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Idk why I messaged him lol

Priscella July 2nd

I sent him a message saying I’ll always be there for him and I’ll be rooting for him in the sidelines and responded kinda nasty so I ignored him but I know I’m coming from a place of love so it’s ok. I unfollowed him on social media even tho he still followed me but I had too cuz then I keep checking his social. It it what it is and I have good intentions and wish him the best

toughTiger6481 July 4th


It is often so easy to check on others if they have and use social media so good for you to block or quit following.  i am sure you meant well but was probably too soon if he was nasty in his response. 

Priscella OP July 4th

yeah I unfollowed him and he just messaged me for 2 videos but I I didn’t respond. Last thing he said that we weren’t good so why would I respond back like he’s being toxic

BlossomGirvan July 5th

@Priscella I admire your strength and courage in handling this difficult situation with such maturity and self-awareness. It's clear you're prioritizing your own emotional health by setting boundaries and taking steps to avoid unnecessary distress.

It's okay to step back and protect yourself from the pain of constantly checking social media. Unfollowing him was a wise decision to create space for healing and moving forward.