if this is the right place to put this but I need to say it somewhere

So basically me and my sister were participating in an activity and we were supposed to all move around and one, do the same things as one, and speak as one, but it was not going well and at some point the director of this activity told everybody to just stop because it wasn’t working at all well during this time everyone started talking all at once and we were in close proximity and the director had just said to be quiet so I yelled at everyone to just shut up (which was definitely not ths thing to do in the situation) and my sister turned and slapped me in front of all these people -I should mention we are a strange pair people always comment on how well we gay along and it’s true we never fought-  which shocked me so much I went completely nonverbal for the rest of the activity, which is weird for me because I’m a very loud person, what made it worse was no one noticed. I was there completely silent balled up in the corner and the only person who even noticed me there was a younger friend who asked to borrow my phone.

now this whole event wouldn’t be so bad if not for something that happened months later, I was talking to one of our mutual friends with my sister when I offhanded mentioned the event and she said  “What do you mean, I have never slapped you. That didn’t happen.” It messed with me so bad that it was constantly on my mind and led to several breakdowns at seemingly random times for over a year and a half. I tried talking to her about if again but she swears she can’t remember and I know it doesn’t matter to her but it’s tearing me apart inside,

impalaboy January 9th


Hey! It sounds like you've been through a very confusing and painful experience. The memory of the event, your sister's denial, and the subsequent emotional turmoil have understandably taken a toll on you.

Firstly, it's completely valid to feel upset and shaken by what happened. You were hurt, both physically and emotionally, and your reality was seemingly contradicted by someone you trust. It's natural to have your memories replay in your mind, causing distress and confusion.

Secondly, remember that your experience is real, regardless of anyone else's recollection. Your feelings are valid, and the impact of the event on you is important. Don't dismiss your own memories or try to convince yourself otherwise if they feel clear and consistent.

Ultimately, it's important to prioritize your own well-being. If your sister's denial and the unresolved event are causing ongoing distress, you need to focus on finding ways to heal and move forward, even if it means setting boundaries or distancing yourself from the situation.

I hope I helped a little bit. Have a great day neonPear2303!

neonPear2303 OP March 5th

@impalaboy thank you for the kind words. have a good day too!



I am just seeing this post and want to send you a message in support. I can see how both the original event and the subsequent denial, especially from your sister, can cut so deep.  I really feel for you and I hope you have been able to recover from these.  Were you able to discuss this with your sister since your post?

neonPear2303 OP April 24th

@introspectiveCat1022 I haven’t talked to her about it since but she has recently gone through a lot and has changed as a person recently and I know she won’t do it again (not that she ever really meant to hurt me) I’m very proud of her even if I can’t forget the incident 

Vipul26 March 25th


Your experience sounds like a really personal one more than anything. So first of all thank you for reaching out, I understand it must have taken quite a bit of courage. 

Moving on to the situation itself, it sounds like a traumatic one to say the least. Especially coming from a person as close as your sister and then being followed up by the denial on her part. What are the odds though that it was just an 'impulsive move' by her and she herself regrets it so much that she wants to avoid the whole thing altogether?

neonPear2303 OP April 24th

@Vipul26 she probably doesn’t remember it but since then she done a lot of growing as a person and is continuing to and I know she wouldn’t do it again,