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richsloth29 November 22nd, 2021

I recently broke up and I started sexting random guys from Omegle and Chat roulette and I am really feeling guilty about it and everytime I think I won't do it, I end up doing it. I want to control the urge and just not sext random dudes. How can I control the urges?

TiredSoul99 November 22nd, 2021

Sounds to me like you’re trying to make up for what you lost. You may be trying to fill the void that was created when you lost your SO. Have you considered talking to friends and family more and distracting yourself that way you don’t feel tempted to go to those sites again?

richsloth29 OP November 26th, 2021

Thank You for your response. Tbh, I am not very comfortable talking to my friends or family about this. Right now, I have blocked that site to avoid myself from future guilt trips.

Yougotmyback November 22nd, 2021

I feel you need to realise that this time you need yourself the most. You're not meant for random people who you know don't deserve your energy. ❤️🌻

If you want to distract yourself then you can try journaling, drawing, watching movies, reading.

I've had an experience before. I'm not forcing you to try all these things but reading definitely helped me. 🤍🌼

Trying out new things for yourself is the best. When we're in a relationship, we sometimes forget we have an individual identity. Think of all the things you haven't done in a while, make a list and decide to spend at least 10 mins on them everyday. 🤍

Talk to the people you haven't in a while. Specially those who mattered but you were giving that time to someone else. Try to make yourself your priority.

Hope it helps. :)❤️


richsloth29 OP November 26th, 2021

Thank you so much for your response.

I completely agree, a part of me was forgotten in the relationship. I've tried doing new things that I didn't do earlier like meditating, journalling, going on walks. I know these things are really random but it still makes me happy.

Yougotmyback November 26th, 2021

Hey, good to know you're making progress. Best wishes. Do what makes you happy. That matters the most. Simple things can matter more for us. :)🤍✨