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Start of 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓿𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓓𝓸𝓰𝓼

ivoryDog4942 May 28th

Alright, Alright. I was writing for a post in Icebreakers so Imma tag you two: @Torean and @jesusredeemedme2425

If you were tagged and didn’t want to see this (I’m not sure if I tagged correctly lol) then you can ignore this.

I write on paper and I’m just showing you the first chapter (it’s short, kinda like a prelude) so I don’t forget to finish the story. So uh bug me if I take too long writing this. I might need a reminder to finish. This may be hard to read so let me know if you want a digital version.



It’s sideways and won’t let me zoom in either, so it’s a little hard to read :(

ivoryDog4942 OP May 28th


Yeah, I couldn’t fix that. Later I might enter a digital version. If you’re on mobile, you might be able to lock your screen so that when you turn it, you can read it.

ivoryDog4942 OP May 29th


Digital Version of the Excerpt

Gosh, I’m gonna need to scan the text next time 😭


I was only trying to breed them efficiently. I was only trying to satisfy help my family.


“Scrap it.”

”No!” I yelped like a motionless, silent, hopeless character in my dreams, praying the other would hear me. My mom walked over to the trash, and my eyes widened.

”If you want, I can take the trash out while I’m here.”

I rushed over there.

”Uh…uh it’s fine. Thanks, Mom. You can go now,” I said, rushing her out of my room.

Shuffling over to the trash again when my mom was finally gone, I identified the fake trash and dug it out.

“My children,” I whispered in relief, hugging each piece of paper my great, great, great grandma wrote.

”You didn’t mean to do this,” I whispered following a tear.

I turn the big light off, turn the lamp on, and crawl into bed. I pick up my Iphone 110 Pro-Air and go to my HorrificNews app. Of course, all of my news is dogs. I scrolled and scrolled to see a dog without hind legs. Instead it had human-like back legs.

The scariest part is great, great, great grandma, Katherine, saw a similar case…

Torean May 28th


This is an interesting start.  I really like the way your writing looks on the page too. 😁


Yeah, your handwriting and the kind of ink are very visually appealing <3

ivoryDog4942 OP May 28th


Thank you both of you. I work on it more tonight 😁


Any updates?? <3

ivoryDog4942 OP July 7th


I abandoned it 💀 but uh i can kinda crochet now so that’s good? 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Ooh!!! Pics please <3

ivoryDog4942 OP July 9th


All I can do is a mediocre chain stitch ,but like most hobbies, I’m gonna take a short break and get into it when my room is clean and I’m not tired because crochet is so hard for me most of the time. But I did start scrapbooking again😅

I guess I kinda hop from thing to thing but I draw and play piano daily so that’s good I guessimage_1720543054.jpgimage_1720543074.jpg


Oh I bounce back and forth all the time hehe

ivoryDog4942 OP July 10th


thats so real haha 


I have ADD sooooo hehe