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havnt talked to two friends in a while. Debating on trying to rekindle

Zachi2 July 15th, 2017

So I have, or well had, two friends who I stopped talking to and the thought about talking to them has sprung back up.

One was just super obnoixious and literally wouldnt listen to anyone when they brought it up. He was also the kind of person who would take your advice and throw it out the window because "he was right' Hes the least likly to be rekindled

The other friend however, I've had a long standing with him but the last 4 months before i stopped talking to him, and subsiqently visited, i just stopped talking to him. He almost wouldnt take no for an awnser when he tried to have me in a polyamours relationship. Couple this with the fact his boyfriend told me "I dont know why, but you changed for the worse" If I talk to him, I fear it will just turn into that loop again.

I have other friends, but one was a manipulative person with an abrasive personality that got jealous when I got close to my current boyfriend, one was an extreme egotist and had no concept of reality and one was the person my ex cheated on me with.

I feel like I know I shouldnt rekindle, but Im not sure.

Saraf July 15th, 2017


I agree with what wise people suggest that, it's for the best if you surround yourself with positive people, people who are willing to focus on the best side of each things. Perhaps it would help you if you avoid your friends, especially the ones who are not very positive minded and encouraging.

Zachi2 OP July 15th, 2017


Yeah. Just one of the friends shoots me texts every now and then like he wants to get back in touch. I've talked to my BF about it, but hes pretty indifrerent to it

Saraf July 16th, 2017


Why is your boyfriend indifferent about it? Is he not being helpful towards this issue?

Zachi2 OP July 16th, 2017


Its call it all started before we got invovled I think. I explained it all and he asked why I stopped talking to him. I think its indifrence due to him not know the person and not knowing anything that happened