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I filed for divorce today

peacefulforest75 November 13th, 2019

I mostly feel relief and happiness at the first step toward a new beginning. It is bittersweet, because I really did commit to loving him. However, I realized that (whether or not he knows it), he doesn't want to be married, or at least doesn't want to be married to me. This was devastating when I first began to realize it as I saw it as a rejection, but now I understand that he doesn't want to have the necessary give-and-take in a relationship. It was always one-sided, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I think he sees it as me unable to love him as he is, and leaving him for another man. It's not exactly like that, as I began to confide in a long-time male friend of mine nearly 2 years ago. He encouraged me to work on my marriage, clarify my needs so I could better express them, etc. I began to turn to my friend for the emotional support I was lacking from my husband. This pulled me out of a years-long depression, but also made me realize what I really wanted in a marriage. I didn't leave because of the other man, although him being there and expressing his own interest in me did make it an easier step. I know I'll never be able to express these thoughts to him due to the way he selectively hears what he wants to hear and believes what he wants to believe. I feel sadness because I think he wants the same closeness I do in a relationship, but is unable to be vulnerable enough to achieve it or even recognize this.

ivoryCamp2081 November 13th, 2019

@peacefulforest75 I

peacefulforest75 OP November 13th, 2019


Thanks. I wish the best of luck to you. I honestly think he simply isn't able to be emotionally vulnerable, which is needed to have the strong connection I want, and he likely wants as well. We're in California so there's a 6-month waiting period for things to be final. Right now my only hope is for things to remain relatively conflict free. With the way he treated me, I don't think I even want to be friends with him.

ivoryCamp2081 November 13th, 2019

@peacefulforest75 I 100% agree with wanting things to be conflict free and making things peaceful. With your feelings being that way I think you

Ccampbell November 13th, 2019


Reading your story was shocking. It was almost as though my wife wrote it. You see my story is nearly identical. I am a man in your husband's shoes.

I deeply regret what has happened between my wife and I. I'm still madly in love with her she was my bestfriend. Life and the struggle to make a living made it hard for me to see that she was left vulnerable for far to long. I wasn't always the best to her and I regret every wrong doing. I'd do anything to have ten minutes with her listening to me pour my heart out.

I recognize that I cant change her in anyway but I can change myself. I pray for her and my daughters endlessly. I get to watch my family drive away twice a week when my visitations with my daughters come to an end. All of the things that have happened in the last five months have torn me to bits. It's up to me to rebuild myself into a new man. I don't want to be the man that I was and I'm doing everything in my power to do that.

If you see any signs of change in your husband I would encourage you take that into consideration. It's never to late to change and heal. If you are a believer, God will not give you anything that you can't handle through him and I'm sorry for saying this but God also wouldn't put another man in your life to make it easier for you to leave your husband. He wants you to succeed no matter what has happened.

P.s. Sorry if this pops up twice its the second time I replied to your post. I dont think the first one sent.

mashti November 14th, 2019


It is the story of every couple in a family.

No one goes in a marriage to screw it up in the end. And most of the time exact same story happens among people. Happened to me as well and just because she moved on too fast i did not get the chance to change myself. You need to give him some time to work on himself and well it is not always happening.

At this time everyone thinks to move on with another person to fill an empty space, prove their worth, and make other person jealous or mad, or even some other reasons. But the truth is it is gon a happen again and again in future relationships unless both sides have enough experience to know they need to work it on.

I would say leave him but don't move on and give him time to work on himself. Most of the time man have some kinda proud arrogant feeling and it takes time to go away. they should see you are interested in makeup to leave it. Also while you show you are interested you shouldn't show you are eager to that.

I'd say a good counselor for both of you wouldn't be a bad idea

lovelyWhisper66 November 13th, 2019

@peacefulforest75 *hugs if you are okay with it* Hi there, I really appreciate you opening up to us about what happened; that takes great courage. I am proud that you are taking the steps necessary to move on. It is great that you had the support of your friend who was there for you when your ex could not support you.

We are here for you! Best wishes, and feel free to update us and/or chat with the listeners at any time. :)