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how do you deal with breakups?

User Profile: ClaraT
ClaraT June 16th, 2015

Break ups are terrible. So what do you do to make yourself feel a little better? I personally plop on the sofa with a big tub of ice cream and watch funny movies. what are your breakup remedies?

User Profile: VanessaD92
VanessaD92 August 7th, 2015

I take to letting myself be sad for a day or two, but then I focus all my energy into myself, making myself feel good and happy, and taking care of myself.

User Profile: Adrianaxcx
Adrianaxcx August 13th, 2015

i love to write. it's simple and it keeps my mind off things.

User Profile: somebodyme
somebodyme September 1st, 2015

I come to 7 Cups of Tea and try to talk through my emotions

User Profile: yellowrosie
yellowrosie September 3rd, 2015

The best way to move on is going NC on your ex. When I heal, and if the break-up was amicable, maybe we can be friends one day. But if it ended badly, I stop all contact and pretend they never existed. Eventually, you will not even have to pretend because you will feel this glorious indifference. Basically, make yourself a priority. You decide how you'll live your life. :-)

User Profile: bandssavedmexo
bandssavedmexo September 3rd, 2015

My last breakup was horrible! I got so bad I become suicidal. It's the worst I've ever been in my life, I wasn't eating, I was failing school and it felt like my family was falling apart. (Because of the breakup and went he did to my family) how did I get out of this?

I just let let myself be sad for a few months, then I started to really focus on myself. I started earring healthy, started working out and just tried to smash through it and become a better person. Here I am today, not suicidal and smashing through the days! :)

User Profile: kd0695
kd0695 September 3rd, 2015

I write. It makes me feel better. Thats all.

User Profile: hopeanchor
hopeanchor September 3rd, 2015

I cracked the last time I had a break up. I got divorced after a 5 year marriage (9 year relationship) with my high school sweetheart, and then immediately began a relationship with someone that I loved deeply, but who was toxic for me. When that relationship stopped being monogamous I lost it, and ended up in the hospital.

If I could go back I definitely would have encouraged myself to take more time to myself. I did join roller derby about a month after I got out of the hospital, which did help. I rolled for a year. :)

User Profile: road2smiles
road2smiles October 5th, 2015

I agree with @lipsofdust from here on out, I don't. I avoid relationships like crazy.

But.... my most recent break up is a 12 year marriage... I kind of went comatose for a year. Laying on the couch with my cats binge watching netflix. Taking OTC sleeping meds to make the time pass... and if I wasn't sleeping I wasn't hurting.

User Profile: VanessaD92
VanessaD92 October 6th, 2015

Distraction, distraction, distraction!!! You'll be so busy you wont even know it happened :)

User Profile: courtly25
courtly25 October 9th, 2015

For the first few days after my break up I stayed alone and let mysef experience all the hurt and emotions. Whenever I bottle things up it gets a lot worse, so I try and let myself feel everything no matter how painful. I usually do this by listeneing to the cliche sad love/breakup songs, and watching sad romance movies. After a few days I start to feel a little better and keep myself busy. The pain would still be there, but it would be enough activity to distract me from it! To anyone going through a breakup on here, I am so sorry, I know it hurts. But, youll get through it I promise.