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How can i stop loving her...

niceCamp2121 February 4th, 2020

So 2 months ago, my gf broke up with me, she cheated and said she loved the other guy more than she loved me

2 days ago she sent me a message that the guy broke up with her and feels like is she had known she would never ended things with me.

Im trying to be friends now, we've been texting for 2 days now, she even told me about a guy she met on tinder whom she's getting interested in, i feel like he's a rebound however since she's only been dumped on wednesday a week ago and they met on the saturday after. I dont want her to get hurt ya know, i never would want her to get hurt, all i want is for her to be happy, problem is, i wanna be happy myself too, i still care too much about her, its hard to stop caring, i wish i could just switch this off and just be her friend like we both want to be, but all i feel is hurt

Jp789012 February 7th, 2020


There's no way in this situation to not be hurt. She took you for granted it sounds like. You deserve more. You'll get through it and itll get easier eventually. Maybe try to back off some and after some time passes you will see, you're ok. But continuing to try to stay close in some way is going to prolong you feeling better. It doesn't seem she cares about your feelings all too much. I know it may seem impossible to not talk to her. I've been in this situation. And still talk to an ex I shouldn't and I still have feelings for him. So I get it. But after you slowly back away, not saying cut all contact, slowly back away, you'll notice you can do it and it does get easier. And you will probably be happier. It just takes a little bit of time. Some rough days. But it'll come.

adventurousWillow3819 February 12th, 2020


Shes been dumped and is now using you to boost her ego (she'll know that you still care for her). You say you care about her and want her to be happy but unfortunately I dont think she cares about your wellbeing. Shes telling you about Tinder dates after being dumped by the guy she left you for??? That doesn't sound like someone I'd want as a friend. Do yourself a favour, dont make yourself look silly. She made her bed, let her lie in it. You're too good for her.

Gary1969 February 24th, 2020


Gary1969 February 24th, 2020


Kulii February 24th, 2020


In my opinion you should cut your contact from her. Its simple. I know its tough look impossible but once you do that you will free from this situation.

SailorSeahorse February 26th, 2020


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I really think you need to cut all ties with her and go no contact for at least 60 days. It's not fair how she is treating you and you deserve better! Give yourself space from her and reevaluate your relationship with her, even if that is just a friendship. To me cheating is the ultimate disrespect and no one that truly cares for you will knowingly disrespect you in any way. You deserve better my friend. No contact is not easy, and it hurts but I know you can do it. Please take care of yourself.