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New to the Relationship Stress Community? Introduce yourself here!! ❤️

ASilentObserver August 1st, 2018

Greetings from the Relationship Stress Community!!

Are you new to the Relationship Stress Community? Tell us some things about yourself and get to know others that joined the community this month!
Question prompts:

What brings you to the Relationship Stress community?

What is one thing you love most about yourself (or, perhaps, your loved ones)?

Benefits of being a member of the Relationship Stress Community:

Give and receive support from others who are in relationships.

Share your relationship journey (memories, struggles, challenges) in relevant topics comfortably.

Participate in community activities and events (eg. Check-ins, Icebreakers, Forum Discussions)

Plus, members who participate regularly could become part of the Relationship Stress team, as well!

Here are some quick links for you to check out:

our taglist! Join in to get updates on discussions and events.

check out this post for updates on weekly discussions!

check out our newest check-in here!

check this post with more information on how to navigate the community.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact KatePersephone (teens and adults) or reply on this thread!

Do not be a lurker! Join us and introduce yourself here!!

tagging our newest subcribers: @determinedDrum4627Ayu @modestWriter18 @pretendflyer @Danyaabbasi @hardworkingPond3054 @SageTurtle @Promivala614 @softTree9053 @CafeGirl42 @problematiclife27 @orangeCup3761 @BrazenBrunette @christylucia96 @SerenNova @rationalApple816 @KiyKiy16 @navyLemon4199 @HurrMan @imaginativeJet6179 @lilacperfume124 @Planticorn7 @FindingMyVoice2 @LostInGame @Bibbbbu

[a brown and white bear dancing together while holding hands]

Are you new to the Relationship Stress community? Introduce yourself here!

Do you want to be the first to get updates on discussions and events? Consider joining the taglist!

Do you want to be updated on the weekly discussions in the Relationship Support Room? Subscribe to this thread!

Do you want to help out in the Relationship Stress Community? Consider becoming a forum supporter or a room supporter!

Edited by KatePersephone on 30.09.24

plumMaple10 November 20th, 2022

Hi all, i'm new here. I'm going through a difficult time because I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years and I'm very down because I'm in the final semester, several times I decided to withdraw from the exam and repeat in the next semester, but I really want to graduate this year, and I have no friends who can help me. I have a best friend but she is married and has a baby and she doesn't go to university either. So sometimes she has a hard time understanding me. So my only hope is my boyfriend, but my habit is my opposite, I'm a morning person and he's not, I can't possibly wait in the afternoon just to do my assignments, a lot of time wasted since morning. I feel lacking in enthusiasm and have no one to share what's bothering me.

Occasional07 January 19th, 2023

Hi, new to the app as a whole trying to deal with the struggles of worrying too much about relationships with people

Rozz411 January 21st, 2023

Hi! New here. Single mom of four. No family in our lives to help. Doing the best I can. But the overwhelming parts of life seem to all pile up at once like a roller coaster. Smh. Dating has had it’s ups and downs but I have survived worse. Dealt with them with a grain of salt until this recent one. This one hit hard. Only been 4 months but we both spoke about being on the same page. All four months we were. So, I’m in shock when he recently ghosted me. But, my heart is crushed because when he ghosted me it was to let me use his car for a few weeks since mine died and I won’t have money until I do taxes to get a new one. It was a huge relief for my children and myself. But he was a no show. It’s been a week. Last he did was text for a few days after we were to meet about him having the flu. Wouldn’t answer the phone. Wouldn’t call. Then just never heard from him again. My heart hurts. But, life goes on. I’m just having a hard time accepting he would just disappear on me and even more leave us hanging without offering for me to use his car. The ghosting is really out of his character. We were in a real life relationship. Not just online. Not being catfished. Lol. So, I came on here to find support during my process of healing and also a safe space to occupy my excessive thoughts.

convivialBanana6630 January 23rd, 2023


HelpingPeople4734 January 27th, 2023

I think true friendship is the real blessing if someone is lucky enough to have them ... Hi to all the members from my side

littletabbycat January 27th, 2023

Hello. Still figuring out this layout

navyMelon248 January 29th, 2023


yellowIdea2498 February 4th, 2023

Hey I'm new here

tiredmomof4 February 4th, 2023

Married 9 years...fired from my job but got a new one a day later..put a huge space between my husband and i...well increased the space that was already there.. feeling lonely and like I'm not enough

courteousPlum3937 February 5th, 2023

Good day, new person here. Looking for a open ear

Meadino0 February 8th, 2023

Hello! New here, I'm just tryna live a life with a little less anxiety, and hopefully feel less stressed by the amount of school work I have as well as family pressure >>

shanboni22 February 8th, 2023

I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. I don't know why I didn't think to look up online support sooner but I'm happy to have found a place to listen and give advice to those looking for answers and to get a few answers myself. My name is Shannon, I'm 36, live in PA and I will be sharing my story and a few questions I'd love to hear input on in a different post after this one. This one was just to say a hello to everyone.

OptimisticMoon1124 February 15th, 2023

Hi Everyone! I’m Luna. Glad to join this group 😊

SunShineAlwaysGrateful February 16th, 2023

Love this … as I continue to explore cups I find more treasures! Awesome! 💕💕

Sihana February 17th, 2023

Hi! new here, I'm so glad I found this place today.

sweetSoul293 February 18th, 2023

Hi everyone ☺ i decided to join cause im tired of not having real true friends and im hoping to build proper connections on this journey 🙂

limeThinker6318 February 19th, 2023

Hi. I'm sara

Deliaalonso54 February 25th, 2023

Hello I’m new here I hope to

get second opinions on here about what I currently am going through. I want to be able to express myself in a safe space

limeThinker6318 February 25th, 2023

@Deliaalonso54 ill talk with you.

Okaynowhat March 8th, 2023

How do you deal with a partner that have little to no compromise with you?

I've been a super chill, understanding, and open minded as a partner and I'm always the one who loves to find time to talk because he is more to quite person. And I thought having me as his partner will actually help our relationship since I'm kind of more to be so open about everything.

But every ending of the talk my partner will do the same thing all over and there's times I actually have arguement but it leads nowhere...

One time my partner going back his hometown for few months and we've talked that at least we spare few minutes of our time to chat and talk hows our days and tell stories. He got disappear for 3 days and only when I ask he explain that he had no signal as he's going to hike. I told him that if he's doing something and unable to talk even for days, just tell me in advance so I know and understand his consequence and not to worry right. Doesn't listen.

That leads to another time when he didn't text me again. The next day he just told me he forgot. Like wtf...

After I got upset because who not upset when your partner just told you they forgot to TEXT you? Then he told me he was drunk and the next day he slept all day. I just seems to can't understand WHY 1 min of texting me is not in his mind, at least telling me he got drunk and not feeling well, again to make me understand and not to worry him being disappear.

I don't want to be the one who just give up and not want to talk about anything, for me I feel like it's best to just leave than not trying for love. I've tried so hard to let him know I'm compromising this relationship with him and always open whenever he needs me and hope he's doing the same, I did tell him that I hope he does the same to me.

And here I am writing this long at 7 cup looking for reason or advice or anything even your story if you experience this yourself.

Has anyone or any of their partner like this? Am I too open minded and chill that lead me to have this kind of partner? What is your thought/opinion about this?

Karing28 March 8th, 2023
@Okaynowhat Considero que es difícil mantener una comunicación cuando la persona con la que te quieres comunicar se cierra y no está dispuesta a hablar
Karing28 March 8th, 2023
@Okaynowhat Considero que es muy difícil la comunicación cuando la persona con la que te quieres comunicar no está dispuesta a hablar o no te escucha
Jaysee112 March 9th, 2023

So it's hard to get it all into one message without giving a pretty long backstory, but me and my (now)ex were in an open relationship and after a significant fight broke up. I have a lot of unresolved personal issues and this has been the push I needed to begin working on them along with a lot of other things. We've been talking and are trying to fix things but it feels like I'm the one trying to make all the changes while he's just trying to forget any of his problems and distract himself from them. In addition to this it recently came out that a convention he went to he had a hookup with a friend. We were open of course, so that should be fine. But it was the first time he'd acted with anybody else and he never told me. He made it sound like nothing was going to happen with the friend when he went to the convention but I'm learning it now. It came up during a discussion about if we decide to get together again and he explained that he has grown to enjoy being able to have "variety" in his life. It led to a lot of crying on both of our parts and a lot of talk and we did find a compromise that we can both accept that closed the relationship. But ever since it's left me with a feeling as if something were sticking to my skin and won't come off. I feel gross. Shortly after the convention we had seen each other and the idea that he was intimate with somebody else and enjoyed it so much that it took hours of discussion and begging and compromising on both ends to finally get him to agre to not doing it again has left me feeling a lot of different things. This is only one of many things I'm sure I'll end up discussing in here over time.

Basically I'm looking for advice on how to move past the past. We've had a lot of "talks" and I know I'm leaving a lot of details out. There's a lot to say and I'd rather not make an introductory post any longer than I already have. I just want this unclean feeling to go away right now.

Sadlady9 March 12th, 2023

@ASilentObserver hey there I’m always looking for some insight and thoughts on issues related with friends also willing to give others thoughts or just a listening ear. Hope to share

cheebsra March 13th, 2023

Hello, I'm Cheebs. I only have one friend, which is wonderful in and of itself, but I'm very socially awkward and would like to learn how to communicate normally. I often don't have the words to continue a conversation and my natural reaction to something i am unsure of is to not respond at all. I'm looking to change that. Thank you for reading. :)

nicePenguin6372 March 18th, 2023

I'm new here. I am learning to deal with my own frustrations and anxieties around meeting new people

ASilentObserver OP March 20th, 2023

@nicePenguin6372 Welcome to 7Cups Penguin. I understand feeling anxious about new social situations can be difficult. It's brave of you to reach out for support. We are all here with you to listen and support.

ivoryCucumber4295 March 19th, 2023

Hey I'm new here my partner has BPD and I've been considering breaking up with her... We're kind of not so compatible although I love them to death and I wish I didn't have to do this just looking for support

ASilentObserver OP March 20th, 2023

@ivoryCucumber4295 Welcome to the community, Ivory. Glad to have you here with us.

I understand this is a difficult decision and that you have strong feelings for your partner. It's important that you consider what is best for both of your well-being and happiness. Some things to reflect on could be:- The compatibility and fulfillment in the relationship- Ways you've tried to work through challenges- How a breakup might affect each of you and any support systems availableWhile this is an emotional process, listening to yourself and taking care of your needs is important. We are all here with you to listen and support. You can also join Group Chats here with us!

Hi12345677 March 20th, 2023


exuberantBlueberry2488 March 21st, 2023


ArjunAS22 March 23rd, 2023

Hi . I just joined the community and kind of new to 7 cups too . I don't have any experience with relationship all. Because never had a relationship in my life all .

shyBirch7777 March 24th, 2023

Hi members I’m new to this community

maR1ja March 25th, 2023

Hi im new here and still exploring . Needing to be heard and i hope incan be a listener to others too

tiredjo2019 March 26th, 2023

hi, I’m here struggling with a relationship dynamic change because of trauma in past relationships.

QueenCloudy March 27th, 2023


Hi everyone, I'm Cloudy, I'm from Spain, and I'm here to make a presentation about myself.I love music and video games. Some of my favorite genres are pop or rock (at least that's what Spotify says jaja), and some of my favorite kind of games are roguelikes or games like Animal Crossing I am in this forum because I only have one friend and I want to make more friends to talk with, because I really love being some time chatting. I hope you enjoy my presentationtion and feel free to talk to me or reply this (it's my first post so i dont really know how this works).😇

redmoon22 March 31st, 2023


BrokenBike April 4th, 2023

Hi, I’m new to 7cups and looking for a place to work through the struggles of depression in regard to relationships. I’ve always struggled with feeling respected in romantic relationships. I’ve been living with my current boyfriend for about 5 years and we have a lot of problems. I oscillate between feeling lucky to be with him and feeling like I’m in a borderline abusive relationship with no hope of improvement. My partner has untreated ADHD and I have severe depression which I’m sure doesn’t help. I’m looking for a place to work through my thoughts and our issues with support and feedback.

LDmr819 April 10th, 2023

Hi everyone, I’m a newbie and I have no one to talk to in the physical world as all of my support for the past decade has come from within my family, or actually my stepfamily who have cut me off to support their mum whilst we are separated

pluckyStrawberries1607 April 11th, 2023

Hey Everyone, I am new here..

Recently got married and struggling to make it work peacefully