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Alone and lonely

ReJiNe May 7th, 2022

Hello. I'm (27F) 100% shy introvert. This year especially, I just feel so lonely and alone. My used to be friends don't contact me anymore. My colleagues don't involve me in their fun getaways. I've never been in relationship. My most intimate relationship is just a very close friendship which is gone now coz I went and confessed and got rejected. When I felt so very alone 2 months back, I tried reaching out to people from online apps like slowly and the like but now that's done as people have ghosted me. Now I'm feeling extreme loneliness again so I install this app. I guess I'm boring and depressing to talk to so people leave or don't reach out haha. I'm craving for real connections. 😔 Any suggestions on how I should go about this?

Thomas00 May 8th, 2022

@ReJiNe I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, we're all here for you in 7cups!

16peacefulBraveheart01 June 6th, 2022

M looking for real friends and i think we can connect and share eachothers thoughts and i would like connect with you

Michael198527 June 6th, 2022

@ReJiNe Nice to meet you here. We all feel like this sometimes, but it varies on how and for how long. I've felt like this too, many times.

Keep reaching out, keep communication up. It may take a while, and seem hopeless, but eventually, you will find people like you or who have similar interests.

What are your hobbies? Find places you can go where these activities are happening.

I love woodworking, I found a local place that has classes.
I just recently went to a farmers market and met a very nice Indian lady who teaches cooking classes. I'm signed up with her for next week.

It took me years to finally do this. I'm glad I did.

Reach out if you need someone to talk to.


ReJiNe OP June 26th, 2022


thank you, i do try to engage in my interests/event more, especially now that we can go outside again,, but my 1st try in a while was unfruitful, will try again...

NobodyPortant June 9th, 2022


Firstly, I’d like to say that you certainly aren’t alone in the way you feel. I’ve been there most of my life.

Being shy and introverted makes it difficult to connect with the majority of people, but there is actually a silver lining to this. The majority of casual friendships are very superficial and fair-weather. Assuming you’re kinda like me (hey, there’s gotta be somebody in the world like me, right…?), you will always struggle to fit in with the popular crowd, but when you do find a real connection with a kindred soul, it will be so deep and transcendent that others will be envious.

The only advice I can give is what I’ve learned through experience; just be yourself and don’t try too hard. The right relationships will find you, perhaps when you least expect it.

Things will get better 😁

ReJiNe OP June 26th, 2022


yes, its so hard to connect. i do try to befriend others when going to places/events in line with my hobbies, but not much lasts :( hence i feel lonely.... so only time will tell?

nene1215 June 11th, 2022

Hi,!,, I feel the same way at times. I feel like everyone is moving in life and I’m sitting still. My friends for the most part are all married, engaged or have kids. I have none of the sort so at times I avoid certain outings because I feel like the odd same out. But I said I’m going to stop avoiding situations and just reach out to my girls. Ask them to go out for coffee or dinner—ask them to tag along while shopping. That’s a start

ReJiNe OP June 26th, 2022


this is one of my struggles,, reaching out to past friends..