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PathStep 1 Compassion hearts14 Forum posts6 Forum upvotes4 Current upvotes4 Age GroupTeen Last activeMay, 2024 Member sinceJanuary 3, 2024
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I’m not sure anymore
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by neonPear2303
Last post
March 5th
...See more So basically for a long time I went with aro ace and I’d get a lot of questions about my ex’s  both of which I only dated because they asked and I’d always tell people it’s because I felt like I had to say yes, however more recently I realized that I never even considered any of the non-masc people in my life a although nothing yet I keep thinking back to past feelings towards some of my friends who were not men rant I chalked up to jealousy and now I’m reconsidering and it’s honestly freaking me out the worst part is the feelings I’m thinking about are towards one of my aro-ace friend who, even if I realized I liked them, wouldn't date me anyways
Letting things go
Relationship Stress / by neonPear2303
Last post
April 24th
...See more I’m honestly not sure if this is the right place to put this but I need to say it somewhere So basically me and my sister were participating in an activity and we were supposed to all move around and one, do the same things as one, and speak as one, but it was not going well and at some point the director of this activity told everybody to just stop because it wasn’t working at all well during this time everyone started talking all at once and we were in close proximity and the director had just said to be quiet so I yelled at everyone to just shut up (which was definitely not ths thing to do in the situation) and my sister turned and slapped me in front of all these people -I should mention we are a strange pair people always comment on how well we gay along and it’s true we never fought-  which shocked me so much I went completely nonverbal for the rest of the activity, which is weird for me because I’m a very loud person, what made it worse was no one noticed. I was there completely silent balled up in the corner and the only person who even noticed me there was a younger friend who asked to borrow my phone. now this whole event wouldn’t be so bad if not for something that happened months later, I was talking to one of our mutual friends with my sister when I offhanded mentioned the event and she said  “What do you mean, I have never slapped you. That didn’t happen.” It messed with me so bad that it was constantly on my mind and led to several breakdowns at seemingly random times for over a year and a half. I tried talking to her about if again but she swears she can’t remember and I know it doesn’t matter to her but it’s tearing me apart inside,
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