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Can't get over her

toughNectarine1180 March 23rd, 2016

My girlfriend broke up with me and shes with someone else rn and it hurts soooo bad that I can't take the pain any more she's all i got I can't lose her 😓 I hurt myself to take my mind off her idk what to do

1Virtualfriend March 24th, 2016

@toughNectarine1180 sorry to hear about the breakup. Your life is worth more than her. You are more than a bad breakup. Don't let her or her friends see you sad. I don't know if you are religious, but God is the way to true happiness. It's probably not something you want to hear, but I speak from experience, after 14 years of marriage myself, and being abandoned by my ex, left with no where to live, no money, and debt, I once felt like I had no life without him. I once felt like I had no place on earth.

I started going to church,and just letting God deal with me and heal me, I got the strength and courage I put my foot down and divorced that sucker.he never thought I would do it. But I did. I opened my own business of making candles and my kids and I are doing great. I would have never opened my business if I was still with him. I know that's a fact.

And you can find that strong you inside and let it out with power. You are loved. You are important. You are not only someone, you are the one. Find something healthy that makes you happy and do it.

frownynerd May 17th, 2016

@toughNectarine1180 I feel your pain. My ex and I are still best friends. Right when I think I'm getting over him he does something that makes me fall for him all over again. You'll make it through the storm though🙂

Girlygirlhaley May 17th, 2016

@toughNectarine1180 that's exactly how I feel I loved my bf more than anything in the world but he took advantage of me

SilentSerenityy March 23rd, 2016


I understand your pain and it's very intense but it's not worth harming yourself over. You deserve more than her and more than hurting yourself. This is a time to care for yourself, heal and make yourself happy, self harming will do the opposite. You're going to hurt for some time but I promise, it will go with time.

Stay strong.

tealBlackberry7692 April 12th, 2016


I understand everything you're going through. There's so much more pain than you know how to manage and you don't know what to do to make it stop. Maybe you feel like everything that happened was a nightmare and you're waiting to wake up to a reality where she didn't find someone else and everything is the way it used to be. But it gets better even if right now it seems like it never will. The pain is only temporary- it won't always hurt as much as it does right now.

In the meantime, surround yourself with people who care about you and tell them how you're feeling. Try to avoid being alone. Stay with family or friends for a little while, until you're ready to be alone again. Whenever you feel like hurting yourself, find someone to talk to or chat here on 7cups. So many people want to help you get through this. I hope you read this and it reminds you that you're not alone and that you matter.

Girlygirlhaley May 17th, 2016

I need a listener experienced with breakups please