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selective hearing

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 December 28th, 2024

I am trying to find effective ways to deal with anger towards my partner. 

We OFTEN have discussions and I tell them information they asked about  and they act as if they listened or nod head ... Then we visited family over holiday. partner asked them about same discussion .. Family member said the EXACT same thing i told partner. MY partner then tells me like this is brand new information when the person said verbatim what  I had previously said. 

I know it is a small thing i should not let bother me but when it happens on a weekly basis looking up things and telling me the same thing i just told them i began to question their hearing my volume in speaking. Not that reword my response still ignored... text them they claim they never saw it i have read receipts.      it has to be on purpose i have spoken about it but like most other things it is ignored. 

we have some other issues but i often feel those are intensified by the refusal to listen.  We started the day fine and then they told me something  i had told them two days ago ..... they look at me like i should congratulate them on finding this information.... i walked off furious the whole day will be tainted by the anger and resentment. 

User Profile: PiecesOfWhoeverIWas
PiecesOfWhoeverIWas December 28th, 2024

@toughTiger6481 I have experienced this as well, and I understand how it seems like maybe a small thing but yet becomes big when it happens regularly. It’s maddening. I can tell you’re trying to be understanding with this, but it’s an unfair weight on you as well. 

I think some partners get overly comfortable, to the point that our voices and words get lost, like background noise of music or TV. They’re not being attentive like when we first met and they wanted to impress us. They take us for granted in some ways. In my experience, there are other “new” people around that they still do feel the need to impress, so those people get their ear and full attention. Doesn’t have to be someone they just met, just someone they’re not around every day. Their opinions hold fresh weight. Our partners may still love us, like a dependable old pair of shoes. They feel comfortable talking to us, sharing what they’re excited about. They know we’re there for them. They’re clueless about what they’re doing and how it comes across. They think they’re a decent person and don’t get how it feels, because we are still attentive and meet their needs.
6 replies
User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 OP December 29th, 2024


Thank you for the reply it is nice to know someone understands.

 I think It is more then the background noise although that is a perfect example.  It is very frustrating and makes me feel invisible. It has really really hurt our relationship.  tonight we discussed ordering in and i told them twice in less then 10 minutes my order as they were calling it in .... guess what get a look of aggravation from them saying "tell me what you WANT!"     

This would be fine if it was an hour but 10 minutes.... now i feel they may be  early on set dementia or something???      they also are having issues that i am not sure if i should ask them to see someone about ..... an old building that every business that tried moving into location failed. The building was torn down a month or so ago he has driven by several times yet today he seemed surprised and said "WOW did you see they tore that down" ....i said "yes a month or so ago "   He looked at me like i was making it up ...... i know he has driven by it  how do you miss a whole building gone and if so maybe he has  early onset dementia or something and should not drive.  

 I spoke to them today told him how this made me feel like nothing i said mattered. They said listening to others  was not about the other persons opinion but they were seconding mine and he decided to act.... why does he need a second to my answer. 

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User Profile: PiecesOfWhoeverIWas
PiecesOfWhoeverIWas December 29th, 2024
@toughTiger6481 Reading these examples you mention makes me feel so much less alone with what I’ve dealt with. I can imagine how you might’ve been feeling in these moments. 

The last paragraph, I re-read a couple times, and I don’t completely understand their logic. I’ve often rung out my brain trying to understand the reasons my husband had given me for the things he says or does. Sometimes I’ve wondered if the explanations aren’t really an authentic answer, but instead something they came up with in the moment that they thought sounded good. I think my husband would give me some quick reply just to get me to shut up or get the pressure off him. He’d become unhappy when it didn’t work.

You started your original post looking for ways to deal with your anger in these situations. I wish I had something of value to offer. My husband and I never communicated well, so my attempts to resolve this kind of stuff always seemed to make it worse. I never really understood his explanations about anything. The best way I found to deal with my anger was to stay calm by talking to him professionally. But this also had the effect of making me feel more distant emotionally from him. I felt better spending less time with him and trying to leave my frustrations behind when we were together.
4 replies
User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 OP December 29th, 2024


" I think my husband would give me some quick reply just to get me to shut up or get the pressure off him. He’d become unhappy when it didn’t work." 

this sounds exactly how it is here too.   I just want real answers from him. Tell me if he is struggling with memory or just did not believe my opinion/ answer / input ..... but as you have experienced some last minute lame excuses that make little sense. 

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User Profile: dukeofdearham
dukeofdearham December 31st, 2024


there could be a zillion reasons. He's not really listening to you. Or he listens but meanwhile his thoughts are elsewhere. Age, memory loss, other psychical and/or mental issues. A pattern that arose between the two of you. Unhealthy relationship.

Whatever it is, it's hurtful, especially when you try to express how it makes you feel and it's just ignored, I know all about that. You know, sometimes people who show hurtful behavior know they do, but they just can't change. Not a matter of not wanting to, just a matter of not able to. Like some sort of survival mechanism.

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User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 OP December 31st, 2024


Thanks for you response you always have sound advice.   I have given the benefit of doubt for too long and it bubbles up on me and like i must have a pressure relief valve.

I am trying to be conscience of his inability to change a now well established pattern/ habit.  I have spoken to others as well and one person from the opposite perspective said that happened in their marriage but they say they did not realize they were doing it to their partner. So i speak up hoping a ah-ha light will come on and he will try to not do it. 

 kinda like standing in the rain and hoping i do not get wet ... futile. 

1 reply
User Profile: dukeofdearham
dukeofdearham January 2nd


you know, I guess sometimes we get in a pattern that basically has nothing to do with you. Like your partner already had a kind of behavior but no one ever called him out on it. Like you acted like a mirror and it was (too) confronting.

I've experienced that with my former wife, a lot. She'd offer help, I would not follow up on it and she'd get triggered. Disappointed,  cold, sort of angry. Rejected. Even recently, she offered help, I had good reasons why it wouldn't work for me. She started what felt like pushing. I stood my ground. And she got triggered again. A pattern.

I kept my cool and pointed out that I did let her know that I appreciated her thinking along. 

I've told her before "one should only offer help if one expects nothing in return". I recently realized that she already showed this kind of behavior when we met, towards everyone. I guess I got too close and acted as a mirror. A pattern,  yes, not one however I initiated or participated in. Her learned behavior.

It might be similar in your case. And yes, it will only change if your partner allows himself to reflect upon himself. Like asking yourself,  "what can I (emphasis on I) do to improve this relationship". And then it might still never happen because he might feel deep doen inside he needs to change yet doesn't know how and doesn't want to leave his comfort zone, his learned behavior, his safety net. 

It's hard these kind of patterns that happen because one partner brought them along from the start. It's often not personal but you take it personal. You feel unheard, neglected, like your feelings are invalidated. Over and over.

As for my former wife, she knows and she knows I know. She's aware and tried to change, but to do so you need to confront yourself, and get long term professional help. Trauma therapy, which she started and quit cause "I no longer need it". In other words, it was too confronting for her.

Hope this helps a bit.

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User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 December 29th, 2024


That is a very saddening experience for me to hear about this issue coming back to you over and over again. Especially when I think it's been two years now or longer. I am just sad because you seem to be unhappy in your relationship 😔 

First things that came to my mind were some negative thoughts about your husband. But I guess I would be not neutral in that. And a relationship takes two...

Do you think you both might be involved in some kind of a "game" or role-playing thing? It looks like your temperaments are extremely different, with you being active, more decisive and lively, while your husband seeming to be slower and more passive.

Also, I am from the ACoA/AA/Al-Anon background, so I know that while a husband is drinking, a wife is often taking on both partners' everyday responsibilities and decisions, with him almost "invisible", and that kind of sharing can be complicating their lives after they start their healing. Do you think the reason might be somewhere there? I mean not only looking at the results (your husband not listening to you), but looking for the source if the situation...

8 replies
User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 OP December 29th, 2024


My spouse is a recovering alcoholic( over a decade sober) .... he was very functional when drinking so was not dealt with sooner... He never had these tendencies back then.  

I often wonder if this is just damage from long term brain damage from alcohol abuse....

It might be acceptable though sad if that was the case....... but it ONLY seems to effect his home life as he has a very busy leadership job with a large staff and seems completely competent there not making nonsense comments to them ... he has people calling him many times for direction or answers and he sounds confident and clear and decisive as i listen. 

I want that person at home....    

I know the disconnect has made me harder to deal with ...i do try to take on too much and get resentful about it.   He may feel I am trying to take over but I am just wanting to make sure things do not fall between the cracks. I can see how my response may be making him not being decisive and only reactive but i am struggling to change the dynamic.   I leave things to him to do ... and he fails far more then he triumphs .... he says he has too many things work / etc and forgets details in what is happening at home. 

I think in looking at core I may be letting this bother me more because I have always been down on lists work/ kids/ himself / pets..... then me way down list.   In working on that I have just done more on my own and it is making the space between us wider and wider. 

7 replies
User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 December 29th, 2024


It must be hard... No matter how much you struggle, the distance between the two of you seems to be growing...

If there was a magic wand, I guess we know what would you like to change in your husband. But how do you think, what would he like to change in you, to see you as more attractive, more important, not the person he is used to, but the person he would like to start anew with? Do you think he is still capable of such attitude?

Do you think not letting things to fall between the cracks is really so important when the ship is sinking?

Once in my life I met quite a messy person. She was unorganized, hectic and very unpunctual. We've been quarrelling a lot about keeping things in order, and unpleasant surprises (like the piles of sand from the children clothes freshly taken out of the washing machine or a rotten egg in the fridge)...

Several years have passed. Different person. Different place. She accidentally turned over the glass on my night table, with water being spilt all around. But instead of getting angry I stood and... hugged her. I didn't think about what I was doing. It was a jaw dropping experience for me. Well, actually some spilt water was not worth losing a relationship...

6 replies
User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 OP December 30th, 2024


All  good things to think about. I do not want to wave a wand and change him. i do not think it is too much to ask to be paid attention to?    Maybe he could   notice a haircut / new item of clothing / anything. Only time in last year he seemed interested was when i went on a business trip for 4 days... can not care less if i sit at home ......but fly across country he wanted to call 15 times a day.

   I ask about his day he says he does not find job interesting so why would I ?      I try to start conversation about local or current events ... nothing....  i joined a gym did art classes got a new job he asks nothing.... in best shape of a decade he does not notice at all.   we had the talk if we were single again he says he has no interest in even companionship with someone new. 

I am just lonely with him in same room 

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User Profile: Tranquil2025
Tranquil2025 December 30th, 2024

Wow sounds familiar

User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 December 30th, 2024


It's very sad to hear that... Especially while still remembering that I was there... When the kids were out for their summer camps, just passing by each other on the way to bathroom or kitchen, without a word other than "hi" or "I am going now".

If someone asked me about my status several years ago, my silent answer deep inside was: "For years I've been living in a burnt out wreckage of something that used to be my relationship". I am sorry that you apparently came to similar point in your life now.

I guess maybe I shouldn't tell you what happened next - to not discourage or encourage you (many good things and some really bad things happened).

Now I've been living my life alone, sometimes terribly missing a hug, a kiss, a walk hand in hand (yeah, I am romantic 😉) or just a warm conversation over a morning cup of coffee, but every week realizing how much I actually feel... happy 😊 

I wish you all the best on your way, no matter what you decide 💜 

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User Profile: PiecesOfWhoeverIWas
PiecesOfWhoeverIWas December 30th, 2024

@jacek73 I was avoiding mentioning what’s changing in my relationship as well. We are going through the process now. I have mixed emotions about it, some relief at no longer being tormented about situations like Tiger’s, but also knowing I’ll miss the same things you described. I’d like to think there is hope for others going through these things. Is this common in marriages, a difference in the sexes? Or just happenstance when people get comfortable or aren’t practicing self-awareness? I probably need to stop trying to figure it out.

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User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 December 30th, 2024


I believe there is no rule (though some patterns might be more common). But there _is_ hope.

You never know what is awaiting you when you open another door. You may be eaten and spat out by a crocodile, or find a love of your life... And then, finally, some great peace of mind. Will be what will be. No need to worry 😊 

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User Profile: PiecesOfWhoeverIWas
PiecesOfWhoeverIWas December 30th, 2024

@toughTiger6481 It hit me hard when you mentioned all these things he ignores but then sparks up when you go out of town. Sometimes it feels like a game of chase. Sounds like he gets insecure when you leave. Like he notices and cares, but his priorities are out of order when you’re around and the risk of losing you is less. Sounds like he spends a lot of energy on things like work and isn’t aware that it’s important to set a reserve for you two. He sounds comfortable, like he can relax and do minimal effort around you and thinks that’s a good thing. 

Do you guys spend a lot of time together, or do you tend to do a lot on your own? 

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