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sarinn's corner

Listeningsarinn December 11th, 2021

(if you are in a rush, just read the bold parts, that’s the info, the rest is a message and explanation)

My very beloved 7cups family,

I never knew how hard it would be to type this out one day, i literally am crying, but I needed to do so as I have been delaying making this post for too long already

Before any of you start to get worried, no, I’m not leaving, but I’m afraid this is gonna be a long while away; a one on which I will miss you all too much..

if I am to be honest, I haven’t been doing okie lately, I’m under a whole lot of stress due to my studies for an upcoming exam, this particular exam is so very important for me and talks lots about my future, in means of my to be job, income, immigration plans and long story short, doing good on that exam is a must if I am to reach my dreams or get anywhere around them.. and at this point, I am having a really hard time coping with all the stress and pressure from my teachers, school and family as well as my own over thinker mind… which is causing me a major burnout

I need time to heal from that burnout and I think it will be healthier for me to do so while not on cups

And even after getting myself in a better coping state, I will need to study even harder as I am not doing well on mock exams right now.. not at all

All these going on in my personal life has made me unable to be available and present for many of you in times I wished badly that I could be, and it has made me unable to hold some of the promises I have made, this is something I am deeply and dearly sorry about and I hope you can forgive and understand me for.. my lack of presence is not about you, or because I don’t care, I still care and love you, a bit more than before, I have just been going thru a rough to handle time

Note that: Starting from Monday (December 13th), I will be deactivating my account and putting it on self-care break for a month and half, during which time our chat page will disappear from your list of chats, after being back I will update you on how active I can be

you are welcome to leave me messages on this thread, I will be seeing them, but can’t reply until the one month and half is over, It will make me smile and feel at home to see your names on my screen tho

you are loved, you are gonna be so missed, you will never be forgotten.. I will be sending you so much love and craving the day I get to talk to you all again

remember, I believe in you, and I know so well you can make thru every bad day and to the days you will smile lightly on

my dear leaders: please note that I am stepping down fully from all my roles other than newbie hub room moderator role and will reapply for them when and if my situation and daily schedule has changed

for your reference, these are the roles I am stepping down from:

chatroom mod (trauma support and lgbtq+), chat support and peer support, subcommunity teen star (lgbtq+), teen forum star (needs reply), subcommunity team project agent (needs reply), anonymous evaluations, team lightship, LD, verifies team

it has been a great pleasure workring with you all, you have taught me by experience what a team really means and you have made me learn so so much, thanks for existing and thanks for what you do for this community

ps: will try to respond to every pm i have before monday

with love~ sarinn

@sunshinegiraffe123 @Marigold357 @Cambion @Jnyx @Anna2400

@FedUpWithPeople @Mahit25 @exuberantPlane4067 @savannamb @Bluelove13

@shreknado @emotionalTalker2260 @kindHuman1425 @RavenSky @DaisyFlower32

@OliveF @FallenStarss @fearfearfear @RiverTheWolf @CalmCoral @navyHouse3677

@tidyFarm162 @TayTayy

@mel @heather225 @bookworm274 @tami150 @rebekahroyal @suryanshsingh @oceanwaves16 @jenna @KateDoskocilova @ouicherie @cheerymango @VicK5123 @Amy @sia1325 @mamtasha22 @amazingnutella24 @azuladragon34 @faithlove1111 @GlitteringNights @joyfulunicorn @Juliak1968 @Listeningsarinn @pamharley003 @StanDaMan78 @Asher @SynSavory @FinleyTews @Anotherfrenchtoastclub @hopedreamlove @caffeinatedcatio @MidwesternCalmSeeker @ouiCherie @EmmaE @bookworm274 @Optimisticempath @windSpirit @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @ConsiderateParadise6717 @sia1325 @FlourishingDimensions @theriverissinging @SoftFaith2004 @QuietMagic @imlistening01 @EveryMindMatters @xinyii11

Mack December 11th, 2021

🥺 im sorry you’re having a hard time. I love you so super much and Im gonna miss you so much. I hope things get better and easier and your exams go well. You’re amazing 💕

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


thanks sweetie <3 i love you super much too, and i'll miss you more uwu

take care of you for me okie?? can't wait to be back, attack hug you incredibly hard and get the updates

EmmaE December 11th, 2021


hi sarinn!

thank you so much for letting us know <3 i'm so sorry to hear that you're under a lot of stress and it's causing you to burnout :( this exam sounds like a really important one, so i completely understand how challenging this must be for you! it's so amazing of to recognize that you need to step down and take a break to focus on your real life and studies. i'll miss you so much and will be thinking of you! best of luck on your exam, you got this and i hope everything goes well! stay amazing ❤️

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


aw emma <3 thanks love, this was a message i needed to read today <3

sunshinegiraffe123 December 11th, 2021


im gonna miss you Sarin.. you’re one of a few teen listeners who truly understood me 😭

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


i will miss the one and only allie too, will be back soon enough, take good care of yourself for me til then okie??

emotionalTalker2260 December 11th, 2021


🥺 awww sarinnnn *huggles tightly* sorry to hear *cries with you* 🥺 i will miss you *hugs again*

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


*hugs back tightly* tata is loved

and i'll miss you too love, but i guess this is a step i really needed to take <3

will be back soon, take good care of the pikata

bookworm274 December 11th, 2021


Thank you so much for letting us know sarinn - you are an amazing person and I am so sorry to hear about all this stress you are going through ❤️ I wish you the best of luck in your exams - we know you can do it! Take care, always here for you 💜

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


aw thanks book <3 this was a really sweet message

also thanks for being one of the most awesome people i've ever met and the greatest team-mate i could've asked for <3 thru the past few months and with my very much extended breaks, you have been handling all about NR as well as helping everyone in the team which is something i truly appreciate and adore you for <3

stay you <3

QuietMagic December 11th, 2021


That absolutely makes sense. Sorry that things are so difficult, thanks for all you've done, and I'm glad you're taking that time for yourself to try to manage everything. 💜

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


thanks lots magic🍃💜

ouiCherie December 12th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn *hugsss*

Thank you for informed us Sarin, will surely miss you.

Wishing you the best for the exam and the future 💜

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


so will i cherie <3 thanks <3

juliak1968 December 12th, 2021

We're here for you any time! I hope some of your 7cups habits lure you back really soon!

Blessings, Day

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


aw thanks day <3

xinyii11 December 12th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn Awww sarinn I'm so sorry to hear that. School and exams can be really tiring - I myself have been feeling the signs of burnout too so I get how hard it can be. Good luck with your break! I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself first <3 We'll be here when you get back, and we'll definitely miss you very very much :)

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


thanks a lot xin! <3 just a reminder that you too deserve putting yourself first~ when and if feeling signs of burn out, self care can be your best friend <3

Bluelove13 December 12th, 2021


Blue gonna miss sarin a lot...Take care 💙💙💙

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


i'm gonna miss blue super much too,

and i'll be thinking of blue and sending so so so much love your way

be kind to the one and only blue til when i'm back??

SynSavory December 12th, 2021


Oh no! Thanks for sharing. I suppose that's how life is -- we have to prioritize real life every now and then. We'll be here still when you come back. 😉

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


that indeed is true syn <3 see you around when i'm back <3 take care of you

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2021


Hey hey lovely Sarinn, you've been so missed around already ~ thankyou for letting us know , glad to see you prioritising yourself . I understand how challenging this time may be for you , the whole phase with so many important discussions to make ~ I'd like to assure you that , everything is gonna be just fine , things do seem like rushing and " all at once " , feeling burned out is super understandable ): ~ your dedication is radiant and I for one, am quite certain, you'll achieve everything you wish for and more ~ hang in there and amidst everything else , please do take care of your lovely self , you are important to us ❤

Sending lots of love and hugs , take careoooo and seee yaaaa🤗 Rooting for *you* !

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


aw sun *~* this was the sweetest message of century perhaps, thanks a lot

see you soon <3 *hugs and sends lots of love*

LavenderHere December 12th, 2021


Oh no- I am really sorry to hear you aren't doing well, and sounds like there is a lot of offline stress for you at the moment. And burnouts can be really hard to handle, I hear you there.

I hope you're able to cope and heal from the burnout, as well as do well in your exams. It is hard but you are awesome, you got this.

If you need to, please feel free to reach out from your m account.

It's okie to take a break from 7Cups in such a situation, even if it feels really overwhelming and sad (especially with stepping away from all your roles). We will all be here when you return, and I'll miss you<3

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


thanks a lot lav <3 it means so much to read all that <3 i'll miss you too and i really really adore the peron you are~

see you around as soon as i'm back <3

fearfearfear December 12th, 2021


Oh sarinn 😭 You are the KINDEST listener out there. I feel so safe around you. Oh my gosh, I am going to miss you SO MUCH, my heart sank when I read that. We all love you to BITS sarinn. Never forget that! Eeeeeekkk! I am gonna miss you too much! You are amazing.

Listeningsarinn OP December 13th, 2021


eva eva <3 the amazing sweetest eva <3

happy me to hear you feel safe around me <3 i always enjoy talking to you uwu

will miss you too <3 take care of you for me would you??

also, did you go jetskiing today??

kindHuman1425 December 12th, 2021

@listeningsarinn omgggg sarinn, really hoping things get better for you, I can understand how difficult it must have been to take this step. we will all be waiting for you. good luck on your exam. we love you!

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


*sends love and shares cookies* ❤️❤️

Moonlemon48 December 12th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn The sarinn who always made my day! I am sorry that the things at your end are tough, I can imagine how difficult it must be to cope with stress. I believe the decision you are making is for the best! Cups will always have a place for you! This is definitely not a goodbye. I will see you soon! Cups will miss you alot but we respect your decision! Good luck with your exam! Take good care sarinn(: Until next time!

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


aw moon🥺 🌙 thanks! This was really sweet to read!

see you around when back!

FinleyTews December 12th, 2021

@Listeningsarinn Thank you for all that you've done, you have given an outstanding devotion to this community. You deserve to have more time and energy for your personal projects. I wish you all the best, and even though we've never talked, I'm looking forward to hearing updates from you!

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


thanks a lot love❤️❤️

Victor04 December 12th, 2021


Oh God, Sarinn. This is really upsetting.

I hope you have a good break, friend. You will be missed by all of us. I hope to see you again soon. Take care, friend. I wish you luck on your future exams and all of your real life endeavors.❤

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


vic the ever great! Told ya i was working on the cups addiction haha!

will miss you too, but i hope this is for the best🥺 see you around when i’m back

Victor04 December 19th, 2021


See ya soon, friend.❤

Listeningsarinn OP December 12th, 2021


Oceanwaves16 December 12th, 2021


i am so sorry to hear you aren’t doing well :( don’t worry about us you and your health are what’s important. We appreciate all you have done for the trauma community and wish you the best <3

Listeningsarinn OP December 14th, 2021


thanks a lot ocean! (I am super thankful for all you have done for this community too 🍃❤️)