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I Was the Other Woman and Things are Extremely Complicated Now

SpiderLily February 26th, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm trying online therapy for the first time because I feel selfish turning to my friends and family about this (also my mother is quite sick of this even she has said she has no idea how I'm feeling or what this must be like for me). So if nothing else, I'd like to share my story here, and maybe get a little bit more of it out of my system.

Nine months ago, I started a new job back in my home state. It was originally supposed to be a seasonal position but became regular part-time.I have two degrees and could not get anything with them, so I decided to move back in with my parents at least for the summer and get some experience to put on my resume, since big timegaps are a no-no to prospective employers.

I met a guy twenty years older than me at my new job. And there was instant chemistry between us. I felt it right off the bat and so did he. It was to the point where we'd be in the same room together, just by ourselves, and the electricity would be crackling. We got to know each other a little talking during lulls at work, and then added each other on facebook and chatted until we came to a mutual agreement that yes, we wanted to see each other outside of work. He told me we would have to keep it quiet from our co-workers because they enjoy gossiping. Okay, no problem. Been there, and it's a pain in the butt to have everyone staring at you nonstop.

For the following months, we dated in secret. We'd meet up after work, we spent time with each other for our birthdays, there were secret smiles and glances at work, texting nonstop...I fell for him very fast. And it seemed like the real thing. I even worked up the courage to tell him first that I loved him which he was touched by and told me he loved me too. I was picturing a long term future with him and being eventually a friend and stepmother to his children (he has two kids, going through the final stages of a divorce, and he said he wanted me to meet them. I did not, and assumed he was waiting for the divorce to be complete. Perfectly normal according to divorce articles I've read).

For the most part, I thought we were perfect together. But every so often something odd would happen. He kept a death grip on his phone, he would get on his laptop and check emails while we were together, he would text while we were on dates, occasionally I'd see a text that seemed off and I'd get upset and call him on it. He told me I had nothing to worry about. I was pretty sure I was just being insecure and had emotional baggage, so I'd brush it off and beat myself up.

The holidays came, and he all but disappeared Christmas week. I had invited him to come over to spend some time with me, meet my family, open presents, none of which I have ever done before. He had no time for me and barely texted me, and it ruined my holiday. Around this time, he also moved to a new apartment, which I did not know about until he was fairly well moved in. And the first time I was over there, I saw various Christmas cards from friends. I was understandably hurt- he had already told all his friends his new address but not me? He tried to brush it off but it bothered me. Combine that with his behavior Christmas week and I was a mess.

After Christmas I confronted him about it, and he said he was feeling conflicted about us as of late- the age difference was bothering him, and what if I wanted kids? (looking back I know what he was trying to do) I brushed that off and told him neither was a problem. So we stayed together. But that was the beginning of the end. We started disagreeing, I got more insecure (especially once he started texting an ex-girlfriend nonstop but swore I had nothing to worry about), and it got to the point where we agreed to give each other space. That only lasted a day before he was texting me again. We exchanged emails discussing our issues, and he said he loved me and wanted to remain together.

A few days later, I went to his house to make upand found a valentine from a woman proclaiming her love. And I knew. I knew he had been lying to me the whole time. And I felt my heart split in two and went to pieces. He immediately knew what upset me and did everything to comfort me, kissing away my tears and telling me it was a card from his previous ex from a year ago. I believed him at the time since he seemed remorseful, not angry and guilty. Still, a little nagging voice in my head told me not to believe him.

I did a bit of checking around, and wanted to talk to him. He told me the next time we saw each other after work that he wanted to take a break. Even though he had said he wanted to fix things and remain together. And he was hurting too but wanted to do this. He said we would have a platonic relationship for the time being.

The very next day we had to work together. And he accidentally left his personal email up and open. And I was still suspicious and hurt, so I snuck a peek- there were many messages from the woman he'd claimed was his ex, including correspondence between them about an upcoming trip that he was going to take on his week's vacation. It was very obvious that she was not past, but present. And there was a message he'd sent someone about "bringing his girlfriend along" and yet he had never mentioned a trip with me. I was shaking and confronted him about it, and he said we'd discuss it after work over the phone. Even with the solid proof and the fact he knew I knew, he tried to claim she was an ex and was very close to his children and that was why she was still in the picture.

I didn't buy it. So I sent her a message and told her what was going on-I thought she had the right to know. If she was an ex, then it would be no problem, right? All hell broke loose. I am guessing she dumped him shortly after getting my message, and he and I (he was working, I had the day off) had a text war until he finally claimed responsibility. I was a hot mess, crying, screaming, upset for his children, feeling pity for her. The whole time he had been dating me, he had been dating her long distance. Their relationship had started months before ours. So much fell into place. The secrets. The text hiding. The lapses in communication. I even found out why he'd acted like he had at Christmas- she had been spending the week with him and his children at his place and babysitting them while he was at work!

Despite all this, the heart cannot turn off just like that. I was bitter and hurting and we still talked, off and on. He told me he needed to heal and that I should forget him and find a good man. Two days after our implosion (we didn't actually break up; the day hell broke loose we imploded) I found out he was active on online dating sites. So much for needing to heal.

There's more on that that I might share later (not sure how anyone will react to my tale), but for now, here's where it gets complicated. We still have to work together for now and we are both still sexually attracted to each other. We still text off and on and lately I have been flirting back when he starts.He has said he very much wants me still andwe ended up kissing after workthe last time we worked together. I absolutely know I should not do this given that he's already back on the prowl but the chemistry is still there. And if I thought I could be the only one in his life and we could movepast the hurt I would want another shot. The Kelly Clarkson song "Addicted" fits me so well right now. I wish I had the strength to walk away but for now I do not. I still like hearing from him. Being around him is tricky because the chemistry is there, especially when he focuses on me. We actually made plans to spend time together this weekend which I know is wrong but I miss him so much.

Any words, any help, would be good. Even if it's calling me stupid and weak.

humorousOwl8690 October 30th, 2017

Sounds like you have an addiction to this guy. And most afflicted people I know, cannot shake that drug by being around it everyday at work. You know better and you know deserve better. Best advice is to find another job, better yet, create your own job, treat him like drugs and fight that addiction. You will absolutely, without a doubt, meet someone with whom you'll have even better sexually chemistry with and will love you unconditionally. Your future man will remind you how much he loves you on the daily and will be dying to spend every free moment by your side. I know you probably think this man doesn't exist, but he does. And the longer you waste time on men like this, the chances are another wonderful woman will recognize how great he is and will swoope him up for herself. The sooner you realize your worth, and make yourself 100% available to the right man, you'll be swept your feet by that very special person. Wishing you wisdom and self love. God speed. @SpiderLily

TransAm85 February 26th, 2015

I used to be a prostitute. Majority of the men I would see were either married or in a relationship. The guy you are describing seems to just be using you .. You are having sex I'm assuming? Old men get sick of their wives/girlfriends, so they go look for the young girls for attention and .. young .. things. I'm married now and I know my husband is getting sick of me. I used to have sex w/him everyday when we first got married .. now I could care less. It getsold. So, if I don't try fixing it, he's gonna cheat on me. But I've seen it all .. Men cheat. My point is, that old man is not looking at you for you. Just what's between your legs. I wouldn't get so upset.

SpiderLily OP February 26th, 2015

We were having sex, yes. I think part of it is also that he was so good at saying sweet nothings, and like I said the instant chemistry that was there. He was actually my first fully sexual relationship- he was that good at sweet-talking me.

niceGrapefruit6690 February 26th, 2015

Argh hate douchebags. But girls who respect themselves won't tolerate that. Have a one night stand.. But don't have sex with a guy who doesn't respect you >.

TransAm85 February 27th, 2015

How old are you? Men can be good manipulators. Unfortunately I got immune to expressingmy emotions b/c I was a prostitute. When I was young, guys never liked me for who I was inside as a person, it was always my looks. So when I lost my job when I was 24, I thought fuck it, I'll use my assets to make some money. Then I really saw how shallow men are. My husband is no Randy Orton, but he loves me for who I am inside. So I guess you gotta look at it that way too. Sex doesn't cure everything. For a man, sex is some kind of release system! lol If you're married/in a serious relationship, it's like a bonding thing .. Find somebody who loves you inside and out.

SpiderLily OP February 27th, 2015

I am 28, and unfortunately I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. This guy was extremely good at wordplay and not making it obvious and blunt what he wanted when we first started dating, unlike other guys I dated before. I gave him ammo, I guess, by even talking about that and saying I was sick of men who did not appreciate me for my mind and personality, and he played up to that.

And yes, I am looking for another job. There is a good chance my current place of work is going to do layoffs soon so guess who would be the first to go.

niceGrapefruit6690 February 26th, 2015

I…wouldn't beat yourself up too much. It is a common feeling for all girls to have after a breakup. But, at the same time… you deserve respect. And, it is hard to hear but he..doesn't respect you. Breakups are so painful especially because there are good memories besides the bad. You seem to want that. It is hard but.. You do need a reality slap in the face.. You deserve better girl! And go out with single friends and enjoy your single life..a good guy will happen I promise!

SpiderLily OP February 27th, 2015

Sorry, not entirely clear, want what? And thank you for the reality slap. I did say bring it.:-p

niceGrapefruit6690 February 27th, 2015

You seem to want to cling onto the sweet person you loved before his real face was revealed. Am I wrong?

SpiderLily OP February 27th, 2015

I know now that that person never truly existed. He had a persona he put on to ensnare me, and the way he is behaving now is his true self. When we had our text war he tried to blame things on me, saying that his children would be heartbroken at losing their friend (his other girlfriend) and she had a good relationship with his ex-wife...I told him, "well, you had the perfect life, you had no business coming onto me, or asking me out, or saying all those things!" And that's still true.

I can wish for that persona back. But it would be the same as kissing air and expecting a response. Not gonna happen.

niceGrapefruit6690 February 27th, 2015

Yes, glad you see that. It can be very disappointing.. Being naive in experience and giving guys the benefit of the doubt.. I ran into some very unpleasant guys while dating. Number one weapon is listening to our gut. :) goodjob girl.. Hope you stick to following that.

niceGrapefruit6690 February 26th, 2015

I…wouldn't beat yourself up too much. It is a common feeling for all girls to have after a breakup. But, at the same time… you deserve respect. And, it is hard to hear but he..doesn't respect you. Breakups are so painful especially because there are good memories besides the bad. You seem to want that. It is hard but.. You do need a reality slap in the face.. You deserve better girl! And go out with single friends and enjoy your single life..a good guy will happen I promise!

tidyPark07 February 27th, 2015

Find another job so that you won't be in his "area of influence"

SpiderLily OP February 27th, 2015

Working on it. :-)

Soul2soul February 27th, 2015

Ah, this is a tricky one, an experienced man is a dangerous man, not all men are bad but in this case, you seem to know everything that is wrong with it but yet, you can't control how you feel which is perfectly normal because when it comes to matters of the heart, logic flies out of the window. You know what's best for you, it's there in your head but it needs to land in your heart. Only you can help yourself. It may take time but I know you will eventually make a decision that suits you best. Take care my friend

SpiderLily OP February 27th, 2015

Thank you. It's like what Shakespeare wrote, "reason and love keep little company these days." I have it in the brain but the heart is being a pain in the butt. And I just go back and think about the good parts and ask myself, "how could he fake that much, all the way back to Day One?"

compassionateHuman1709 February 25th, 2016

Trust me it's not your fault he may like you, just don't know what he wants yes, I would back off from him and let him do his own thing block him from, all communication l, and pray for God to send you the man he would like you to have where in the waiting period.@SpiderLily