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Wife sleeps constanly

Hurtandconfused86 August 29th, 2022

When we first started dating, she warned me of her love for naps. No big deal. Everybody loves a nap, right? In the earlier phases she did nap a lot, but she’d still make time to go out and do things. The longer and longer we dated, and into engagement, that slowed down and she was sleeping more and more. She definitely was dealing with depression, so it’s understandable. But there were days she’d sleep 14+ hours a day. Go to work, come home, nap until dinner, eat and go to bed. I get it. Life is tough sometimes and we need rest. We’d make time to do things on weekends. Move forward to trying to get pregnant. She goes off of some meds and she’s sleeping more. Understandable, I get it. Still, she’d make time to do things. Now she is pregnant and she basically never leaves bed other than to go to work, if she does. She’s been in bed since Friday evening and has only gotten up once today to grab something to eat. She’s sleeping over 20 hours a day, and laying in bed any time she’s not sleeping. I get it, pregnancy is awfully tough on the body. But I’m getting stir crazy. I don’t want to leave her alone. I want to be here to take care of her, but I want to do things with her other than lay in bed. She knows going out and being active is very important to me. It’s putting a big strain on the relationship. I don’t want to be too pushy, but it seems to be overly not healthy and it’s driving my anxiety and depression through the roof. Am I the bad guy here?

barncat August 29th, 2022

@Hurtandconfused86- wondering how the pregnancy is really affecting her. Hopefully she is getting medical attention, and would really encourage her to seek mental health assistance if the issue is not medical. Post partum depression could tip her over the edge if she is not in optimal health after the birth of your child. Please continue supporting her with love and kindness and advocating professional help. Just a suggestion. Take care and thank you for sharing your concerns. It shows how deeply you care for your partner. ❤️

bilenn August 30th, 2022

i am sorry to hear about your current situation , i acknowledge that only you can know how complicated and double ended your feelings are. You could be feeling happy and excited about being a future father and frustrated and tired about your beloved compassion deserving spouse's constant sleep and its ramifications. As this is a phase, accepting its difficulties as temporary ones and changing your focus on future that everything will be different when your lovely little baby is born, that shift of attention might help reducing current stress level. No need to say that a baby might make both of you forget what an uninterrupted sleep was ever like .May God give you a healthy easy birth and a healthy lovely baby, best wishes

PerfectSalah August 30th, 2022

Hello there!

Did you try to take a full blood test on her? Long sleep hours such as your case can be concerning sometimes. I hope she is fine but please take a full body blood test. This might be a symptom of thyroid problems.

toughTiger6481 August 30th, 2022

I agree that seems excessive for sleep and a medical condition may be an issue if it is not full on depression