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Asking for your $.02 worth

Nowhour May 19th, 2018

How bad is it when you ask your partner of 30 years to name 1 thing that I do to show them I love them and they can't answer. Not good is it not good at all.

JBlue May 19th, 2018

@Nowhour No, not good at all, whatever the reason. I'm sorry

RarelyCharlie May 20th, 2018

Asking that was not good at all, in my opinion. If someone I feel close to asked me that, I wouldn't answer either.


Nowhour OP May 22nd, 2018



RarelyCharlie May 22nd, 2018

Because a partnership of 30 years is a way of being, not just a collection of separate gestures. Asking someone to name a gesture is like saying the partnership, the way of being, has no meaning for you and only separate gestures count for anything.

In fact, I can name one thing that you did to show your partner you love them—for this last approximately a third of a century you grew old together.


Nowhour OP May 22nd, 2018


I was trying to figure out if he even understands what love is or if I am the one that doesn't understand what love is. Do you have an alternative way to find out.

RarelyCharlie May 22nd, 2018

Ah, I can see that is a difficult situation. Will he not talk about it at all?


May 22nd, 2018


If you have to ask. You are already not in a great situation sad

Hope things get better soon.