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Ghosted.. Dear Best Friend,

sensibleKitten1753 June 12th, 2020

You were the one who told me we would be friends forever. You were the one who said you would be there for me. Maybe our years of friendship didn't mean much for you, but you were my family. I am no longer angry, just hurt. I wish there was a way to get closure from you. The day of my graduation you didn't show up or respond to my texts and calls.

It's been over a year since we spoke and I still hope one day you'll reach out to me and explain. When something funny happens I hear us laughing and I imagine the clever jokes you'd say. I still expect to see your name pop up in my messages and I still see you being there at my wedding, when I'm sick, and when we are old.

I miss my best friend. I deserved more than being ghosted and blocked because your new girlfriend told you to. Or at least that's what our then mutual friends said ..

Hope to hear it from you soon but perhaps I never will. I wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

Good bye,


perpetualfear June 13th, 2020


I'm sorry. Losing people is never easy and losing people because of another person isn't either. There will always be people in life who may come and go. But you must realize you are better for your time together. In the least you grew from it. In the best you felt important, happy or loved! I won't tell you not to feel sad. Not because I don't want you to feel comforted. But because I can tell this person meant a lot to you. I think they would want you to smile to try to find more friends and live every day as best you can. I know I wish that of others who have left my life. Time heals all wounds, it isn't fun but it is true. If you wanna talk I have 2 open ears!