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Uhhhhh kind of embarrassing

warmheartedWalker2409 February 21st, 2022

My fiance has accused me of cheating which I didn't do and is just now telling me that his balls itch( he says it's just the skin that itches) and have been since last summer so now I'm scared I had a pap smear last year and came back clean but it's still kind of worries me and kind of makes me wonder why tell me now???? What should I do???? I have an appointment set for a pap this year but he says he wants to use itching cream to make it go away and that is it and if it goes beyond that we are gonna have issues I don't want him putting the blame on me when I haven't done anything wrong

AffyAvo February 21st, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 He's not the one posting here but he should get it diagnosed. Could be yeast, could be contact dematits, could be something else. Treatments vary for those.

Hopefully he can get ot sorted out and stops with the blame.

warmheartedWalker2409 OP February 21st, 2022

I feel like he's trying to find a way out but he's been blaming me about for the past week pretty much like I said before I have a appointment but idk what to think he doesn't want to get tested first he would rather use the cream first and see if it just goes away I don't know what to tell him other than to get tested. I wish he would stop with the blame it would put less stress on me