What's one thing most people don't know about you?
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What's one thing most people don't know about you? I pick at my skin 20-60 minutes a day but I am working to stop it!!
Comment some so I don't look crazy! :P
Stay Sassy
That I can hide my emotions very well.
My insides
I care about people way too much, and even the slightest thing which goes wrong makes me terribly upset.
I want to be taken care of. I want to be a child forever.
Here is something silly. Whenever I try to journal my cat always sits on my paper and tries to force me to pet her.
That I have been hit by lightning
That I am terrified all the time, but cover it with a smile.
I daydream choreography
That i'm not really confident, I second third and 4th guess myself all the time
I suffer from mild physical tics. It's not Tourettes, but along those lines. I try to hide it so i dont loose friends and my job. Sometimes I have to pull over and just let it happen. It's scary, but it's not bad enough to share with anyone. when anxiety level is really high i have it bad. Especially at night or in my car.