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I need insights as I am about to go nuts!

MoodyPianist August 23rd, 2023

I am hoping for insights here. I am dating someone. We’re almost a year now. It’s a long distance relationship. Different countries basically. But we’ve met and went on vacation!

He has aspergers. To be honest I’ve suspected this for a while now. We only found out a couple of days ago when he took a test online. Thing though is his personality is INTP. And most traits of an INTP crosses over Asperger so we can’t really be sure until he gets diagnosed properly.

He would have depressive episode every few months or so. I notice this would happen everytime his routine is messed up. And when this happens, it’s always our relationship on the line.

I rationalize things by thinking, maybe it’s because thos disruptions to his routine makes sense. He has to do this because of this and that. He has to go to work because of something. They are logical.

But what doesn’t make sense in his life when he goes through this is our relationship. So i think maybe that is why our relationship is getting question every single time by him.

Now here’s the deal with his episode at the moment. He is doubting himself. If he is capable of handling a relationship. If he can be the man I can be happy with. If he even still wants to be in a relationship. Basically he said that he wanted to sort things out in his head.

If his doubts outweigh his desire to be with me and be in a relationship. Or vice versa. But he also said it’s like they are someone else’s doubts.

He tried to break up with me thinking it is in my best interest coz he know how hard this is for me. Me waiting on him while he figure things out.

And here’s where I may have mistake. I basically BEGGED him to give us another chance. Today is August 19. I told him to give us a chance maybe he would be able to work things out in his head by September 30!

He agreed. But was really hesitant. Then. He warned me that past few days and the coming days he might be apathetic. He is in robotic mode of sorts. All feelings and emotions are shut down for him.

I tried to get more out of him coz I am confused. Im neurotypical. He said he thinks after he’s think through things it would not be a positive one coz why else would he be having this doubts anyway? He also said he doesnt know what he feels about me but he thinks it may have lessen. And the outcome might 30/70 where 70% it will be him not wanting the relationship. Then again.. He is in “shutdown” mode. Any and all feelings are shut for him. He is… numb. Basically.

He never said he loved me throughout the relationship. He simply DOESNT KNOW. But he does know I love him. I told him. But never pressured him to figure out what he feels for me coz what matters is his actions. And he makes me feel loved. For more context… I am his FIRST girlfriend. First sex. First in a lot of things.

I do not know what to do. I do not know what is going on inside his head.

RogueOne1983 August 23rd, 2023


I was married to an Asperger's guy. I haven't heard anyone do the percentages thing since.

Basically he likely has everything slotted in its place. His routine gets messed up so you also fall out of place he allocated for you to be in.

He has to re-order it all or not. You may wish to discuss cost benefit risk analyses about staying with you or not.

I am an artist/musician like yourself. My left brain is now really strong after marriage to an Aspie!

MoodyPianist OP August 23rd, 2023

What do you mean by cost benefit risk anaysis? What does that mean? How do I do that?

RogueOne1983 August 23rd, 2023

@MoodyPianist tell him.

He will understand just tell him to run it, tell you what the results are.

MoodyPianist OP August 23rd, 2023

Im scared…

MoodyPianist OP August 23rd, 2023

Also.. I have been giving him his space so i havent texted nor called him

i was thinking if he doesnt message me first i will reach out by the 1st of September.

what do you think?

RogueOne1983 August 23rd, 2023

@MoodyPianist Call him and text him definitely!!

MoodyPianist OP August 23rd, 2023

But doesnt he need space? Just to help him sort things through his head?

RogueOne1983 August 23rd, 2023

@MoodyPianist Call him leave a voicemail tell him you met Amy, and Amy is sending you to him.

MoodyPianist OP August 23rd, 2023

He doesn’t have voicemail. Who’s amy?


im sorry am I being pranked or something?

RogueOne1983 August 23rd, 2023

@RogueOne1983 no not pranked.

Text him if he doesn't have VM. I have noticed that even when people ask for space a lot of times they don't really want it.

I am actually genuinely trying help both of you.

My husband honestly appreciates it when I don't give him too much space, cause we need each other and to be together. ❤️❤️❤️🐺💍✨️❤️‍🔥

MoodyPianist OP August 24th, 2023

Well he messaged me today and I replied. But it wasn’t much of a conversation.

to be fair I spoke to someone about your first advice the analysis thing and he told my BF about it so he is going to do just that.

just not sure when this is going to bebover and we can finally talk things out.