''Why do I always get attached to the people who are not good for myself?''
We are always asking ourselves''Why do I always get attached to people who are not good for myself?'' and the answer is surprising.
I know that the term ''Wounded part of myself'' can sound a little bit intensive, but I will explain. We all have two parts of ourselves - lower me(wounded part of ourselves - emotions, mind, ego) and spiritual body (superior me, SOUL).
Wounded part of ourselves is the part that feels incomplete, gives you a question about your worth - it doesn't feel complete or it feels wrong on some way. My wounded part of myself is ''lower me'' who's asking me is it possible for someone to love me.
On the other side, we have the spiritual body. That is our ''superior'' and something that we really are, the soul. That's the honest part of ourselves which is related to love, honesty, wisdom and peace. Your spiritual body, without any doubt, knows how much you deserve to love, to be loved and how much you are actually worth. There is a lot difference between this and your ego.
In any time, we operate from one of this two parts of ourselves. Many of us, unfortunately, mostly operate from our own ego. Actually, we believe that we are, in some way, insignificant and useless and we are trying to fulfil that imperfection.
Ego looks for ''external'' things so it can find a confirm its own values. Ego believes that after getting more - money, better partner, better job, better house, more rest and so - that it will finally be happy.
But... It's not happy. At least, not for a long time.
His own nature is to feel incomplete. So, when you live through the perspective of your ego, you are destined to feel like something is missing. That kind of life is no fun.
Ego is strongly 'activated' when we talk about romantic relationships, because, when we are in the relationship, that's the time when we are hurt the most.
All of us have experienced disappointment or grievance in some kind of relations in the past; we are keeping memories of certain wounds in our adulthood(sometimes unconsciously). If the wound from our childhood is still ''active'' in you, you will be attracted to people who will incite the same feeling.
For example, if you were feeling invisible or rejected in your childhood, it's the big possibility that you will feel the same way in your adulthood. Unconsciously, a part of yourself is programmed to attract people who can activate your wounds. Reason for that is your growth.
That is one frustrating part of growth process. But think about it on this way: when your wounds are showing more than once, you can make them heal. We can't heal something we are not able to see or something we can't feel. We can't heal things who are being repressed. Unpleasant feelings have to come to the surface, so we can overcome that.
And how are we growing above it? By indicating ourselves with the ''REAL ME'', with the soul. Remember – YOU- your soul, your ''SUPERIOR ME'' is the part of us who knows the real truth. Part of us that knows that we are worthy, incredible, able and powerful. From the perspective of ''superior me'', you are complete! Yes, you are an imperfect human being with flaws, but the real truth is - you are your soul.
You are beautiful. You are important. You are special. You are loved.
Those are the things that ''superior me'' knows about ourselves - and wants you to know the same. When you accept the truth from something more superior, meanwhile you can realize that the ''wrong people'' were just our teachers who pushed us in the ''real state of mind''; the state of mind which doesn't bring up the question of your worth. Unfortunately, nothing can inspire us more than a broken heart.
Your ''superior me'' wants you to compare yourself with it - it wants you to realize who you really are. Find love in yourself again and you will heal your relations - from the inside to the outside.
@Sahayak @Giovanna @Isaac @brightSunshine14 @SkyRunner @necrodeath @Elaijah @Brah @Belle_ @Tofflan @BluPenguin @mats @Gouws13 @Greylight @Halogen @FairMindedJackruit @Zed786 @eviesweet @Lissymay @PoolOfBrokenMemories @AlteriHuic2 @Anggi @HermeticCrypto
And many others :)
thankyou for posting this. I found it insightful and it made sense, albeit that I feel trapped and my wounded part has completely beaten up the superior me that I rarely see it although some days it does shine through just to let me know it's still there Which I love.
Dear Rainfall
That was an incredible post. I Agree, when we are born we don't have ego, we are at our purest moment in this life. Our surroundings (society, obstacles in life, childhood) creates a blanket that covers us with another self.
Charlie Chaplin said the following:
To those who can hear me, I say "Do not despair." The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder! Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men---machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have a love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate; the unloved and the unnatural.
He points the finger towards how we are shaped by the world around us and while we cant ignore it we (as you so beautifully say) can find our true self, buried deep bellow inside us. We can find it when we stop agreeing viewing life as having to float on the sea of life on a wooden board, we all posses the tools to disagree with life, disagree with what life has made us become and allow ourself to be that people who we really want to be. We can let our soul flourish from the moment the sunrises but we have to be able to let go… For some people it takes some time and a lot of people sadly will start the search. but for those who want allow theirselves to become their true self, it will happen.
In a way, we first have to feel bound by our ego, experience the misery to be able to see an alternative. The ego creates the opportunity to start the search for the soul, without evil, there is no good.
Heres a video that might inspire you, it emotionally gets to me, its titled
THE REAL YOU : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I
Keep being incredible Rainfaill!!
@incredibleRainfall48 Love this! :) Thanks for sharing Rainie