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Girlfriend was also my best and only friend, now i'm completely alone

User Profile: ChosenMarshmallow
ChosenMarshmallow April 5th, 2015

Not reallyone for seeking help but feeling out of options and tired of being so alone.
So i was with my girlfriend since November 2013 and we both struggled with depression and had few friends, she was my rock as i was hers and i guess cause of that i thought she'd never leave plus all the lovey dovey stuff she said about me being the only one and how she couldn't do it without me (yeah we both hadd our scary near final moments) saying i'd frequently return cause damn i was sure she was the one i mean i saw my future with her.

She was my whole world, i literally lived for her as she met me as i was planning something scary and final. If it meant she would be safe or happy i would have died for her in a second, not healthy so i've been told. So yeah it was a pretty dependant realationship i needed her as much as she needed me but it wasn't just that support it was true feeling aswell we both showed and proved to eachother many times over.

Then at the start of Feb, out of no where, she says she's changed and needs space so how about a break. I'm fine with that i've given her space before so okay but then after a week she says this isn't what she wants she's changed and it needs to end. Well i accepted this cause i've always put what she wants first but secretly i took it terribly, plumeted went back to thinking like i used to in final terms.

Things have slowly improved but she was my best and only friend and i saw her most everyday, i've never been social but now i have no one and i'm feeling so alone it's crushing. I don't know how she changed cause she stopped seeing me but from talking in the days following it the tiniest things would set her off with a weird new anger i've never seen before, she pretty much hates me now so no support from her anymore.

Been asking myself how i survivedbefore her but then it hits me, i wasn't. Anyway that's it, quite a lengthy story sorry.Don't know what i'm looking for in posting this, but i guess this site has helped a bit in the past, just hoping something will happen to help.

User Profile: MightyMillie15
MightyMillie15 April 21st, 2015

Hey Frog,

I just got broken up with last week by the man I thought I was going to marry. I dont have much great advice for you, except to say that i hope you're feeling a little better, and that I understand how crushing and oppressive it feels to be alone. My heart physically hurts each day when i wake up, and im crying and all day i feel totally and utterly heartbroken. They say time heals all wounds, but it would be so awesome if time sped up and we both felt happier huh?

I hope you're feeling okay.

User Profile: BML94
BML94 April 21st, 2015

I've been through a breakup like this before and currently going through another butivelearned from the past how to handle this one better. I completely understand that you're lonely and want someone to lean. When you're ready to get out there and be social, do so. But for now I strongly believe in the phrase "be your own best friend". It might sound silly but you know yourself better than anyone else so you can figure out how to comfort yourself. Think about what you would tell a friend in your situation and keep telling yourself the same thing. If you need to cry then do that but make sure you're not wallowing for too long. Try to do the things you enjoy or try new things until you find something you enjoy. Take this time to better yourself. You can come out of this better than ever. You just need to be determine to get better. Relax and figure out your game plan and then put it into action. I hope things start looking up for you soon.

User Profile: sealpal1234
sealpal1234 April 22nd, 2015

I am going through something similar. She was my best and only friend as well. I'm feeling extremely lonely and running out of options. I know you are hitting the wall, but I hope you live and don't hurt yourself. As long as you live, there will be hope even if you can't see it right now.

User Profile: Jingga
Jingga May 4th, 2015

I can completely relate to this

User Profile: LittleFish56
LittleFish56 May 8th, 2015

I am going through sort of the same thing. My now ex girlfriend and were basically all each other had. We each had a few other friends, but mostly it was just us. We were together all the time and we'd talk all the time. In late March we broke up for two days, she said she felt like we were growing apart but after two days we talked and decided we couldn't stand being apart from each other.

Well, about a week and a half ago she confesses that she has been cheating on me for a bit and that she has feelings for the other guy as well as me. She says she can't be in a relationsip with me and have feelings for him (which I understand) but even though they aren't dating they are still sleeping together. I want her to admit she made a mistake and come back to me. I want to hold her in my arms and hear her tell me she loves me again. But she won't, and that kills me.

I feel so alone without her. She was my everything. I loved her with all my heart, with everything I am and everything she made me want to be. I feel so empty, unwanted, and unloved. What's left of my heart goes out to all of you. I hope you can find the strength to carry on and heal. I wish I could do the same, but I'm not sure that will happen.

User Profile: MrPancake
MrPancake May 11th, 2015

This is what I am going through too.

User Profile: versatileApple4527
versatileApple4527 May 11th, 2015

I know how youfeel. Myboyfriend of three yearsbroke up with me out of the blue back in March. I saw my whole future with him. He was my bestfriend and now I feel completely alone,not justbecause of him but all of my friends aswell. It seems like they all chose his side.Two months later and it still hasn't gotten any easier, especially becuase we are in the same friend group. I see him or things that remind me of him or I'll pass him somewhere on campus and it sends me into an anxiety/depression spiral. It doesn't seem like he even cares about me and I'm really starting to question if the last few months of our relationship were even real. I keep blaming myself for what happened and I can't help but feel like he gave up on us and gave up on me. But one positive out of all of this is I've realized how strong I've become as a result. Just try to find the positives in the situation.

User Profile: versatileApple4527
versatileApple4527 May 11th, 2015

I know how youfeel. Myboyfriend of three yearsbroke up with me out of the blue back in March. I saw my whole future with him. He was my bestfriend and now I feel completely alone,not justbecause of him but all of my friends aswell. It seems like they all chose his side.Two months later and it still hasn't gotten any easier, especially becuase we are in the same friend group. I see him or things that remind me of him or I'll pass him somewhere on campus and it sends me into an anxiety/depression spiral. It doesn't seem like he even cares about me and I'm really starting to question if the last few months of our relationship were even real. I keep blaming myself for what happened and I can't help but feel like he gave up on us and gave up on me. But one positive out of all of this is I've realized how strong I've become as a result. Just try to find the positives in the situation.

User Profile: NotHappyNeMore
NotHappyNeMore July 1st, 2015

My ex broke up with me (in an email) in December 2012. I was 100% hurt, humiliated and embarrassed. I had always been strong and independent and just this one time I decided to let my guard down and give my all. I'm over him I don't want him anymore, but I just can't shake this sadness that came over me when it happened....I' ve done counselling, I've tried newactivities....tobe honest the pain is not as hot as it was when it just happened, but it's still close to 90%. I'm tired of crying and feeling sad, and tired of not being able to go back to the joyful person I was before it happened.I just feel robbed

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User Profile: star1010
star1010 April 30th, 2017


How are you feeling now?

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User Profile: TheAnonym0us
TheAnonym0us July 2nd, 2015

Almost exact same thing is happening to me now. i have no one else because she was insecure and didn't like me being with friends and i love her with all my heart so i left everyone else. now she left me and she has others around her.. i dont....