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Im tired of being alone

EmotionallyRational December 21st, 2020

I am 27 years old and still a virgin, I never had my first kiss, never held another girls hand, never felt the love and affection of another human being. In high school and middle school girls didn't like me because I was that guy that all the girls thought I was "disgusting" and the mention of my name was met with "ewww" remarks. I was and never have been "that cute guy" that women gossip about, no one other than my mother has said I am handsome, I don't feel handsome because I don't look like what women find attractive (this statement is not sexist in any way shape or form).

When women find a guy attractive she flirts with him and has long conversations with him but I never get treated like that (I am not saying I am entitled), I never get any kind of positive attention from women, sure I can talk to women but it never leads to anything past being "just friends" in my experience. I feel as though I am not being given a chance and I am being judged based on my appearance, looks and race.

Yes I am Indian a race hated by most if not all women due to negative stereotypes and a negative perception based on "bad experience", for example a very common complaint is that Indian men go on social media apps like facebook and send random women innapropriate messages. A rational human being would say in response to this that some people behave badly online whilst an irrational person would say "omagerd whats up with all these Indian guys sending me creepy messages". Such behavior is wrong and unacceptable however it is also unacceptable to blame an entire race for the actions of a few it doesn't solve anything nor will it stop those men from behaving badly towards women online and such behaviour is not exclusive to "Indian" men, men or people of all races can be guilty of harassing people online. Therefore it is a people problem not a race problem.

Neeme2020 December 21st, 2020

@calmFarm1440 hello I am so sorry for the way you are feeling. I too am exhausted feeling lonely . I am a divorcee and my two kids are adults now living their lives which makes me feeling so lonely. I understand that feeling. You said you are an indian ? So am I. Until you don't meet that one ( btw I feel there is someone out There for us both . God has promised a pair ). Hold on to gods hands and continue to hope and pray. It will happen. However until then may I ask what do you like doing during your free time. Focus on loving your time , your own company and that girl who will accept you as you are will cross your path . Continue to post I ll be looking for your post.