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New to the Relationship Stress Community? Introduce yourself here!! ❤️

ASilentObserver August 1st, 2018

Greetings from the Relationship Stress Community!!

Are you new to the Relationship Stress Community? Tell us some things about yourself and get to know others that joined the community this month!
Question prompts:

What brings you to the Relationship Stress community?

What is one thing you love most about yourself (or, perhaps, your loved ones)?

Benefits of being a member of the Relationship Stress Community:

Give and receive support from others who are in relationships.

Share your relationship journey (memories, struggles, challenges) in relevant topics comfortably.

Participate in community activities and events (eg. Check-ins, Icebreakers, Forum Discussions)

Plus, members who participate regularly could become part of the Relationship Stress team, as well!

Here are some quick links for you to check out:

our taglist! Join in to get updates on discussions and events.

check out this post for updates on weekly discussions!

check out our newest check-in here!

check this post with more information on how to navigate the community.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact KatePersephone (teens and adults) or reply on this thread!

Do not be a lurker! Join us and introduce yourself here!!

tagging our newest subcribers: @determinedDrum4627Ayu @modestWriter18 @pretendflyer @Danyaabbasi @hardworkingPond3054 @SageTurtle @Promivala614 @softTree9053 @CafeGirl42 @problematiclife27 @orangeCup3761 @BrazenBrunette @christylucia96 @SerenNova @rationalApple816 @KiyKiy16 @navyLemon4199 @HurrMan @imaginativeJet6179 @lilacperfume124 @Planticorn7 @FindingMyVoice2 @LostInGame @Bibbbbu

[a brown and white bear dancing together while holding hands]

Are you new to the Relationship Stress community? Introduce yourself here!

Do you want to be the first to get updates on discussions and events? Consider joining the taglist!

Do you want to be updated on the weekly discussions in the Relationship Support Room? Subscribe to this thread!

Do you want to help out in the Relationship Stress Community? Consider becoming a forum supporter or a room supporter!

Edited by KatePersephone on 30.09.24

EllaForbes August 24th, 2019

Hi, I'm struggling with a lot in my relationship with my significant other, my dying adoptive mother, and also not letting things bleed over into my time with my 1 yr old who is everything good and beautiful in the universe... and I'm feeling very alone

Ambivert3 November 10th, 2019

@EllaForbes we can talk if you'd like

NooNoo August 24th, 2019

Hi all, I

brightClementine5835 November 9th, 2019

@NooNoo your valuable don't think that way !

Ambivert3 November 10th, 2019

@NooNoo we can chat if you'd like

dragonfly64 August 25th, 2019

Hello, it's been a while I used 7cups for support. First was a break up and now just a friendship that ended... I don't even know how to describe it but sure it hurts. I suffer for very mild depression, mild anxiety but heavy trust issues as relationships collapse... Yeah, I have a path to walk.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp September 10th, 2019


Hi, I am Leo :)

LeSponge1118 October 21st, 2019

Hello! My screen name reflects my problem. My patient fiancé and I have been together for five years, and we are getting married in the spring. However, I am not as emotionally or mentally mature as he is, and I feel like a sponge soaking up all the support, romance, and devotion he gives me without giving him any. He has broken down and told me he feels like I have made him a parental figure more than an equal spouse. He is always there for me and I can never find the right way to help him when he needs it. I feel like a leech, but I want so badly to become self-reliant and dependable and mature so I can help support him too. I am worried our marriage will not last long if I do not make some changes fast.



amiablePomegranate5363 November 4th, 2019

Sorry, I have done this in the wrong order, I posted first and am now introducing myself...

Mid 40's male, trying to navigate my spousal relationship.

I am here due to a separation, which I hope is going to be temporary, but all the thoughts in my head pile up, so maybe community can help.

MauMeow November 7th, 2019

Hello everyone. I've made a lot of progress over the last two years with my anxiety and depression, and I'm in a healthy relationship now. He doesn't understand my daily struggles though, so I joined this forum to find some more support. I also don't have as many friends as I'd like, but I'm always working on that. Trying to stay hopeful!

Ambivert3 November 10th, 2019

@MauMeow way to go! Thanks for sharing

Jahjah69999 November 10th, 2019


My name is JahJah. I have been dealing with some emotions. In all honesty, i dont know how to handle them. I have been battling this for a while now.

Jahjah69999 November 10th, 2019

This girl I really liked talking to now has a boyfriend and now we dont talk. I really miss the friendship and not really sure on what to do.

rehmanuzair November 14th, 2019

I am Uzair 32 years old

Me and my fiance broke up 3-4 months a go I miss her alot I love her deeply I just want to be back with her...

Heavenisforreal07 November 15th, 2019

Hi! I'm new here. This year has been a rough year for dating. Every guy has pretty much just manipulated me or lied to me. My last relationship really messed me up. Hoping this community will help me get my life back on track.

bubblebutt2020 December 12th, 2019

@Heavenisforreal07 I honestly feel this on a riveting level. Its jard when you attract toxic people who woo you, and then slip their poison into you day by day. However, it is not your fault you are not alone. I have delt with this same issue for so long. Ita hard to detect their inner asshole, when they are so good at being charming. Just love yourself, and learn to see those red flags so you can protect yourself. As well as putting your pyt down and demanding respect.

Heavenisforreal07 December 13th, 2019

@bubblebutt2020, Thanks! I think I'm getting better at noticing the red flags. I also just ended a complicated friendship that was toxic

GangOrca December 13th, 2019

@Heavenisforreal07 it's just the world we are living in nowadays. But tbh everyone isnt going to be like that so stay optimistic and keep being you

Heavenisforreal07 December 14th, 2019

@GangOrca, thanks! I know the right one is out there for me. I just have to get past all the weirdos. LOL I'm trying not to worry about it though. Just going to take care of myself and when it happens it happens. :)

adaptablebaloon2202 November 27th, 2019

Greetings everyone.

After 14 years of marriage and 9 children, my wife discovers her inner lesbian that's been dormant and hidden all these years.

She has no intentions of leaving me, but she also has absolutely no desire for intercourse with me or any man ever again.

So, yeah.....

spookymoonlight November 27th, 2019

Hey, I'm new here... I'm struggling with my long distance relationship, we've been together 2 years but it keeps getting more & more toxic, we're both jealous, especially him which lead me to hiding things from him in fear of him getting really angry & jealous at me again & he found out something which I hid from him & he now refuses to forgive me & holds it against me... I know he's hidden things from me too, but I can't confront him because he accuses me of accusing him of various things & shuts me down, I honestly don't know what to do anymore, I'm terrified & keep crying, he gets angry at the smallest things... I don't know if I am a terrible person or if he makes me think I'm a terrible person... I don't want to loose him, I miss him so much... but it feels like he finds any little thing to get angry at me... I'm rarely angry at him & if I do, I forgive him immediately... when we see eachother in person he's so different, sweet & caring, by text he's honestly a completely different aggressive person... I'm so lost and exhausted... scared & don't know that he's going to do, there are still stupid things he doesn't know & need to know but am afraid he will find out & once again, make a scene... I'm so sorry for this long message & I feel hopeless... I'm already very anxious as a person and suffer with depression which doesn't help... I'm basically a mess

Annchen1906 November 27th, 2019


So my last relationship was about 2 and a half year ago. He messed with my feelings and just wanted to use me has his toy. At first I felt like he was just a douchebag and it doesnt bother me at all but now I feel like I cannot trust anyone and am unable to love. I have recently met a guy that is so nice and I am feeling attracted to him but whenever I talk to a cute boy I feel co fused and like as if I am into them. I know this must be confusing to read, but it's even more co fusing for me. I fear that he is just gonna use me like my ex even though he is completely differemt characterwise. I hope somebody can possibly help me and give me some advices on what to do now, I have been feeling like this for 3 days and have a fear that I will loose him if I feel like this and do something stupid impulsively.

Thanks for every response I get!!

TheVioletRose21 November 28th, 2019


Im currently taking a break from my friendship with my best friend because I became too emotionally attached and he just got a boyfriend. I'm really happy for the guy, but im sad for myself.

I haven't spoken to my friend in a few days and its really hard and hurts. I really want to see him and talk to him

orangeLake8341 December 4th, 2019

Hi 7 cuppers.

I've battled mental illness most of my life. Been in and out of the hospital and many different therapists. I'm currently on a handful of meds everyday but not therapy. My other half just started an antidepressant, but has never been in therapy. We both struggle to communicate in a healthy manner. We both often take things the wrong way or personally when it's mostly environmentally. I really want this relationship to last. Anyones thought or feeling about this or anything like it or suggestion on what to try. I'm an open ear to anyone who needs it too.

Freedomfinder123 December 9th, 2019

Hi everyone, really glad to have found this forum. I'm usually good at solving my own problems, but I'm finding it hard to get a clear perspective on a long term friendship. I'd really appreciate some insight!

bubblebutt2020 December 12th, 2019

My name is Shay, and I am 20 and I have been dating my boyfriend for the past four monts and he has RAD. (Reactive Attatchment Disorder). I have read on how to handle it, and why he is the way he is. However he has been hot & cold with me for the past couple weeks . One moment warm, and affectionate. Then maybe 2 days later hes distant and withdrawn. Help please I am so confused!

purpleBunny9255 December 20th, 2019

Hi Im andrea

I dont know how unique of the situation Im in is. So Ive been with my boyfriend for a total of what I consider 6 years (1 year dating, 2 years of friends with benefits, and now 3 years dating) and now we are in our early 20s. He has recently changed his views of marriage and having kids. All the years Ive known him hes wanted to get married and have a family. Now he thinks marriage is just an expensive party to let the government know youre committed to someone and he wants to be the last person in his family to have kids (hes the oldest of 3 siblings and 5 cousins the youngest is 10 years younger than him). I am strongly against both of these; to me marriage is more than just a party and I want to be a mom like other people want to be doctors or teachers. I dont want to wait until 35 to try and start a family with my boyfriend. I dont want kids now but in the next 5 years and I want to have kids with my husband. I feel like he goes out of his way to tell me we arent having kids and I know he knows what I want and how bad. It really depresses to think that I wont have kids but I cant imagine trying to find someone else to spend my life with but its killing me to just hope my boyfriend will just change his mind. Any advice?

blueJar4838 December 22nd, 2019

Hey I

barncat January 26th, 2020

@blueJar4838- have you asked yourself honestly who you want to be with?

Babysteppin February 8th, 2020


Hi friend. I want to ask you something I've had to ask myself. Am I in love with the situation or the person? In love with the status of being married, house, position? Are you absolutely miserable in your marriage? Is he doing everything he can do to make you happy? Have you put the affair aside to work on your marriage and give it your best shot?

passionateShade936 December 23rd, 2019

Hi I'm in a relationship and need answers because I'm inexperience

GangOrca January 2nd, 2020

@passionateShade936 answers to what?

Niki0617 March 22nd, 2020

@passionateShade936 Hey dear.. in order to support you, tell us what sort of questions you have in mind for us to answer :)

Madaraismyspiritanimal December 23rd, 2019

Hi I'm Richard

I'm 25 and never had any friends or relationships really. Nowadays, when I'm chatting with people, online or otherwise, and they kinda invite me to do stuff, I get kinda scared, not knowing what they expect or what I should expect or even want.

I want to make friends and get a relationship someday, but I keep giving people reasons to not even wanna bother, like not showing up to an appointment we'd made or just deleting all contact info resulting in dead silence for weeks.

It just makes me feel like a fundamentally broken person

Katouminou2 December 28th, 2019


Hi. Us humans are weird... we all have our own idiosyncrasies... yours is workable. Chin up :)

GangOrca January 2nd, 2020

@Madaraismyspiritanimal you gotta open up bro I know its scary but think of it like this "what's awesome things could happen" The possibilities are endless but you will never know till you try

Niki0617 March 22nd, 2020

@Madaraismyspiritanimal Hi.. I know what you mean. I too have been like that. However, one fine day we have to be there for ourselves. So make up your mind and give one try at least to see how it feels. If you like it continue. Give some chances to yourself :). You can overcome this situation and this phase in life will go away. However only you have the control in doing it :)

Cypris December 24th, 2019

Hello everyone, I'm Cypris!

I'm currently in a very happy and (what I consider to be) healthy relationship of 6 months, & we're engaged!

I've joined this community in hopes of helping (or doing my best to try to help) others who may be in less-than-fortunate situations, based on the experience I've had so far with relationships.

Feel free to ask me any questions you might have! :)

Katouminou2 December 28th, 2019

Hi I'm Kat. 36F, separated one year and mother of two beautiful preschool-aged girls. Their dad has left the country but often manipulates my family from afar. Long story for another day.

I'm in a new relationship. It has moved quicker than I would have liked. We are both older and bring a lot of baggage to the table.

I'm noticing that I'm doing s lot if immature things that my ex did to me. I also have caught my current partner in a plethora of lies.

I'm wondering if I'm really being irrational or maybe I'm being gaslighted...?

Anyway I'm here to find perspectives from others to be at peace.

Nice to meet you all :)

hrichardson8 January 16th, 2020

@ASilentObserver I'm new here. I created this account in case I need to vent.

My wife and I have had more than our share of conflict, due mainly to my pornography addiction. She's learned to be very observant of my actions, and hypercritical of those which she considers offensive or suspect. She often likes to inspect my phone's messages or browser history and jump to conclusions about my supposed porn relapses.

Her willingness to trust me has apparently taken a nose-dive. She recently told me that she won't leave me alone longer than a few hours at a time (except for my time at, and commute to, work), for fear that I will relapse.

I suppose my main goal of this account is for relationship advice so I can encourage her to trust me again.