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Developing feels??

Country3262 April 11th

I’ve never felt attracted to anyone before but I have a college class with a guy I think I’m becoming attracted too.

He is a very nice guy I’ve only talked to a few times. Recently I had gotten a phone call about my grandfather ending up in the hospital and in critical condition. I couldn’t stop crying and went into tell my teacher before I left. On my way out of the classroom some of my classmates gave me hugs and condolences on the matter. I didn’t realize he came after me to the campus door and gave me a hug. He said “ I don’t know what is happening but I’m here if you need someone to talk too and my life is fairly crazy so I know how it feels to need to reach out too someone”. When I returned to class the following week he waved and walked over to see how I was doing. Afterwards he even sat next to me and my group in class.

I know he was just being considerate and making sure I was okay. Recently I can’t seem to get the feeling of the hug and being in his arms out of my head. I know my emotions haven’t been stable after my grandpa passed but I feel warm, fussy and somewhat excited when I think about him now. Now I feel like I’m overreacting and just daydreaming about the whole thing.

Optimisticempath April 20th


sorry to hear about your grandpa  :( how've you coping up? 

its totally normal to feel attracted towards someone and get those excited fuzzy warm feels when you see them or think about them 💕 do you consider trying to talk to them or know them more?