Food for soul. [TW]
I will be sharing my writings here, quotes and poems. Some content might talk about Suicide and desth with graphic references. I will mark such posts at the start of posting it, so that any reader doesnt get triggered.
Salvador Dalí
Hay un cierto placer en la locura, que solo el loco conoce.
There s a certain pleasure in madness that only the madman knows.
Gabriel García Márquez
En realidad las cosas verdaderamente difíciles son todo lo que la gente cree poder hacer a cada momento.
In reality, things that are truly difficult are those that people believe they can do at any time.
Ernesto Sábato
La noche es la mejor representación de la infinitud del universo. Nos hace creer que nada tiene principio y nada, fin.
Night-time is the best indication of the infinity of the universe. It makes us believe that nothing has beginning or end.
Carlos Fuentes
Se escribe para llenar vacíos, para tomarse desquites contra la realidad, contra las circunstancias.
One writes to fill emptiness, to take revenge against reality, against circumstances
Mario Vargas Llosa
El que busca la verdad corre el riesgo de encontrarla.
Who searches for truth runs the risk of finding it.
Isabel Allende
Si sólo hablásemos cuando tenemos algo que decir, el uso del lenguaje desaparecería en dos generaciones.
If we were to speak only when we have something to say, the use of language would disappear in two generations.