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Getting over someome from my past...

hegilbert August 19th, 2020


Please, if it is, I would like to express some lingering thoughts that I have attempted to stifle about someone I used to have feelings for- I tend to have a bad habit of being really articulate, so please bare with me. These are thoughts I have attempted to stifle in hopes that they would get buried, but they keep surfacing and bulging. So, I figured I would process and express said thoughts.

To put things into perspective, I am 19 years old now- These feelings started when I attended public school for the first time in my life in seventh grade. I have always been a quiet introvert who keeps to himself and likes doing his own thing, but I was particularly shy in school. This is likely to be expected, a regular thought that circulated in my head was the possibility of dating somebody.

Then, there was a girl that came up and spoke to me (what she said would involve me going off in a tangent that requires an energy for explanation that I do not possess); the manner in which she approached - I am so sorry, this is incredulously blunt - appealed to me on a "sexual" level. She stood kind of close to ne and paid me direct attention- it made me a little uncomfortable, but comforted at the same time.

We had multiple interactions throughout seventh grade- just being around her caused me to feel like jelly. In the summer following, we became Facebook friends and I messaged her.

...Continued in replies...

hegilbert OP August 19th, 2020
. the Facebook messages, we found that we have a lot in common and were comfortable venting with each other. I so desperately wanted to ask her out, but was too scared to, for multiple reasons.

The back and forth continued into eigth grade- However, there was a period in time in time in which we didn't talk. I started to miss her and then messaged her once again.

However, things started to get suspicious, she was starting habits and behaviors that I wasn't comfortable with. I will not delve into the , but let's just say it was challenging for my morality. I believe that it was the concern over these behaviors that stopped me from asking her out.

Eventually, I met a different young woman and now we are happily together and I could not be more pleased. This is likely awful of me, but I have opted to "ghost" the other that I have been describing this whole time. She has attempted to reach out to me on social media- I blocked without explanation.

It is that last part that could explain why these thoughts keep coming back to haunt me. An emotion that is blaring within my mind right now is guilt- Guilt over suddenly abandoning her and guilt that she is still on my mind despite my current relationship. I believe that I madw the right decision in no longer contacting her, but I executed it poorly. Please, this is where I would appreciate help- Should I provide closure or simply let it go?

Thank you very much.

hegilbert OP August 19th, 2020

Crap, I posted this in the wrong thread- so sorry, I will work on deleting it now.

EvokunListens August 21st, 2020


Nah, you can't really delete this post. How are you doing?