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Looking for underground, taboo, or controversial book suggestions. (POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING)

buttonfire1234 March 31st, 2022

I've recently found myself strangely fascinated by books on the darker side of things. I like books that might be considered shocking or strange. Any crazy book is welcome in this thread. Please put trigger warnings in your post to help prevent someone researching the book being triggered by the contents.

RarelyCharlie April 6th, 2022

@buttonfire1234 If you simply search the Internet for banned books you'll find there are many lists of them. For example, here's a list compiled by the American Library Association: Top 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books: 2010-2019

Authors who have shocking or strange ideas very often disguise them as fiction, of course, so you'll miss a lot if you restrict your search to nonfiction. And publishers who find their books are banned very often produce censored editions, so that you might have to search for original editions.


AvyIsKing June 7th, 2022

Hello! I've actually read banned books, and well I have a couple options for you.

The I hunt killers series. It's very strange and crazy . But I do have to do a trigger warning because well jts a murder series and it deals alot with murder and serial killers and its gross but insane. But it very violent and I would not recommend it before sleep, becuase 1 you get roped in, and 2 it's disturbing.

And the only other crazy book I'd recommend is surrender your sons.

This one needs a trigger warning as well. There is actually a warning ish in the beginning of the book. It's about conversion therapy and there is talk of the "s" word( the authors words not mine) and it's got alot of everything and I'm not great either trigger warnings

But both books( the first is a trilogy) are amazing. I could not put either down.

Let me know if you find any gross books in your search that are worth the read. Also let me know if you like those books.

slowdecline48 August 30th, 2022

The Unabomber Manifesto is a shoo-in for your list. It was written by Ted Kaczynski, of course. TW because of one line in the book.

slowdecline48 August 30th, 2022

Obviously this list has triggering subject matter; proceed cautiously, folks.

Other suggestions:

  • Pimp - Iceberg Slim. Slim's autobiography.
  • Hitler's Second Book - Gerhard L. Weinberg, ed. Yes, it was written by the Holocaust mastermind himself, but unpublished until fairly recently.
  • All Rivers Run to the Sea - Elie Wiesel. The famous death camp survivor...same guy who wrote Night & Dawn. (Many things written about the Holocaust would qualify as "controversial")
  • No Uncle Sam: The Forgotten of Bataan - Tony Bilek. The author was in the infamous Bataan Death March. Graphic descriptions of starvation, disease, casualties.
  • The Bell Curve - Charles Murray & Richard Herrnstein. One of the most controversial books of the 20th century; it is still controversial today. It has been widely maligned & censured for supposedly perpetrating racist stereotypes in relation to human intelligence. The reputation is undeserved; you'll find out if you read it. A basic familiarity with statistics is advised but if you haven't tackled higher mathematics, don't worry about it.
Lockhart August 30th, 2022


I recommend a book called A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oë (ISBN-13 9780802150615). It's a very interesting book about a man navigating deeply-rooted psychological troubles and their impacts on his relationships with others. Possible triggers in this book include graphic sexual content, alcoholism, trauma, and the concept of abortion. If I remember correctly, there's also some strong language throughout. It's a dark and sometimes disturbing book, but it's a very good read that'll keep you thinking.

Another recommendation that comes to mind is Stephen King's Carrie. If you've seen or heard of the movies, you know that this is not a happy story. I've heard it's been on multiple banned book lists for the language, sexual content, and graphic violence involved (most of Stephen King's novels contain these things). Other plot elements of Carrie that could be triggering are bullying and parental abuse. It's a story that really drives home the meaning of "The Golden Rule."

LisaGabby December 10th, 2022


read verity by colleen hoover that book was confusing as ***. i was terrified reading that coz i read it at midnight with my windows open it literallygave me goosebumps

slowdecline48 December 11th, 2022

@buttonfire1234 More books for you:

Apocalypse Culture (it's a bit dated but involves an interview with a necrophiliac & writing by a schizophrenic, among other things)

Future Primitive Revisited, by John Zerzan (If you can get past his pretentiously polysyllabic prose, Zerzan is mildly interesting. Writings by anarcho-primitivists)

S*x and Rockets (about Jack Parsons, the rocketeer & occultist who died under mysterious circumstances)