Write a sad story in 6 words...
NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.
I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕
Hit send, then hit a tree
She was alone now, and forevermore.
My parents were happy, Until me..
@PeacefulHug92 - I did read the instructions ..... "A sad story in six words."
That's very sad. Yes, I thought so.
Ah, here's a shorter one! "A library book returned. Unfinished." (tears) haha, okay no tears, but this has happened to/for me several times - is not very fun! ~ Platy
I am a deeply flawed individual
That goes under the lies section because you have flaws like everyone else. Embrace it! It makes you, ypu!
he's dead, there isn't a casket.
your reason to live already left.
You won't even know I'm gone.
No more tears left to cry.
The world was beautiful that time.
They are lost, and completely alone.
Your body healed- your mind shattered