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First, Now 4 Year Relationship

OhhKay September 30th, 2023

Hi everyone,

I just came on here to kinda vent and get some advice. I’ve been in a relationship (my first one) for 4 years now. We met through a dating app and at first I was super shy and hesitant around him but eventually I found my confidence growing, as well as our friendship and relationship. It’s been 4 years now, and I’m worried and here’s why:

When we first met he didn’t have a job and was relying on delivery apps for his essential income (bills, food, etc.). As for myself I was at a *** part-time job that I loathed but was actively trying to get out of. Eventually I graduated college and found my first full-time job, got laid off, then found my current (and better) full-time job which I’m now really happy at. As for him, in all those four years he hasn’t gotten a part or full time job, and keeps talking about how he wants to earn income from online. When we first met I thought that was a great idea and encouraged him, but now I’m just so frustrated that he only seems to TALK about his plans instead of really doing them. He has actually worked on his ideas a little but they’re not paying off in the way of him actually earning a stable income from them. He continues to come up with more and more ideas that will hopefully earn him some income, but I really don’t think it’s going to happen. I’ve tried to offer him help in getting a job and at one point, he did have one but it lasted for a week before he quit. For some reason he’s just so against the idea of jobs and waking up early and “being miserable”, that he’s convinced himself it’ll only make him depressed and numb. He currently lives with his parents and still does delivery jobs and continues to chip away at his online ideas but he’s made no progress in that.

His situation is also causing huge strain on me and my parent’s relationship. They’ve been accepting of him but as they’ve also seen no change, they’re concerned about my future with him since he hasn’t taken initiative to get a job and provide for himself, let alone someone else in the future. I try to defend him but they’ve honestly made some good points about him.

I’m in my mid-twenties now, and I have hopes to move into my own place and get married soon, but since he refuses to get a job or go to any kind of schooling, I don’t know what to do. It’s so expensive to live on your own, and I had that we would both be in a position to move on to the next part of our lives together and move in together, but now I don’t see that happening.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve talked to him about the job situation, and he gets defensive and upset, but on the other hand he always vents to me about how he has no money and how he’s miserable at home, so I don’t understand why he won’t just even get a temporary job enough to get out of his house and ALSO work on his online ideas at the same time. I don’t know what to say to him anymore, I feel like a broken record repeating the same things and giving him the same advice.

I’m scared that the more I wait, the more I’m wasting my time waiting. I’ve made so many changes since we first met. I struggle immensely with anxiety and social interactions, but I still applied and got a full time job that I knew would be worth the experience in order to help me in the future, and my main motivation in doing so had to do with my dreams about our future together, that it would be worth all the struggle. I now have an amazing full time job and have the means of moving out next year, but he hasn’t changed at all or made any real attempt to. He talks about marriage with me once he has the means but at this point I feel like it’s just talk.

What should I do? Should I talk to him again? Give him an ultimatum? We recently had a big fight about this, and I essentially told him I wanted to see him fight for us and our relationship even if that means he has to get a job for now, and he said he would, but once again he’s fallen back into complaining but not attempting to get out of his predicament. He applied and interviewed for one job and got rejected, and has made no further attempts, even after I offered to help him look and practice his interviewing skills. It’s just so incredibly frustrating but it’s also hard because I really love him but now I’m not sure if he’s the one for me for the future that I see myself in. I just don’t have many friends, and I’ve realized that I’m honestly really scared of being alone, but I don’t know if he’s ever going to change.

dukeofdearham October 1st, 2023


until her decides to grow up and be a man, this will not lead anywhere.

And deep down you know he won't grow up.

OhhKay OP October 27th, 2023

I think you’re right. It’s been about a month since I made my initial post, and there has been no change. When his parents talk to him about him getting a job he gets extremely defensive and mean and has told me he will never get one. I just don’t understand how he expects to support his future…

I’m trying to open my eyes as much as I don’t want to and unfortunately I think he just wants to be a pessimist about his situations in life and always blame his parents when he has the power to control what happens since he’s an adult in his late 20s.

PinkReader October 1st, 2023

Hi @OhhKay,

This is definitely a difficult and challenging situation. I'm in my early twenties, so I completely understand your perfectly reasonable needs.

Your concerns are valid and it has been 4 years. You also talked about the barriers you have overcome in those years, so you should be proud of yourself, regardless of what happens between you and him. You have made a great effort to fully realise your dreams and he hasn't contributed meaningfully. You have reflected on your needs, listened to his perspective and explore solutions together, so you have done your best.

I think you should talk to him again and perhaps consider couples therapy, if it is feasible. I believe that ultimatums are unconstructive and indicative of a larger incompatibility, so a professional may be able to assist and get through to him.

It is not surprising that you are concerned about your future with him, but please don't let the fear of being alone stop you. Being alone for a short or long time is not a failure. It sounds like the sunk-cost fallacy is influencing your judgment. I have been in at least 3 relationships and I am slightly younger. It is okay for relationships to end. It's also okay to build new relationships and figure yourself out. You have the rest of your life to do this with the resilience you have already shown.

OhhKay OP October 27th, 2023

Thank you for this reply! Reading that brought me comfort, and I think you’re right.

I think deep in my mind I’ve already decided I want to break things off with him, but now I’m in the position of not knowing how. I still love him, but I feel like I need to distance myself from him to really heal and discover myself again. I’m just worried about how he’ll react since I know he’s already extremely depressed with his life situation. I don’t want to make him feel worse, but I also don’t want to be stuck in this position knowing in my head and heart that I need to move on.

I would try couples therapy, but I truly think he would loathe it, so I don’t know if it’s even worth mentioning that to him.

Thank you again for your advice!

OhhKay OP October 27th, 2023

Hi @HearZero

Thank you so much for sharing your advice and your own story! I really appreciate you taking the time to post and help me. I also agree with you.

In the first year or so of my relationship with him I was kinda blinded by the thrill of a new relationship and told myself it’d be ok if I was the breadwinner and even if he lived with me in an apartment and didn’t contribute, but after years of thinking like that I’m finding myself change. I got a new job and I’m around the most wonderful, hardworking people who always challenge themselves to grow, and I want to be with someone just like that. I know his depression is hard, but he continually attacks his parents and people who want to genuinely help by simply giving him the advice about getting a job or doing schooling, and he instantly starts swearing at them and shouting. I’ve also been the target of his verbal abuse and I’ve put up with it so much but now I find myself just being done. It’s just tough because I still love him and want him to succeed so badly. I really think I would have been with him for forever if he simply worked hard at something and showed me that he wants to fight for our relationship but he seems to just say these things and not do them.

I think he might be similar to your friends that you mentioned in that he makes excuses but doesn’t change.

I’ve given him 4 years and I’ve changed some much but he still just does delivery apps and doesn’t actually prepare for our future which I’m really opening my eyes to because I’m sure we all can understand how tough it is out there in the world and how expensive it can be.

Thank you again for your advice!

patientSky1754 October 28th, 2023


First and foremost, communication is KEY. It's important to talk to your partner and express your concerns, care, fears and frustration. Make it clear that your intentions are for the betterment of both of your lives. You've already tried to encourage him and offer assistance in finding a job, which is commendable. However, change often takes time, and people may have their reasons for resistance, like fear or anxiety about traditional employment. If he's open to it, suggest he speak with a career counselor or therapist who can help him address these barriers. As for giving an ultimatum, it's a decision you'll have to make based on your feelings and the seriousness of the situation. Sometimes, ultimatums can provide clarity, but they can also lead to resentment and strain on the relationship. It might be worth considering this as a last resort. Ultimately, you have to prioritize your own well-being and future

OhhKay OP November 1st, 2023

Hi @patientSky1745!

Thank you for your response! I think I’ll recommend the career counselor to him to see if that could possibly help him overcome anxiety as you mentioned.

I think he just needs to find something that he’s passionate about, and currently he’s been very indecisive so I’m wondering if that can help him narrow things down.

dukeofdearham November 1st, 2023


you've had a lot of patience and went way and beyond to understand him and help him. At your own expense it seems.

You can't change people, someone can only change himself.

Sometimes you just have to choose you. Like my soon to be ex wife wrote me once "I love you, and I love me too".