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mind full of everything

BrightRedFlower2322 June 25th, 2017

My mind is full of everything right now I'm thinking so much doubting so much worried about so much my past I still in the present but it's kept in a box chained and labeled so that part stays trying to get my ex to stop his bs and move on like I have I got a lot of mindful thoughts anxiety and everything else boxed in I don't hardly talk much to people so that's why it's bottled up inside I tried but arguments happened and moody moods so would keeping a diary and writing it all down to release my mind full of crap would that be a good thing n help or nah!! Cause I'm stuck in middle wanting diary to have less in mind and mor room so not over loaded or keep it as it is where its full and its here their everywhere.

Dumbmoi June 25th, 2017

@BrightRedFlower2322 i know how hard it is to move on. Try something new. Take some morning or night walks. Its a good start and maybe bring your journal with you. Have a nice day

BrightRedFlower2322 OP June 25th, 2017


Thank you its kinda hard to run away from my past when I gotta live with the damaged for life I can't hardly do anything cause of what happened to me gets me depressed more nothing doctors can do sometimes I can't get out of bed the chronic pain is bad my hands loosing grip I drop dishes I can't bend over n no doubt my ex effed up my chance of having more children too cause of everything he put me through I just want to know dose writing n talking about it help cause ive talked now I wanna write thanks I'll see what I can do

Dumbmoi June 25th, 2017

@BrightRedFlower2322 im sorry to hear that. Keep fighting. Ive had some medical problems too. But you gotta fight it. Be strong. Hugs

BrightRedFlower2322 OP June 25th, 2017


Thanks its okay I did walk a few times than I stopped don't know why guess the pain caught up with me I did gardening a small dirt mound than that's it I just hate being locked up inside of my mind and my house thanks I'll try and be abit more stronger

Dumbmoi June 25th, 2017

@BrightRedFlower2322 that's good. I myself were trying to fight with my anxieties as well.

BrightRedFlower2322 OP June 25th, 2017

@Dumbmoi really that's good thank you :)

Dumbmoi June 25th, 2017

@BrightRedFlower2322 your welcome. I hope you get better soon