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OPEN DISCUSSION- Handling Rejection (please contribute!)

User Profile: NewRomantic677
NewRomantic677 August 31st, 2015

Okay, so rejection is part of our everyday lives, even in its most mundane form it can be a put-me-down. This thread is specifically about rejection in Romantic Relationships. Often, people who have faced rejection find themselves in a state of self doubt. they ask questions like "Am I Enough?" or "What If I Stay Alone Forever?"

In all honesty, questions like these cause a lot of internal conflict and could lead to many other complications if you don't find suitable outlets for your emotions. I'm here to tell yo that romantic rejection is perfectly normal, and you shouldn't let rejection stop you from seeing what a beautiful person you are.

I feel very personally connected to this topic, after receiving many rejections (which is probably why i had towering insecurities) and stating out on my longest journey yet towards realising that I am, indeed, worth it, I've started feeling like I have a responsibility towards helping other people through rejection. Feel free too share any and all of your thoughts, and as always I'm Just A PM Away heart

User Profile: Lucym88
Lucym88 August 31st, 2015

What a lovely post, thanks so much :)

I am single for the first time in 9 years. I have recently started to date...very scary for me. I have handle rejection quite well I think, i haven't had any relapse of my depression or self harm over it. I just think "Oh well, someone is out there for me". Also it is important to remember that you don't NEED anyone, you don't need anyone to validate you.

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User Profile: NewRomantic677
NewRomantic677 OP August 31st, 2015

@Lucym88 AWESOME points, I fully agree with you on that one.

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User Profile: WildEarth
WildEarth August 31st, 2015

Thanks for making this thread. At this current time I really am beginning to think I'm not worth it. I can raise peoples interest but then it seems that when they get to know me better, then they reject me. Its happened so many times that there must be something wrong with me. My last rejection has been he hardest as it was the first time in my life I had found someone that I could see myself marrying and starting a family with. Now he can't even stand looking at me.

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User Profile: NewRomantic677
NewRomantic677 OP August 31st, 2015

@WildEarth first of all, that you for sharing! It takes a great deal of courage to do so. There is nothing wrong with you darling, just because you are different from the rest in some ways that you are brave enough to show. Rejection is okay, and if you're ever feeling down I'm always just a PM away <3

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User Profile: WildEarth
WildEarth September 1st, 2015

Thank you. I appreciate that.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia August 31st, 2015

I think this is an important topic. I spent many years of my life being incredibly insecure and worrying that I would never find someone who found me attractive or wanted to be with me. In recent years, I am objectively less attractive than I was then (ah, to have my college body back!) but I am 100 times more confidant because I have realized that the fact of the matter is, people come and go. Some want to be with you, some don't. But the one person you're stuck with is yourself, and to be happy with yourself means so much more.

And, frankly, there really are people for everyone - it's not about finding someone who wants to be with you, it's about finding someone who wants to be with you and who you want to be with. And fear of being alone isn't enough to warrant settling for less than you deserve.

As for dealing with rejection, I just remind myself that if a person doesn't want to be with me then I really don't want to be with them. I deserve better than someone who will only half-heartedly be in the relationship and I would rather not waste my time with them when I could be enjoying life by myself, with my friends, or with someone better suited to me. Again, when you can be happy while single, it's a lot easier to wait for the right person. :)

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User Profile: NewRomantic677
NewRomantic677 OP August 31st, 2015

@Anomalia I agree with you 100% on that one. I've also faced difficulties with rejection and facing up to it

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User Profile: McCayyy
McCayyy May 18th, 2024

I agree what u mentioned in this thread.

I am currently experiencing repeated rejections from job applications, and it’s become a cycle. I have been feeling very dejected and emotionally affected, this feelings has been bothering for weeks. If any of you have had similar experiences, would you mind sharing how you managed them?