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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕

Hit send, then hit a tree

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

Tina fears she becomes fat bitch

lazyKatz August 9th, 2019

One thinks Tinas tongue Needs Removing!

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

@lazyKatz back to dark ages torture

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

@lazyKatz it's not so hard at all, a report, flag, or a frown from the "ambassador" and poof gone is my account banned, everyone happy again and breathing releaved :), so simple amd fun. I imagine the satisfaction of those who press the verdict button: banned! Bang! :)))

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

Tina removes her own poisonous tongue

lazyKatz August 9th, 2019

Be Careful No Trouble Wanted Here

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

@lazyKatz really? What if I make some?

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

@lazyKatz were you always so scared your whole life, no backbone, no fight in you? Yes I told you I loved you, yes I told you I would battle everyone and win and I did it. Yes, no obsessed stalker, just true love that prevails.

Even from the begining it hurt me how scared you were. You were scared of mean people in chats, you were scared of 7cups bureaucracy, bottomline you were a scared cat, scared from everyrhing. I wanted to show you that things could be different, that no matter how much you are threatened or attacked you can always prevail on your own. Yes kindred spirits, some day when it will be too late 7cups will allow us to exchange contact information. Sometime I wish you will get your narrow boat. I have the money for it but where can I find @lazyKatz to maube start a new life of what is left...I am stronger because my intentions and core are good, I could always defend and fend for myself and my loved ones. Bit by bit you got to know me i grew to know you. They say time is money but no, time it is never money, time is just life and it's just bloody ticking every single day...think for once in your life...thinkand feel and do not be so afraid...


Dawn04 August 12th, 2019

@floreral67 Leave people alone!

integrityblues August 12th, 2019


Yeah, this got ugly really fast!

Dawn04 August 12th, 2019

@integrityblues Not the first name this person has used here.

integrityblues August 12th, 2019


Well, thanks for the heads up!

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

@lazyKatz never cared for warnings or threats...let others be afraid, not me, not ever...

floreral67 August 9th, 2019

Tina wants some trouble right here

integrityblues August 10th, 2019

The fruits spoiled before pancake day.

Dawn04 August 12th, 2019

Some people never get the hint.

Dawn04 August 12th, 2019

Dehydration set in far from water.

integrityblues August 12th, 2019

Some people just won't get help.

integrityblues August 12th, 2019

Cramps but no chocolate at home.

tidyJar6514 August 12th, 2019

My soul left with him, Forever.

integrityblues August 12th, 2019

Made progress but the game froze.

eternalWhisper22 August 13th, 2019

I hate this ahaha @integrityblues

inventivePear2015 August 13th, 2019

Her father lived and died alone.

venusrising06 August 13th, 2019

It's not like anyone needs me.

integrityblues August 13th, 2019

Scrimping and saving just isn't enough.

integrityblues August 13th, 2019

Mom loves me but doesn't understand.

lazyKatz August 13th, 2019

Lack Of Understanding Leads to indifferences

eternalWhisper22 August 13th, 2019

I wish i didn

integrityblues August 13th, 2019

Kissing frogs only leads to warts.

Dawn04 August 14th, 2019

You can never try again yesterday.

lazyKatz August 14th, 2019

Am I wrong continuing to trust

integrityblues August 14th, 2019

The number of jerks keeps multiplying.

Dawn04 August 14th, 2019

Aware the thief could always return.

integrityblues August 14th, 2019

Stay awake staring at the ceiling.

rollinstoneb August 15th, 2019

feeling melancholic when you are happy

integrityblues August 15th, 2019

Ordering pizza for dinner all week.

KristaMelena August 15th, 2019

We play games but storries happen.

Dawn04 August 15th, 2019

Stomach rumbles, fridge and cabinets empty.

lazyKatz August 15th, 2019

No Food Left....A Scary Thought!

integrityblues August 15th, 2019

Tighten your budget and your belt.