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Food for soul. [TW]

Rivelino3 October 7th, 2019

I will be sharing my writings here, quotes and poems. Some content might talk about Suicide and desth with graphic references. I will mark such posts at the start of posting it, so that any reader doesnt get triggered.

Rivelino3 OP December 22nd, 2019

Paul Graham

Untitled #38, Woman on Sidewalk, New York, 2002


Rivelino3 OP December 22nd, 2019

Todo lo que puede ser imaginado es real

Everything that can be imagined is real

- Pablo Picasso

Rivelino3 OP December 22nd, 2019

Colin Self

The London Train (Late Night at Norwich (Thorpe) Station), 26 January 1984


Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

John William Waterhouse

The Lady of Shalott


Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

Akram Zaatari

A girl and her brother. Studio Shehrazade, Saida, Lebanon, 1960s. Hashem el Madani


(Removed by @River for being inappropriate)

Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

Never judging is impossible, so judge, judge everyone to be human and understand that no one is inherently bad or good. Judge them to be human, who do their best all the time, who are doing all they can, who dont control who they are or what they do or even what they become, because in this world I believe we cant choose what happens to us and makes us who we are and also the reactions we give and the variations of the reactions we contain, so the belief of having free will is absurd to me. We all can be anyone if we have the exact same circumstances and qualities as they do, we could become great or criminal, we can be anything or nothing.

When we judge others, we are judging ourselves in a sense that we are setting some standards for ourselves which we also all too often arent able to meet. So its an important part of my mental formation to not judge anyone too unkindly, because we all in the end are human and just doing all we can, even if its the most unkind of acts. So, by not judging unkindly, I send kindness my own way. Same goes for what we say to others, its in a way a reflection of what we say to ourselves.

Some people may see it as "giving up" control. the belief I have that we dont control anything we do or that happens to us. I couldn't see it as more wrong, because you cant give up what you never had. Its an acceptance, of being human and powerless, weak, pregnable and at the mercy of nature and the universe. Its an acceptance for me of the reality of this world, or at least the reality I believe it to be and one that makes most sense to me.
It makes sense to me, helps me be a more peaceful, kinder and understanding and wiser human.

Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

William Stott of Oldham

Le Passeur (The Ferryman)


Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

Pablo Neruda

Es tan corto el amor y tan largo el olvido

Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Seamos realistas y hagamos lo imposible.

Rivelino3 OP December 23rd, 2019

Akram Zaatari

Palestinian girl writing a letter to her lover. Studio Shehrazade, Saida, Lebanon, 1950s. Hashem el Madani