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What are you currently reading?
by tommy
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September 18th
...See more Tell us what book you're currently reading! Are you enjoying it? Would you recommend it to someone else so far? {GIF of a cat reading a book}
Reading & Writing Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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August 12th
...See more Welcome to the Reading & Writing Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 27 August (updated by @tommy) @amiableBunny4016 @calmmoon2104 @dancingGrotto @GwydionRowan @hanasophia @HarmonyBlossom @HatsEatYou @LoveMyMoonflowers @softForest4843 @tommy
Random Thread
by Katharsis22
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1 day ago
...See more Hello there. What is this? Just like the title indicates: it's a random thread. Well, I might use this to post some writings of mine... or my random gibberish. Guess it will be more fitting to add this to the Journal / Diary forum, or maybe not. I do journal(?) already, just not publicly, not entirely at least, of-course- Anyway, any of you cybernetic passers-bys are welcome to read or/and share your thoughts. Not like I can prevent you anyway, this is accessible to the public. Haha. But yes, if you're looking for some space to share some things and you don't have a thread or don't want to create one of your own for any reason, you can post here. ☆Enjoy the incoming stochastic chaos of textual expression.(:
New here - asking for app/site to start writing
by GothamRam
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...See more Hey there, I'm new here so I'm not sure if this has been discussed before. Just wanted to ask what apps/sites (free or minimal fees) that you recommend I can start writing about my own experiences, life, anything I can think about, etc.?  I'm not a writer nor trained but I've done a few. My purpose is not to publish but just to write and improve my skills, plus it's good for the mindset and positive outlook as they say. I find it therapeutic to write so I want to focus on this. :) Appreciate your recommendations. Thanks!
How to get feedback?
by BlueMel
Last post
September 24th
...See more I am trying to create a comic but I'm doing it alone, how do you get feedback? I'm not a very social person so I dont have many people that will listen to me ramble about it. And often it's very surface level feedback I receive. I have a lot of ideas but it would be useful to see how other people interpret it. Thoughts? Thanks!
My story so far!
by darkgreenfrog
Last post
September 24th
...See more Please read! I am looking for feedback! Chapter 1:               Great, I think as the lights in the underground train flicker off again. I sigh. That’s the third time this trip. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Veel.               “C’mon, Birch. It’s not that bad.” He smiled. I can only bring myself to smile a little. Veel’s deep brown eyes seem to flash as the lights came back on. Veel’s younger sister sits beside him. She is almost as tall as he is, and their dark skin, hair, and eyes match almost exactly.               “Yeah, Birch,” she teased. “You should be glad for the chance of some quality time with your boyfriend.” I sigh again. I don’t really know how to define my relationship with Veel. I never call him my boyfriend. Only other people do that. My relationship with him also made it awkward to be friends with his sister, but she didn’t mind. She has all the social skills I wish I have.               “I just… want to get there as fast as possible.” I say through a sigh. I don’t know why I am so restless. Maybe I just need to be away from home.               “Well, you’re in luck, because we’re here,” Veel said, standing. I stand and follow him. That’s when I notice he’s limping.o               “Veel? Are you okay?” I ask, concerned.               “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just… something that happened yesterday.”               “Why? Where were you yesterday?”               “I… it doesn’t matter.” He looks down. I glance sideways at him, but I leave it alone. I don’t like to butt in. I stand and follow him. His arm clanks slightly, turning a few heads as we walk through the crowded underground station, the metal glinting in the fluorescent lighting. I speed up as the crowds thin out, trying to catch up with him. His right arm touches mine as we walk, the steel cold against my skin. The feeling brings back a flood of memories. Creeping through an enemy base. Hearing him scream. Running toward the sound, not caring whether we lost the war. Finding him lying passed out in a pool of blood, one arm and one ear gone. My Sergeant hitting me across the face for leaving my post. Veel walking out of the surgery room, his new arm gleaming at his side.  I clutch my chest, taking deep breaths to remind me of where I am. Veel is looking at me, concerned. “You okay?” He asks. I nod, still not ready to talk about it. He wraps his arm around me and I stiffen. I wasn’t ready for that. He seems to sense this and pulls away, turning his eyes to the stairs out of the underground. As we walk up the long flight of dirty stairs, I can’t help but think. I dread the moment I have to go home again. My mom is... well… it’s hard to explain. She yelled at my baby brother this morning. Nothing serious. Just the usual, calling him worthless, et cetera, et cetera. She made him cry. This happens almost daily in my house, and the horrible thing is that there are six of us, and as the oldest, I feel responsible. It’s why I get out as soon as I can, and I am literally counting down the days to my birthday. When I turn eighteen, I’ll finally get to move out of our stupid hut, stop going to stupid training, and get my own stupid house. I’m excited. If you couldn’t tell. We finally reach the training center, a gleaming white building that looks out of place among the grimy, scattered dwellings. There is no social class here. No order, barely any law except: ‘your children will start Training at 10. They will begin warfighting at 13. If they are lucky, they’ll get promoted and have less chance of brutally dying’ and that’s basically it. If you don’t send your children to Training or they refuse to go to war, the poor citizens that have been forced into policing will show up at your house, and tiredly force your children to Training at gunpoint. No one fears them. It’s all quite exhausting. Veel and I push open the doors, and squint at the fluorescent light reflecting off the pure white walls. I reach for his hand and squeeze it as we are forced to part ways. I go left, dazedly following the twisting and turning pathways I’ve memorized over the years. I push my way through the halls without bothering to give my name to any of the tired guards. Not that they care. As I finally reach my destination, pushing through the doors into the spy headquarters, my Sergeant glares at me. He knows I didn’t tell anyone my name, and he doesn’t like it. I ignore him, sliding into my desk chair. It’s horribly uncomfortable, and as I slip my SoldierVision 450 onto my head, I struggle to find a comfortable position. Oh well. I’ll be standing in a few minutes anyway. I jump as the words ‘Stealth – Lecture 16.4’ flash before my eyes. Ugh. I was hoping we’d get to do something different today. Stealth comes easily to me. I’m not small, per se, but I’m thin and light on my feet. Not to mention my experience hiding and sneaking away from my mother. All I really want to do right now is take a nap, but I’ve seen too many people get caught to think I could get away with that. Instead, I turn to plan B. Talking to Veel. Last year, Veel, tech savvy that he is, figured out a way to hack the system so I can basically transmit my thoughts from my SoldierVision to his. Don’t ask me how he did it, but it comes in useful. If he can’t talk he’ll ignore me, and then I’ll have to figure something else out.                                                   My eyes shift to a nearly invisible thought bubble at the top right of my screen and I push a button on the top of my headset to select it. Now I can think words and phrases and it will send them to Veel. I orchestrate my first sentence carefully. “Are you as bored as I am?” I sit and wait, painfully counting down from 100. By the time I get to 15 I’m seriously considering napping in my chair. “Birch?” Jeez, I almost peed my pants. “Veel?” “Hey, Birch. Doing stealth again, I’m guessing?” “Yep. What about you? Drills?” “Nope. We’re actually doing something fun today.” He sends me a mental picture of himself jogging through a lush green forest. The forest isn’t real of course, just a clever effect of the SoldierVision. Forests like that don’t exist. “Ugh, I wish I could figure out how you send pictures like that. How do you do it?” “You have to figure it out on your own, Birch.”  “I hate you,”     I thought grumpily. “Love you too.” The conversation screeched to a stop. “Sorry, it was a joke,” Veel thought apologetically. “I know.” Great. Here I thought this was going to be pleasant. I know I should at least be flattered, but it just makes me think about how complicated it would be to have what I want. The lecture ends, but I don’t want to leave this unresolved. So I steel my nerves and take the leap. “I love you too, Veel.” Then I sever the connection. ty everyone!! - Frog
by peacefulpurple08
Last post
September 23rd
...See more "I'm argumentative and bland, boring and compulsive, conversing with me is a charitable cause. I'm defensive, dense, desperate, frantic, and nostalgic. I'm just a pawn in your game, one that you've won." If only you knew, my sense of self grew, that these words aren't insulting; that you can't touch me, you aren't above me, to you that would be besotting.
Writing Exercise?
by Psyphire
Last post
September 23rd
...See more I don't have a title for this piece. Just wrote down whatever came to mind for an hour. Suggestions are welcome. Hope it is a little enjoyable. The vast valley is vacant and silent, save the distant hoot of an owl. No sign of the Rabbits, deer and foxes that would normally roam the fields. Not a single bird in the sky. Nothing around for miles except snow covered ground, and a gentle snowfall was all that remained from the blizzard that just subsided.  With a groan, a woman emerges from the abandoned fox hole where they sheltered the storm and begins trudging ever so slowly in the knee high snow. She is wrapped in an old puffy snowsuit, although large, it is patched in multiple places and is barely keeping her warm. In the distance was the ice capped peak of a single massive crescent shaped mountain that was her destination. Today would be her only chance to reach Mound's Mountain. The icy snow makes her hands and feet burn with a painful numbing effect. She fights to stumble along as fast and as far as she can, despite tears running from her emerald green eyes.   She finally reaches the foot of the mountain and the small cave that leads into its depths. She coughs up a bit of blood, she had little time to admire the scenery. It is surprisingly dry inside; the crisp clean air is soothing to her otherwise numb senses. An inviting breeze comes from within. She loses her footing many times on the sloped floors. The path splits, looking to the walls she finds some ancient writing. It is rather long and verbose, but listed the exact path she would need to take. Going deeper her eyes strain to see anything in the ever increasing darkness, and has to rely on her already weakened sense of tough. Soon the rocks and dirt beneath her feet became flatter and easier to traverse as she meandered even deeper into the maze. It was now so dark, the only way she could navigate was from the sporadic ancient markings on the wall that told her she was going the right way.  An hour in, the floors became even and stable and she could feel the cobblestone beneath her. Torches on the walls flickered to life. before her. The hallway before her had seen better days, the tapestries on the walls and the red carpet on the floors were covered in a thick layer of dust. The marble floors beneath her feet had not seen a mop or wax in nearly a millennium. Even the ornate wooden doors at the far end of the hall was clearly in need of repair with one askew on its hinges and the other missing its knocker.  In the center of the room beyond the doors is a tiny marble pedestal with an oddly massive crystal moon sitting on top of it. This crystal is the ancient altar of the moon goddess. “I am Melora, Luna of the Blood Crescent City.” A woman appears on top of the crystal. Her long silver hair covers her entire form save a single pitch black eye gazing into her soul with venom. “Yes. Your city and their neighbors are full of traitors. They have killed many of my blessed in rebellion to me.” “I am not here to atone for their sins. I seek a blessing.” “You wish to have me bless you? Your body is so weak” “I have made my way to the most remote altar of the continent in this ‘weak’ vessel.” “Your determination and resolve are noted. But that is not enough a reason for me to choose for you a blessing” “I have already been chosen by you!” Mystica opens her hand to show an intricate scar in the shape of a fan. She gazes into the mark on her hand “Yes I recognize this mark. I had my love curse this mark to protect the person it was bestowed to. Seems like it worked, barely.” “Cursed?” “This mark that labels you an Alpha is the mark of a special Vulpine. Had you had a blessing, your 'people' would have killed you the second you transformed at 8 years old.” “You mean 18?” “Werefoxes are a little… special in how they operate.”  “So I will have a lot of catching up to do then?” “You amuse me. I can see why you were chosen. Come for your blessing.”
Sky Lights, Ninjago Jadewire (Harumi x Pixal) Fanfic
by EchoTheDragon
Last post
September 23rd
...See more Pixal was at her desk working late at night in her room. She knew it was unwise to work this late, given her systems were not indestructible, but work for her creator, Cyrus, needed to be finished. Pixal glanced outside the window. It was late at night. The others were up still, which was odd to the droid. She glanced at the clock in her room. 11:34 pm. Her gaze shifted back to her work as she continued. 11:38 pm. 11:52 pm. 12:02 pm. Pixal kept glancing back at the clock occasionally until a knock was at her door. She raised her head, confused as to why someone would need her now, "Enter." she called. Harumi opened the door, chuckling as she saw how hard Pixal must have been working before she knocked, "It's the fourth of July why are you still working?" She asked with a friendly smile. Pixal cocked her head, "Should I not be working?" she inquired. Harumi giggled again, nodding, "Of course not come and watch the fireworks with me!" she walked over to Pixal, gently taking her wrist and pulling her to her feet. "Fireworks?" Pixal asked, her eyebrows knitting in confusion "Yeah!" "..." "Do know what fireworks are?" Harumi looked to Pixal, who had a confused expression. Harumi's eyes lit up, "You don't!" Pixal shook her head, which caused Harumi to instantly pull her out of the room, "Come on!" Harumi chuckled, leading her to her room. Pixal followed. She didn't have much of a choice since her girlfriend was practically dragging her. "You do not need to pull so hard I am right behind you, my jade." Pixal gave her a fond smile. Harumi blushed at the nickname, "Right sorry." she chuckled nervously, finally walking into her bedroom. The room was messy, with hoodies on the floor and a few on the back of a nearby chair. Harumi's bed was unmade, and other items were left strewn about. She bit her tongue, for now, not wanting to be rude. Harumi released her tight grip on Pixal's wrist, causing the droid to rub the area absentmindedly.  She made her way to the window, the locks clicking open as she pulled it up, "Come on!" Harumi motioned with her hand as she climbed out onto the roof. Pixal's eyes widened briefly before nodding and following Harumi's lead onto the roof. Once up, Pixal climbed up to the top so they could both sit. Her mechanical eyes widened from the view. She could see the whole city from here. Harumi let out a small giggle, "It's beautiful isn't it?"  Pixal nodded, not having the words to express how she was feeling. Harumi leaned back, wrapping an arm around Pixal, her cheeks heating up from behind closer to her girlfriend, who snapped back to reality. Harumi smirked, "I see you decided to join me in this realm again." She teased. Pixal smiled fondly at Harumi, about to speak when a firework went off.  Pixal's pale face turned a shade paler, her pupils shrinking with fear. Harumi's gaze filled with wonder at the light show, the mix of reds and blues creating an adoring show in the sky. Pixal, on the other side of the spectrum, was shaking slightly in fear, jumping up to her feet, "There is trouble!" she announced. Harumi raised an eyebrow, "Pix it's fireworks." Pixal's fear was taking over, "Is it The Mechanic? Or Unagami? No Jay defeated him he- he is an ally." Pixal began rambling, her anxiety increasing with every word that slipped from the android's mouth. Harumi smiled in amusement at her girlfriend's cluelessness, "Pixal It's fireworks not a villain." she tried to tell her. Pixal shook her head with a groan of frustration, "No it looks like explosions." Pixal tried to warn her.  Pixal turned back to the fireworks, the lights shining in her emerald eyes that were wide and filled with fear. She mimicked a gulp, taking a step back, "Is this a new villain?" she asked mostly to herself. Harumi's amusement faded, her smile slowly morphing into a frown, "Pix It's fireworks we light them to celebrate." She explained delicately. Pixal looked to Harumi, still fearful, "You are confident?" Harumi nodded, opening her arms for Pixal, who gladly accepted, snuggling into her arms. Pixal looked back to the sky, "But what if it is a diversion? To lower our guards to distract us and-" she was abruptly stopped by Harumi's lips against her own.  Pixal exhaled a hum of surprise, abruptly pulling away, "Darling this is no time for kissing!" Pixal insisted once more. Harumi's gaze was soft, loving as she gently pulled Pixal close again, "I promise you nothing is going to hurt you." Pixal didn't seem convinced. Harumi pulled her girlfriend closer, their noses touching, "The ninja would have called for you if there was danger wouldn't they have?" she questioned. Pixal's anxiety began melting as she breathed in Harumi's cherry blossom perfume. She leaned down, melting into her embrace as the next firework went off. Pixal forced herself to watch it, hearing the ninja cheer from below at the lights. "Perhaps it is not a threat," Pixal mumbled, looking at Harumi. Her gaze filled with pride. Harumi planted a soft kiss on Pixal's head before resting her cheek on top of the droid's head. "Thank you Pix." Harumi mumbled. Pixal looked confused, "For?" she questioned "For giving me a second chance." Harumi clarified, her cheeks heating up, "Nobody believed in me but you did." she continued Pixal felt her cheeks heat, and her facial circuits felt hot. "I know I tell you this a lot and I sound like a broken record, but. Pixal I mean it my life is amazing and I love you." Harumi finished looking at Pixal. Pixal got up, causing Harumi to look panicked. Before she could speak, Pixal sat down, facing Harumi, "I love you too." Pixal said. Those three words made Harumi's heart flutter, her cheeks heating up more. Pixal leaned close, pressing her soft silver lips against Harumi's, claiming her lips in a gentle yet love-filled kiss. Another firework went off in the background, but Pixal wasn't afraid. She had Harumi, and that was all that mattered now.
For the Public By the Public
by thelisteningwriter
Last post
September 18th
...See more I'm going to use this space here to keep a journal that will be as generic as possible. It'll have me unsuccessfully hiding in full view. You're welcome to read and comment. That's exactly the intention. 
A Funny Little Poem
by Aparnathelastminion
Last post
September 16th
...See more My little brother is a total nincompoop, Taps my nose with a squeaky "boop!" So, I returned the favor, And booped back his sniffer, But, then he sniffed out a nasty gloop.
Writer block
by Roecho
Last post
September 15th
...See more I'm soo stuck because of studying I haven't written anything! I want to write but I have too much on me That I can't 
Remember the app that would allow you to create your character in AI?
by 19Rin22
Last post
August 17th
...See more Hey, all! I hope your day is peaceful. I'm wondering if anyone can help me out! Years ago, I found an app that allowed me to create "faces" through AI generated features. I actually created all of my characters of my first novel with this app. Now, I'm working on my second novel and I can't for the live of me, remember what that app is called! I looked it up, and there were apps that were somewhat similar, but not the same.  If anyone has used a similar app that really portrays their characters features, let me know, because its eating me alive that I can't find the same app that i used! Thanks, have a great day, friends!! 
How Could I Lose? (feat. Lav)
by DingusOlivia
Last post
August 12th
...See more All my days have been so long But I just wanna be gone I feel like time is killing me And I can't let this be And anyway I'll just die But I just wanna cry Nothing's left to do How will I live without you? Every day been waking up, I'm unsteady Looking round in my room, I'm sweaty Wandering around, thinking what's the use Wondering a round, thinking how could I lose When I'm in my room, words just keep circulating Never understanding it's meaning, what I'm feeling What I try to portray in each line What I cry to convey in a heart that used to be mine And sometimes I don't know what to do Cause everywhere I look I just see you You're what any man would want too All my days have been so long But I just wanna be gone I feel like time is killing me And I can't let this be And anyway I'll just die But I just wanna cry Nothing's left to do How will I live without you? Spying into the eyes of a syren Whining waters in thee's soul If you could catch the moon with a giant Who you would match for the recall And how could God make us so weak-ah? Looking down on everyone Oh and why would you just speak out? Booking down on everyone? And how would this better, if life didn't shed up? The chorus is supposed to be sang instead of rapped... The verses are actually rapped by my and chorus sung by Lav @SyriusSystem @peacefulpurple08

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