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Reverse Writing Game

User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 April 29th, 2018

Hello, wonderful people! heart

7Cups is an amazing place and we have a game for all of you who make this world a better place.

The game is esreveR gnitirW emaG !

In this game you will have to reverse letters in each word and then post it to the thread.

You have to continue what the person who has posted before you was saying!


Eg: Ih I ma 31yliLcirtcele! woH era uoy lla ?

Some one else replies : I ma enif woH tuoba uoy ?

and so on!

Let the Party begin!!

User Profile: Andrew207
Andrew207 April 29th, 2018

Ih syug, woh era ouy yadot?

1 reply
User Profile: River
River April 29th, 2018

@Andrew207 I ma gniod enif. woH tuoba uoy?

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018

I ma enif!

Did uoy hctaw sregnevA ytinifnI raW ??

6 replies
User Profile: Priya05
Priya05 April 29th, 2018


oN I tndid. ohW si ruoy vaf regnis?

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


yM etirovaf regnis si maS .htimS ohW si ruoy etirovaf regnis ??

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User Profile: QuirkyAnne
QuirkyAnne April 29th, 2018

@electricLily13 Sey, I dehctaw ti no sti tsrif gniwohs ereh ni ym yrtnuoc. s'tI gnizama, suoromuh dna gnikaerb-traeh.

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


I t'nevah dehctaw ti tey tub ym diputs tseb dneirf deliops ti

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User Profile: QuirkyAnne
QuirkyAnne April 30th, 2018

@electricLily13 ahahahahahhahahahah. M'i erus ll'ouy llits yojne ti ! S'ti yllaer doog. ((:

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 30th, 2018


knahT uoY ! <3 * sregnif dessorc*

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User Profile: calmPup77
calmPup77 April 29th, 2018

@electricLily13 tahW si eht tosm lufituaeb gniht no thraE?

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


ehT tsom lufituaeb gniht si !SU ehT ecnesse taht sekam su namuh!

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User Profile: River
River April 29th, 2018

@electricLily13 Uoy era emosewa heart

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


lleW I evah siht dneirf dellac reviR ohw sgnirb tuo eht emosewa edisni em ! heart

1 reply
User Profile: River
River April 29th, 2018

@electricLily13 I wonk thgir cheeky

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User Profile: Erato
Erato April 29th, 2018

GMO siht si a looc aedi hguoht ti si a tib gnisufnoc 😵😅

1 reply
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


ruoY emoclew. ti sekat a tol fo emit ot epyt!

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User Profile: FelixLlyod
FelixLlyod April 29th, 2018

GMO siht si os drah osla hsilgne si ym dnoces egaugnal os ti si artxe drah indecision

13 replies
User Profile: River
River April 29th, 2018

@Busranurr hsilgnE si ym dnoces egaugnal oot! SREEHC wink

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User Profile: FelixLlyod
FelixLlyod April 29th, 2018

@Pureriver55 neht, ot eht drah segnellahc laugh

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User Profile: ViewScenic09
ViewScenic09 April 29th, 2018


Yhw siht si nduos ekil a ngierof egaugnal ?? 😅😅

3 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


I wonk thgir!!

User Profile: FelixLlyod
FelixLlyod April 29th, 2018

@Viewsonic09 yltenifed, I trats ot kniht I dluohs etirw siht no ym emuser laugh

1 reply
User Profile: ViewScenic09
ViewScenic09 April 29th, 2018


Taht dluow eb a terg aedi. I lliw od eht emas. Knaht uoy rof na emosewa noitseggus ! :)

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018

@Busranurr @pureriver55

If-ih! hsilgne si ym dnoces egaugnal oot

6 replies
User Profile: ViewScenic09
ViewScenic09 April 29th, 2018


Tahw si ruoy dnoces egaugnal, fi I yam ksa?

5 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


yM tsrif egaugnal si ihtaraM . yM dnoces egaugnal si hsilgnE .

User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


Thaw tuoba uoy??

3 replies
User Profile: ViewScenic09
ViewScenic09 April 29th, 2018


Emas erhe! Ahaha

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


Asa ka ? :)

Hsilgne noitalsnart : yllaer ?

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User Profile: ViewScenic09
ViewScenic09 April 29th, 2018


Ho, asach aahe! :)

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User Profile: forcefulStrawberries4435
forcefulStrawberries4435 April 29th, 2018


uoY era eht tseb !yliL retteB naht yliL rettoP

10 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP April 29th, 2018


yM hsoG !ecilA t'nsI taht edur fo a daehrettoP ot yas gnihtemos ekil taht??

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User Profile: forcefulStrawberries4435
forcefulStrawberries4435 April 29th, 2018


I evol uoy oot!

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User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove May 15th, 2018

@forcefulStrawberries4435 mi a tib etal tub llew, woh era uoy?

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 15th, 2018


s'tahT yako I ma na evitca dna deifirev renetsiL ereh no spuC7 tahw tuoba uoy?

9 replies
User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove May 15th, 2018

@electricLily13 mi a deifirev renetsil ereh oot! I ma osla a murof retroppus dna noos a reep retroppus!

8 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 16th, 2018


Wow s'taht emosewa!

sA elcnU neB syas :

htiW taerg rewop semoc taerg ytilibisnopser

7 replies
User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove May 16th, 2018

@electricLily13 eheh say!! Mi os detixe! Tahw si eno elor uoy dlouw evol ot eveihcra ni eht erutuf? (sa ni spuc7)

6 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 16th, 2018


s'tahT a tluciffid noitseuq tub I kniht I dluow evol ot eb a tcejorP tnegA

User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 16th, 2018


spoo I tsuj desilaer taht ruoy noitseuq saw rof @forcefulStrawberries4435

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User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove May 16th, 2018

@electricLily13 tahw dnik fo tcejorp tnega? eheh on melborp, ti saw tnaem rof enoyna ohw stnaw ot dnopser! :D

3 replies
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 18th, 2018


I t'nevah nevig ti a tol fo thguoht

os m'i ton erus tahw dnik fo tcejorP tnegA..

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User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove May 19th, 2018

@electricLily13 ho, yako! llew, uoy llits evah emos emit ot erugif ti tuo! :) sereth on deen ot hsur ;)

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User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP May 19th, 2018



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User Profile: amarifey
amarifey June 12th, 2018

iH, m'I iramA! sihT si yrev tluciffid. tsetorp ouy dluow tahw?

1 reply
User Profile: electricLily13
electricLily13 OP June 13th, 2018


I wonk !thgir sihT si os nmad .tluciffid I dluow tsetorp tsniaga ytilauqeni neewteb selam dna selamef dna tcepser rof TBGL .ytinummoc

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