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How to break up?

Menoeceus May 18th, 2017

I've been dating this girl for a few months now, and I really want to break up with her, but I don't want to hurt her. Do y'all have any suggestions?

Victoriarush May 18th, 2017

@KittysPetJoey first realize why you don't want her anymore. Then tell her how you feel about her. See what her reaction is. Plus is there anything she can change about herself to make things better? Communication is #1. Honesty too. Be honest and straight up with her on why you dislike her or just dont want to be with her.

Menoeceus OP May 19th, 2017

@Victoriarush Thanks for the advice. The problem is that the relationship is long-distance, and that is just not working. I am also not attracted to her, and I thought that that wouldn't matter at first, but I'm beginning to realize that it does. Every time I think about talking to her, I feel terrified. I'm so scared I'm going to hurt her.

limeWillow670 May 20th, 2017

Have you watched the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". Yoou may find some ideas that you can use.