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Not “enough”

lifeisbeautiful37 March 9th, 2021

Anyone ever end a marriage that was safe and relatively satisfying but just never seemed to be “enough”? What happened??

Asher April 1st, 2021

Thank you for sharing that with us. It can be tough when it doesn't feel fulfilling having the relationship and having that feeling that there could be more too it as well.

MrSeansible April 1st, 2021

Honestly, I'd give a lot to have "safe and relatively satisfying" in my life. I'm a simple person though so it doesn't take much beyond companionship and loyalty/devotion for me. I think it's inevitable that passion fades a bit over time, but the others don't have to. That's my opinion, anyway.

Carolizzie April 2nd, 2021

Unfortunately, I am now divorced because my safe marriage was not enough for me. I was with someone with a very sincere and good heart and we were comfortable with each other, but we were no longer growing together and weren't satisfying each others needs anymore. It was inevitable and best for the both of us to go our separate ways. I have grown so much as a person since then, but I am still struggling with many issues and trying to figure myself out. I didn't know how lost I was until after my divorce, so trying to find myself now.