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I wrote a Letter to Ex (I thought she was the one)

twstr8223 May 15th, 2020

Hello I hope everyone is doing okay. My ex and I broke up in January we were dating for 2.5 years. It was quite a shock to me at first but I have now realized maybe we did need to seperate. I am doing so much better than I was finding new hobbies and really learning how to love myself. Someone that I know suggested that I write her a letter with all my feelings and i can either share it with her or not. After writing it and doing some thinking I have decided that I want to share it with her. The leter is not at all asking for a secind chance, it mostly just says that you meant so much to me and I know see the reason for a breakup, that all I want is for her to find happiness in the world in herslef and then eventually with someone else, that I wish I could give/show her that but I understand if she doesn't want it. I also say how you realize you truly love someone when you want them happy even if it is without you.

My point in writing this letter is to get my feelings out and tell her how I truly feel about her. I am not trying to manipulate or ask for a second chance with it. It is just all my feelings written down. I sure hope she respects that. So the thing is that we still have each others stuff at our houses even though it has been 4 months. We will be giving each others stuff back once quarantine ends. I am really nervous about this encounter because that is when I will be sharing it with her. I was thinking of sending it in the mail however she has a hard time concentrating and staying focussed due to her ADHD and probably beeing emotional when she reads it. So my plan is when we see each other is that I read it to her. I know I am doing the right thing because it is showing the kind of guy that I want to be and I also don't want to feel like I wish i had said this to her. Trying my best to not overthink her reaction but it has been on my mind more recently.

BlissfulSummer May 15th, 2020


Hey there, I am extremely glad that you shared your feelings with us via the forums <3

It is great to see how much you care about her and yourself. It is difficult to go through breakups but the whole point is finding yourself and loving yourself first before loving anyone else because both go hand in hand. You are an amazing person to want the happiness of the other person and acknowledging that it was necessary for your happiness and her's.

I know it can be a little overwhelming when you meet her after a few months and read out everything you feel to her, but I feel it is a good decision if you think that it is something that need to do. It is extremely emotional to have someone say these things to you and to know that someone cares for you this much.Along with that, it takes a lot of courage for someone to do it as well. I hope all goes well and you stay happy, which matters the most <3

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twstr8223 OP May 15th, 2020

@BlissfulSummer Yes, thank you so much. I have been working on myself making myself a better person. I think this is something more for me in oder to move on but she also needs to know how I feel about her. Since it has been a few months post breakup, I thought this time away would make our relationship stronger but I am not so sure. It will be emotional I think when I read this letter. I just thought it would be a good idea and I want to treat others the way I would want to be treated.

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creativecat123 May 15th, 2020


hi im going through a breakup myself and I was with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and the break up was quite random. He said he broke up with me because I always got mad at him but we were perfectly fine before quarantine. We were actually really happy so I think it is just quarantine and the fact that I haven't seen him for months and I know everyone says like oh you're better off without him but I truly love him and think i am a better person with me and if that makes me a fool then so be it. But all you can do is keep a positive mindset and manifest your own future

1 reply
twstr8223 OP May 15th, 2020

@creativecat123 I am sorry to hear that. How are you doing? Totally agree with you on that. The best thing to do is focus on yourself and your future. If that person doesn't see the good in you or want to support you though things then maybe they aren't the one. That has been my mindset, hope that makes sense lol. I see what you are saying and it really does hurt when people say you are better off without that person and such. People heal at different times. Some people can get over someone like within a few days or weeks while others may take a few months. It all just depends on the person.

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